The lost art of manuals
The ability to search for anything and get results from anyone. Has lead to a poor ethic of actually producing accurate documentation, in the a to z format. Working across multplie product and languages the seach bubble becomes confused. The amount of actual oiginal content deminishes, with more and more people trying to rewrite a HOT topic to lure people into there sphear of influance, intsead of leaving the original to shine on its own glory.
After learning the complexities of Andoid programming whilst being without the internet crossing the atlantic on a container ship, Those snapshots of docuentation become even morr apparent anc lacking. The introduction of a book created from the scrapped website really did highlight the problems of writing a webpage to accurately portray helpfulness, and the amount of correct words required to be hit for search. Skim reading through the android developer website online will drive you crazy after some time and you will be left wondering did i get everything or did i mitts something. Because how can you search for something you didn't know existed in the first place.
Thankfully for android and most Google based projects where the project is under a creative commons license there does exist a set of manuals that you can read through and know you've done a proper a to z check. Shone manuals are just around 100 pages but some are over 1000 pages. Highlighting the fact that you can skim through a 1000 page book in a relatively short period of time. Highlighting bits that require more attention. Reading 1000 webpages is just prohibitively slow and combersome.
For all those who are thinking about something, write your help pages as you create. Build something eithnpurpose.