Animal photography. Two squirrels
Today I am happy, my friends, because for the first time I was able to photograph a close squirrel, and not one, but two! I photographed a squirrel earlier, but mostly on a smartphone or very far. And this was for the first time so fortunate to me, these two squirrels happened to me in one of the Lviv parks, through which I passed. I had a camera with me, because today there was finally good weather after a few gray and rainy days and I wanted to do some photos while there were still a few leaves on the trees. So enjoy watching!
Сьогодні я щасливий, мої друзі, адже мені вперше вдалося сфотографувати зблизька білку, і не одну, а одразу дві! Я вже раніше фотографував білок, але переважно на смартфон або дуже далеко. А це мені вперше так пощастило, ці дві білочки мені трапилися в одному із львівських парків, через які я проходив. Я мав з собою фотоапарат, бо сьогодні нарешті настала хороша погода після декількох похмурих і дощових днів і я хотів зробити трохи фотографій, поки на деревах ще залишилося трохи листя. Отож, приємного перегляду!
Olympus PEN E-PL7 (manual lans Helios 44-2), iso-1250, 1/100
Olympus PEN E-PL7 (manual lans Helios 44-2), iso-1250, 1/100
Olympus PEN E-PL7 (manual lans Helios 44-2), iso-1250, 1/100
Monday: foodphotography and animalphotography
Tuesday: landscapephotography and cityscapephotography
Wednesday: architecturalphotography and vehiclephotography
Thursday: macrophotography and colourfulphotography
Friday: streetphotography and portraitphotography
Saturday: sportsphotography and smartphonephotography
Sunday: goldenhourphotography and longexposurephotography
Beautiful shots, @yetaras, they are so shy. I have got one too a while ago...

Lovely :)
Thank you :)
Молодець чудові фото! Не просто білочка ,а шей з горішком в зубах!)
так, дякую)
Wow, it's not simple to take photo of squirrel, but these are fantastic!!!
thanks a lot!
Nice one! Difficult to catch on camera, these, shy and fast.
yes, but today I'm lucky :)))
Wow, they are so cute! You were lucky to cath them. @melinda010100, you see this? :)
Thank you, I really was lucky))
I love how red they are! Very cute indeed!
Thank you Melinda!
hehehe) very nice