How to Breed Your Own Livefoods for Pet Reptiles

in #animal7 years ago (edited)

Why Breed Live Food?

The costs of breeding live food might turn any reptile owner to breeding their own live food to cut down the costs of keeping their pets. Few focus on the fact that they will also be able to give their reptiles’ higher quality feeder insects.

Breeding your own insects as live food is fun and easy to do. With just a few items you can start your breeding colonies of live food that will end up saving you $100s on live food bills.

Supplies Needed for Breeding Live Food

Breeding your live food is very cheap. Most of the items you need to start your breeding colonies can, in most cases, be found in your house. To breed your own live food you will need a storage box to keep them in. In most situations you will not even need a substrate. Breeding colonies will benefit from a source of heat such as a heat mat however, this is not a requirement.

Easiest Live Food to Breed for Reptiles

Most of the live food your buy online or from your pet store can easily bred at home. There is no reason why you should pay so much for live food when you can easily have your own regular supply with little effort.

Some of the easiest live foods to breed for reptiles are:

Dubia Cockroaches
Super Worms
Wax Moth Larvae
Once you have set up your breeding colony they will require little care and only some regular maintenance in their tank. You will soon be harvesting your own live food for your pet reptiles.

Breeding Your Own Live Food

If you would like to know more about how to breed your own live food. The eBook Breeding Your Own Live Food is available. In it, you will learn how to keep and breed crickets, mealworms, dubia roaches, locusts, black soldier fly, wax moth larvae and more.

There is also a chapter on how you can make money from selling your surplus feeder insects and why breeding insects could become very lucrative in the future.

Pick up a copy and start saving money on your pet’s food bills.


I ate crickets in Vietnam. They actually make very nutritious people food too. Upvote!

Thank you for the upvote. I ate some grasshoppers in China. Indeed, for cricket breeders, the human consumption market is going to be important in the future.

keep up dude ! :)

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