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RE: At The Lake: Ducks, Geese, And Random British Dudes!
The lake is beautiful and I'm happy that you live close enough to visit when you need a recharge!
His pitbull is completely ADORABLE (though I feel bad that she's drinking that water 🤢). She's just having a blast getting wet and playing! And what a sweet face! 😍 (Bet you left with a smile on yours that day! 😉)
The goose gliding along the top of the water is magnificent to watch and I keep going back to it.
And, finally!! Ducks!! (With geese even!!) I've been looking forward to them! tip! After the kind of day that I had, I needed to see something like this. 🤗 Thank you!!!
Thank you. I'm going to have to post the actual video footage. These gifs suck for quality. Although, they're great for a laugh. (see above)
And, yes, the lake has come a long way but I'm still not sure...