Flying Machines in Ancient India? The Vedic Vimanas(Airplanes) ....Myth or Fact.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The ancient Sanskrit text that goes into so much thorough detail about these vimanas was not actually ancient? The text of the Vimanika Shastra is said to have been written in the early 20th century (approx. 1918 – 1923), a short time after the Wright brothers had shown the world that flight was a real possibility for mankind and not some Victorian novelist’s dream. On top of its contemporary dating, the Vimanika Shastra is also said to have been written or received by a form of divine inspiration called psychic channelling or automatic writing, a process which sounds very similar to how religious prophets claim to have received the words of god.
Psychic channeling allegedly involves a living person communicating with or being used by a spirit, demon, angel or god as a conduit to channel information from the spiritual plane to the physical plane. The occultist Aleister Crowley claimed to have written his famous work on the subject of magic, The Liber AL vel Legis (the Book of the Law – 1904) whilst under the guidance of a spiritual hand named Aiwass, which really gives a new meaning to the term “Ghost Writer” which is used by authors to describe anonymous assistants who help them to write their book