ancient roman coins

in #ancient3 years ago

It was necessary to facilitate the internal and external trade movement by establishing a system of money, measures, weights, and scales, guaranteed by the state. Cattle remained until the fourth century BC as a means of exchange, because of its value to all people, and because it was easy to transport from one place to another. When the scope of trade expanded, pieces of copper, rough and unpolished, called aes (about 330 BC), were used. The English word estimate is derived from Aes timare (copper calendar). The unit used in straightening things was the AS (the one), and it weighed a pound of copper. When the state minted a copper coin around 335 BC, it was often imprinted on it with the image of a bull, a sheep, or a pig, hence the name pecunia ( of pecus any cattle). Pliny says that when the First Punic War broke out, "and the Republic did not find enough money to meet its needs, it reduced the weight of the myrtle to two ounces of copper, and in this way 5slash6 reduced its value, and succeeded in liquidating the public debt." As soon as the year 202 reached, the weight of the myrtle was reduced to one ounce, and then it was reduced in the year 87 to half an ounce, so that the state used this to finance the social war. In the year 269, two gold coins were minted, the first of which was a denarius, which was equal to ten aces, that is, the value of the Athenian drachma in its reduced Hellenic form, and the other, the stratios, which amounted to one and a half aces or a quarter of a denarius. In 217 the first Roman gold coin appeared - the aurei - and its value was twenty, forty or sixty stratius. As for the value of the metals contained in each piece of this coin, the value of the ace was 2slash100, the jacket 5slash100, and the denarius was 20slash100 of the US riyal. And since precious metals were much less nowadays, and their purchasing value for this reason was many times their value at present, we can, if we disregard the fluctuations in prices during the reign of Nero, calculate the Ace, Alsisterus and Talent (6000 denarius) in the era of the Roman Republic by 6slash100, 15slash100 60slash100, 3,600 US riyals, respectively, as the value of the riyal was in 1942.

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