10 Ways to Treat Anemia at Home

in #anemia2 years ago

Anemia can be difficult to treat, since there are so many different causes and factors that can lead to it.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with anemia, here are 10 ways to treat anemia at home.

While some treatments will require a trip to the doctor, others can be done right in your own kitchen.

These 10 tips can also help you prevent anemia if you're at risk of developing it.

  1. Add more iron-rich foods to your diet
    If you have an iron deficiency, it is important that you take steps to increase your consumption of iron-rich foods.

The body needs sufficient amounts of iron in order for hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to your body's tissues, and myoglobin, a protein found within muscle cells that helps release oxygen into active muscles and carry carbon dioxide away from them.

And remember, it is not recommended to take more than 45 milligrams of iron per day without first consulting with a physician.

Here are some great ways to consume more iron-rich foods:

Lean meat
One or two servings of lean meat (like beef, pork or chicken) each day should provide approximately 10 milligrams of iron per serving.

You can also boost your intake by consuming organ meats like liver once or twice a week; they contain up to 5 times as much iron as muscle meats.

Vitamin C rich foods
Be sure to pair any high-iron meal with vitamin C rich foods like bell peppers, citrus fruits or tomatoes as vitamin C increases absorption rates by as much as sixfold!

Eggs also make for an excellent source of iron - just be sure to eat them along with another food source since eggs contain no fibre and will slow down digestion if eaten alone.

For example, try scrambling one egg along with half a cup of spinach for breakfast.

  1. Consume Vitamin C with Iron-Rich Foods
    Vitamin C aids in iron absorption, so adding some vitamin C-rich foods (like fruits and vegetables) will aid in overall absorption.

For example, sweet potatoes are a particularly good source of both.

And don't forget about vitamin C-rich foods like bell peppers, broccoli, strawberries and citrus fruits (oranges and kiwis).

Also, keep your intake of fish high; they're rich in zinc-which also plays a role in fighting anemia.

Have lunch or dinner with a glass of orange juice (one small glass contains more than 200 percent of the daily recommended intake).

Boost Your Iron Intake: Adding whole grains is another way to help fight anemia because whole grains contain ferritin-the body's main storage form of iron.

  1. Drinking lemon juice helps the absorption of iron
    If you're dealing with anemia or iron deficiency, adding lemon juice to your diet can help boost your absorption of iron by up to 30%.

Eat more iron-rich foods: The richest sources of iron are red meat, organ meats and poultry.

Spinach, beets and other green leafy vegetables are also good for boosting your intake of non-heme iron.

Consume vitamin C: Vitamin C increases non-heme iron absorption. Some good food sources include lemons, citrus fruits (like oranges), berries and bell peppers.

Consume vitamin B6: Like vitamin C, vitamin B6 helps boost your body's ability to absorb heme and non-heme iron - but only when consumed with a meal containing plenty of heme iron.

  1. Aloe Vera Juice also helps with Absorption
    A small-scale study by Rutgers University found that consuming aloe vera juice reduced hemoglobin A1C, a marker of blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 diabetes.

The aloe helped improve glucose absorption, an important first step in preventing anemia.

If you're wondering how much Aloe Vera Juice to drink for anemia, be sure to work with your doctor before incorporating any supplements into your treatment plan.

Keep in mind that it's best for diabetics to consume food sources of beta-carotene rather than pills or supplements, as some natural sources can affect glucose control and other medications.

Consult with your health care team before trying new treatments or altering existing ones.

  1. Eat less Red Meat
    Beef, pork and other red meats are some of the richest sources of iron available-and if you have anemia, you need that iron.

However, eating too much red meat can actually cause a deficiency in zinc (also necessary for healthy blood cells), so balance out your meals with plenty of non-meat sources like tofu, tempeh and legumes.

Also important: Vitamin C (found in citrus fruits) helps with absorption.

Since iron is bulky, add foods rich in vitamin C to your plate to make sure you're absorbing as much of it as possible.

  1. Avoid intake of tea, coffee, chocolate and wine
    These are very rich in tannins which act as iron-chelating substances, thereby depleting iron levels further.

Avoid intake of iron supplementation: If you need an iron supplement, ensure that it is chelated. Iron supplements available in stores are not chelated and can cause diarrhoea and constipation.

Ferrous sulphate or ferrous fumarate should be taken under proper medical supervision only.

Stay away from phytates: Phytates present in cereals, bread and legumes have been shown to inhibit the absorption of non-heme dietary iron when consumed along with other sources of dietary iron.

  1. Exercising helps stimulate red blood cell production
    Exercise is a great way to stimulate red blood cell production. It's important that you stick with aerobic exercises, such as running or cycling.

Resistance training can help strengthen muscles, but it's not a good idea if you have anemia because it puts stress on your bones.

If you do decide to work out while anemic, be sure to talk with your doctor first and follow their recommendations closely.

Make sure not to overdo it - an extra sore muscle isn't worth risking your health when you're already low on red blood cells!

  1. Reduce stress levels
    Chronic stress is a real villain when it comes to anemia.

Whether you're aware of it or not, your body releases hormones in response to stress that reduces red blood cell production.

In addition, people who tend to be stressed out generally have higher levels of cortisol, which can also reduce red blood cell count by decreasing bone marrow output.

There are several ways you can reduce your chronic stress levels:

See a therapist
Join a gym
Eat a healthier diet
Spend time with friends and family.
You may even find it helpful to try combining all of these methods for maximum effect.

But remember-the key here is consistency. The only way to treat anemia effectively through lifestyle changes is to make sure those changes become part of your everyday routine.

If you're going to make exercise a part of your life, do it every day for 30 minutes (or more).

If meditation helps you relax, then make sure you do it every day for 10 minutes (or more) and so on. Only then will you begin seeing results.

  1. Get plenty of restful sleep
    When you don't get enough sleep, your immune system gets weakened and doesn't work as well.

Research shows that it takes less of an insult (pathogen) to make you sick when you don't get enough sleep.

You can also develop chronic fatigue since blood cells require rest in order to regenerate.

When they don't get that rest, they can die off which can cause anemia - a leading cause of fatigue in America.

Getting enough quality sleep will help keep your immune system strong and healthy, which is key for fighting off diseases like anemia.

According to Sleep Foundation, aim for 7-9 hours every night to give your body time to repair itself.

If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, consider some natural remedies such as lavender oil or chamomile tea.

  1. Take supplements
    You can't always get all of your vitamins from food, and for some conditions, like anemia, there are a few options.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC), you can try increasing your intake of foods high in certain nutrients or taking supplements that have those nutrients in them.

Try supplementing with vitamin B12 (found in meat and fish), folate (folic acid found in leafy greens and beans), or vitamins C and E (citrus fruits are good sources).

These vitamins help carry oxygen through your body's tissues.

UMMC also notes that iron deficiency could be causing your anemia; eating more iron-rich foods like meat, fish, nuts, beans, vegetables, bread, cereals and dried fruit can help.

Once you've found anemia treatments that work for you, stay committed.

Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise plan can keep your red blood cell count in line and prevent anemia from flaring up again.

If you find your hemoglobin levels declining or your symptoms worsening, consult with your doctor right away. Always take care of yourself first!


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