The Most Dangerous Bird in The World
The Most Dangerous Bird in The World
I think we all agreed that Ostrich is the largest living bird in the world. But the largest doesn't means the most dangerous. Because the most dangerous bird in the world is Cassowary Bird.

Cassowaries are flightless bird that are native to the tropical forest of New Guniea (Papua New Guinea and Indonesia) and Northeastern Australia. They just like a Turkey combined with Ostrich.
Cassowaries feed mainly on fruit, although all species are truly omnivorous and will take a range of other plant food, including shoots and grass seeds, in addition to fungi, invertebrates, and small vertebrates. Cassowaries are very shy, but when provoked they are capable of inflicting injuries, occasionally fatal, to dogs and people.
So, How can they be the most dangerous bird?

Cassowary has been named the world’s most dangerous bird in the Guinness Book of Records. because these shy birds can slice you into two pieces with a single fatal kick. Cassowary can run up to 50kph, it will chase you down so easily, they can also jump up to 1 meter height, and they also have 12cm long claws that make them easily rip you.
But They are not a Demon.
Cassowary will not attack for no reason. They are very territorial and defensive of their young. The main reason for attacking is self defence. Over 200 cassowary attacks are reported every year. 70% of attacks occur due to people trying to get up close to the cassowary, wanting to feed them, causing the cassowary to feel threatened.

Well, that's a little about The Most Dangerous Bird, Cassowary. And if you want to know more about animal world just follow @Animal-Life and you will get your daily interested fact and news about animal from all around the world.