RE: The Charity Collector
An interesting side trip into Hemingway's history once again sheds new light. How do you do that? ..and thank you. I was only familiar with the old man and the sea, the 6 toed cats, and the whiskey bottles.
Shakopee is the flattening of a lemniscate, the deliberate removal of the 3rd dimension to let it crash into itself. But what if a fourth dimension or even a fifth would be added? How many dimensions are there, and when are there enough? Even a whale needs to surface after searching the deep blue for nourishment to take a few breaths of fresh air.
How many scars can you add when it already looks like a freshly plowed field? Everything seems infinitely divisible, but maybe it's time to add the seeds for the next harvest and forget to hold on to last year's drought.
What if the second dimension is something you might thank the crash for....?
Coming from a perspective of a colour steward.
I don't know about Hemmingway's 6 toed cat(s). My tri-colore had a thumb, though. More cats today it so happens (post). Of a slighty more elevated calibre, still.
They say we will be having a lot more drought. I guess it's time to learn how to desalinate.
I know how to desalinate using the light, what I need to learn is how to add the minerals to make it healthy to drink, only then will the seeds on my plowed field start to germinate and return the colors.
I used to feed a stray that lived behind a convenience store named Paws. She had 6 toes and was a Hemingway Cat. After learning about the Hemingway Cats from a woman that also fed strays I drove to Key West and before I knew it I had Hemingway Cats climbing all over me.
There also was a Korean war Vet living behind the store, in a box. We used to feed him too, and that's how we met Paws.
If I didn't know you better I would read your opening paragraph as Metaphysical Poem.
Apparently I have some phosporus to spare - not quite sure how much a cat man might need of it. Apparently, one can soon have too much of it. I wouldn't know : I just bear the light, with every flash in the pan. But there's a start to a whip-round.
Hope I answered all your other questions that came flying in as I was about to reply to this one. I had to look up whip-round, ...
Sure did. Have a micro cent for the answers.