No es bueno tener los animales encerrados como espectaculo, a nadie le gustaria estar privado de su libertad y ser un espectaculo para otros, a pesar de esto me gustaria que todos nos dieramos cuenta de que el mundo es tan grande y diverso, nosotros no somos los unicos seres vivos y por ende debemos respetar a los demas, sin contar que nuestro planeta es uno solo y debemos cuidarlo como un ser vivo mas ya que si este explota, deja de dar vida o algo parecido, nosotros dejariamos de existir.
It is not good to have the animals locked up as a spectacle, nobody would like to be deprived of their freedom and be a spectacle for others, despite this I would like for all of us to realize that the world is so big and diverse, we are not the only living beings and therefore we must respect others, not to mention that our planet is one and we must take care of it as a living being more because if it explodes, stops giving life or something similar, we would cease to exist.