Following the cats...

Remember my last #animalphotography cat? At the same time walk we found another one. When I tried to get closer he kept on runinning away till we found a bowl with the cat food! Yeah there is someone living in there who puts some food for the cats so they won't be hungry! :)

So when he found his meal he stopped running. Yeah I had couple minutes to get a shot (sorry cat I didn't want to disturb your dinner). So Steemians tell me... HOW WOULD YOU NAME HIM? :)



i had lots of cats, in one period last year we had 9, so lately we name them by the color :) so this would be Žućo :)

damn 9 cats... it's quite a lot :D and what does Žućo means? (google translator doesn't want to help me with translation)

they were kinda ours, roaming around and always on time to ask for food :)
Žuto means yellow, so Žućo would be yellowy :) żółtko or something like that :D

is this film? what lens is that?

żółtko is the yolk of egg :D yellow is żółty :D and I would say this cat is more hm ginger/orange :D

and it is sony a6500 + sony 50mm 1.8 :D

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