The Anger Phase of Humanity

in #anger8 years ago

The governments of the world will become more aggressive in their

attempts to sustain the unsustainable. Initially, this will start out as

more economic intervention into the economy — with bailouts and

stimulus. Then they will resort to capital controls and perhaps

confiscating retirement accounts. They will want to put your money

into "safe" Treasury Bonds that the rest of the world no longer wants

to buy (because the currency that secures those bonds is losing value

every day). When soft economic tyranny is proven to be ineffective,

they may try to start a war to divert the blame of the collapse onto an

outside threat like Iran or China. Or they may step up domestic

tyranny by limiting speech, travel, or purchases.

Over time, the more the U.S. and other governments of the world try

to control the economy, the more it will lose control. Without a

functioning currency and/or the destruction of people's savings, the

governments will cease to function. Local law enforcement officers

will be far more concerned about protecting their own families rather

than their jobs which no longer pays them and for which their

retirement savings are worth nothing. National guard members will

find themselves sympathizing with the desperate people they are sent

to control. As seen in the collapse of the Soviet Union, soldiers will be

left abandoned overseas as the gears of finance and control grind to a


The anti-Hegemon nations will be dramatically affected, but far less

than those nations totally dependent upon the Dollar. The anti-

Hegemon nations have massive amounts of gold, manufacturing,

resources, and markets. The U.S. will be on the outside looking in,

unable to manage their own affairs, much less than a world in

economic or military crisis.

What happens at the personal level will be magnified by what's

happening at the community and nation level. People will try to come

to the terms with the fact that they have no real wealth, friends or

skills. They will naturally want to put blame onto someone else. They

will attack the politicians, CEO and bankers. Once they have burned

those to the ground, they will turn on each other. This is what

happened in the past during the French Revolution as it devolved into

the Reign of Terror.

It will be you against your brother… It will be your brother and you,

against your neighbor… It will be your neighbors and you against

everyone else. The result will be a release of anger and destructive

behavior the likes of which we have never seen. Desperate local

crimes, food riots, looting and pillaging, separatist movements, civil

wars and global resource wars.

Ultimately, our system works out of loyalty to the Dollar and not

some overarching loyalty to a political or religious ideology. That's

why, when the faith in the Dollar is destroyed, so too will be the

ability for the government and the markets to function.

Any equipment or food the government has stockpiled will either be

looted or sold to the highest bidder. For example, consider the TSA or

FEMA camps. The people running these programs are desperate and

just looking for a job just to make ends meet. I would be fearful if we

had some ideologically crazed young people asserting their

dominance over others, but that is simply not the case. Instead, these

program workers think they are helping keep people safe and are

simply filling the only jobs that are available.

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 ( Check out this New mini-documentary from Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, exposing the  coming collapse of the fragile monetary system built on endless debt and  propaganda. )

When the faith in the Dollar is destroyed, the honorable men in law

enforcement will not follow unlawful orders and will most likely put

down anyone that would threaten their lives or honor. It's one thing

to get Americans to attack brown people, halfway around the world

with a different language and religion, but entirely something else to

get that powerful military to turn onto its own people — people who

are friends and neighbors.

These folks we know are not happy at all, Many of these men and women of the US military have served for a long time . These veterans are broken and destroyed from within, We have seen these veterans of war have been deployed multiple times to fight for a war that makes no sense or shall i say no real purpose. We are seeing veterans committing suicide everyday , to the tune of 22 deaths per day, you can imagine almost every hour of our day,a veteran has taken his/her life. Other than those who have taken their lives , we have hundreds or thousands of people who are disabled,depressed as well as homeless. Almost 25 percent of the homeless population in the United States is a military veteran.

Finally, the U.S. contains tens of millions of guns held by people who are much more aware than the hundreds of million of peasants that died from Democide. Look at where governments murdered millions of people; these people were disarmed and ignorant of the world. However, U.S. citizens, despite their ignorance of how the world works, know they have the right and means to defend themselves and their families against any threat that may present itself on their doorsteps.

Power will devolve down to the most local and responsive level. This will mean many things to many different people, but essentially this means the collapse will not be felt equally, everywhere, or all at once. Those places that benefitted the most from the Dollar will be the worst places to live when it collapses. People in cities like New York, Miami, and Los Angeles will have their world rocked. Unable to deal with the loss of power, capital and food, major cities will first witness riots and inhuman acts. Those cities in the north with strong political

ties will bring about peace with a tyrannical police state. Those citizens will give up all freedoms for safety to the new boss.

Most urban areas will never recover; we will see hundreds of Detroits all over the world. The governments will break down, unable to complete the simplest of tasks. Good capital and good people will flee as personal and property rights are attacked. Left behind, the most desperate people will to try to survive in a very inhospitable

environment. Gangs will eventually become the most local and responsive level of power in those areas. They will manage their territories like a government — taking from those who want protection, while enriching those at the top.

Suburbs will fare far better than urban areas, but by no means will life be easy there. In fact, the inhumane violence in the urban areas will act as a wake up call for neighbors in the suburbs to rally together in protection of their homes. In the urban areas it may be every man for himself, but in the suburbs it will be every neighborhood for itself. Neighborhood watches and militias will spring up. Highway exits and

communities will be blocked or controlled, trying to stem the exodus from the urban areas.

Most of the real damage in the suburbs will be self-destructive behavior. Alcoholism, depression, and suicides will far exceed the overt violence of the urban areas. The most immediate problem will arise in the 1 in 10 Americans that are on powerful anti-depressant drugs. These people are having a difficult time dealing with the current reality; when the lights go off, too, they will not handle it very well. A very real fear is what happen when these people are no longer able to get their constant flow of powerful drugs. (Most of today's mass shootings and suicides are shown to be because of the homicidal and suicidal thoughts of people coming off these drugs far too fast.)


New mini-documentary from Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, exposing the coming collapse of the fragile monetary system built on endless debt and propaganda.

The good news is that the Anger phase will pass.

And my question for you is — do you make changes now while you still have options or later when the world is in chaos?

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