What's your Super Power
Growing up I loved comic books and to some extent I still do. I read X-Men, X-Force and Deadpool but wasn't a big Avengers guy. Everyone in those books had incredible powers of some sort both for good and evil.
In the real world we don't see those types of things all that often but there are certain animals in this world that when I think about it they must in some way inspired the great story tellers in comic books.
The chameleon has to be one of those, the ability to change its skin tones to blend in to its surroundings, its specialized toes to not only grip branches but stick to them as well, its prehensile tail and of course its eyes. Their eyes move independently from each other so that this little creature can see almost 360 degrees.
Amazing, I love nature and the creatures within.
Thanks for reading.
For more images and stories - http://www.scottstevensonphotography.ca/
Oh this is fantastic, mostly to know someone else's brain works sort of like mine... I used to ask every person I met that I felt could be my friend what their chose superpower set would be, it tells me a lot about a person.
My choice set was Gecko Super Powers ;)
Dang he looks so cool!!! He’s living life as a rainbow 🌈
Well it's certainly one of the most amazing animal in the world. Or Mr Rainbow we can say.
try this one
It's so colorful. Just beautiful!!!
try this one
Pretty awesome creatures (and great photo, as usual.) If only humans could so easily adjust tones according to our surroundings and preference. Alas, our forever shifting moods are less easy to recognize, colorful as they may be. We must rely on so much more than our eyes to discern what another is thinking/feeling. Unless...you're like me – emotionally transparent and easily read.
Here's another superhero creature – the cicada. These guys live as 'underground nymphs' for most of their lives, then emerge, shed their small exoskeletons to reveal these ornate bodies and sing their hearts out until they attract a mate.
According to wikipedia – 'Cicadas have been featured in literature since the time of Homer's Iliad, and as motifs in art from the Chinese Shang dynasty. They have been used in myths and folklore to represent carefree living and immortality.'
Nature is the most beautiful thing to ever happen to man.
Evolution is amazing maybe we will have powers one day. I really like the perspective you captured. The whole photo flows with the anatomy of the chameleon.
Well to be fair, animals have not inspired only superheroes, but also many inovations.
la combinación de los colores del camaleón y su capacidad de cambiarlos en maravilloso...
It almost looks unreal. Nature is indeed a god-given gift. We need to preserve this for the humans to come.
Like that chameleon, I'd like the ability to blend with my surroundings so that nobody can notice me, especially other people :)