Dog History
Dogs and Humans How a relationship began - Dr. Stanley Coren - we'll likely never have conclusive evidence to inform us how dogs and people first formed their private and working relationship together, but it is more than likely true that man didn't initially choose dog, instead dogs chose man. Dogs were probably attracted to human camps because people such as puppies were hunters, and animal remains, such as bones, pieces of skin, in addition to other bits of offal from the victims of newest hunts, were likely to be sprinkled around human campsites. The ancestors of todays dogs learned by hanging around mans habitations, they can catch a fast bite to eat now and then, with the effort involved with real hunting.
Though primitive man may not have been really worried with cleanness, health issues or sanitation, it is true that rotting food things does odor, and brings insects that will make humans uneasy. Therefore it is likely that dogs were originally hauled across the perimeter of camps only because they'd eliminate the garbage. This waste disposal function continued for hundreds of centuries and remains being fulfilled by the pariah puppies in several less developed areas of the world. Anthropologists studying primitive tribes from the South Pacific have discovered that on these islands where people maintain dogs, the settlements and villages are more permanent.
Villages without puppies have to move every year or so only to escape of the environmental contamination caused by sterile refuse. This has even led to of the suggestion that puppies can have been a very important element in the formation of permanent cities from that bygone era before we discovered the importance of public sanitation. After the wild dogs that would eventually become puppies were attracted to individual settlements, our ancestors discovered an additional benefit. Remember early people lived in dangerous times .There were big animals round which looked on humans as possible sources of fresh meat .There were also other bands of people with hostile intentions.
Since the canines around the village started to look upon of the area as their territory, whenever a strange individual or wild beast approached, the puppies would sound the alarm. This would alert of the residents in time to rally some kind of defense if needed. So long as dogs were present, the individual guards didn't need to be more as vigilant, thus allowing a better rest and a better lifestyle. It can take only a short trip to get in dogs guarding the village to a private house dog. Humans now knew that dogs could sound the alarm if their land was vaccinated. Suppose that this idea was taken a step further.