in #andyhoffman7 years ago


yo andy
put your videos on Dtube
its hooked up to your steemit account
why not?

@Andyhoffman, I interview members of the Steemit community on my MSP Waves Radio show if you would ever be interested in chatting about your thoughts on Steem and Steemit!

andy, I'm Dave Matherly, I upload the shows for Peter Spina and Chris.
I spoke to chris waltzek at goldseek radio . com
he said you're always welcome to come back on the show
Chris is into crypto, would love to talk

The voluntaryist community for now is split into a BTC versus Bcash civil war. The former is about decentralization and sees the irony of a CEO of a coin sponsoring Anarchapulco. The latter seems to be swooning for bitcoin Judas because he claims to be a voluntaryist. However there are bitcoin developers who are voluntaryists. Jimmy Song is one. The use case (“low fees”) for Bcash is going away this year because of lightning. Bitcoin Judas is desperate. Interesting that several people announced they are boycotting Anarchapulco. Civil war or not, it does not make sense for decentralists to centralize in a location to declare they are decentralists! Bcash will fade after this year’s Anarchapulco.

Lol, there is no “civil war.” BCH has no supporters, or use case.

Seriously I know of a voluntaryist speaker who is paid by Bitcoin Judas. And (surprise!) promotes Bcash as if it is the cryptocurrency that true voluntaryists would own. I won’t mention his name. He is not as famous as Berwick, but of course Berwick shills BCH.

No supporters? None? No use case? That's not true. Don't get me wrong...I own BTC but BCH is alive and well so far.

People who want to decentralize everything to remove control systems shouldn't get together on vacation to meet each other face to face? I'm a voluntaryist, and I couldn't care less about any supposed conflict. Heck, I don't own either one, and I have no plans to own them either. I do own other crypto though, so I'm not against the idea.

you mean 'couldn't care less'
nobody gets that right

I blame the mead. ;-) Thanks for the correction!

I don't know what to believe any more. I know one thing though, I transferred some Bitcoin Cash from an exchange to my wallet and it cost me 1 cent and was instant. The other thing that confuses me is the lightening network. Is this something Satoshi would have approved? Very confused.

Does it matter if Satoshi would approve or not? More importantly, do you think Satoshi would not have made Bitcoin Core modifiable if he knew it could be improved upon? I doubt he expected a static technology.

I missed the first Bcash pump, but caught the second one and exchanged all my Bcash for BTC at the rate of 0.20 BTC.

I just don't get it your old colleague Bill Holter was interviewed by Sean at the SGTReport and he sounded like Chris Duane. According to Bill during the interview Bitcoin is all just 'Digital Air". I like metals @andyhoffman especially Silver but I must admit I think Bill is Locked into what I call the old STOCKHOLM Syndrome......I guess we will see if the Bitcoin Haters are ever correct.

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