Identity and Veils of Deception

in #anarchy7 years ago


Front upon Front upon Front to create various perceptions in the accounting for the specifics of the Identity in Question. It's a layering process of creating various bits as these seperate things. Seperate from the initial thing....but very much operating in relationship with it. This is the rouse of the ponzi scheme happening.

Everyone is a part of it.

You can't not be a part of it.

That's the irony - we're all connected...yet we create systems of abuse as deliberate deception which encourage ourselves to fragment our identities to pieces of ourselves...

Being part of a corporate identity...your nation...your state....your family name....your money....the company corporation you work for and created.....layers and layers as ways to justify the bullshift of this "law and order" system of superior class and inferior class. It's really stupid.

If we think about identity for a moment as the simplest way possible:

Earth - Everything Here. The one place/space where everbody/everything is existing.

We can come up with various names and "places" within Earth...but it's all part of Earth.

The whole "identity" game works the same way. Things/businesses are created as their own identities. Countries function as "identitities"...ironically also as corporations....people the same like these franchises within franchises of the corporate country...which is in relationship to other corporate countries and states around the world.

It's a ponzi scheme of "identity". It's a really bad joke when we think about it.

It's this super layered "classification" system. A class system. The Corporation. The class isn't regarded in it's simplest it's made out to be this sort of "power play" with all sorts of "levels" of ascension within the's what creates great division and friction between the classmates. Logically making sense as 'non sense''s an energetic polarizing balance of picking a side of the coin. This side or that side. Inferior or Superior. That's the baseline game of identity bullshit.

Identity is so much so about fronting....and being "justified''s a point of's a point of "claim"'s this kind of bullshit game of "authority" where we have a legal structure in place to sort out "claims" ...forms of justified opinion...fronts for profit...made to be seperate from everything else.

It's pretty messed up.

I've thought about what a joke this world is in the way we've been creating "law and order".

  • Given a "legal" indentity after I'm born...depending on the country you live in... the legal identity process is more or less streamlined. This correlates with countries being more or less superior/inferior.

  • Based on the inferiority or superiority of your country you will have more or less right to move around on the earth. Different allowed to go here for this amount of time. Space time limits with the identity. Keeps the people complacent in "their space".

  • This legal identity is to be used in association to prove who I am. The fact that we require to "prove"...verify who we are is beyond stupid. We're at a point of logically make sense of the stupid. Simply being here is not enough....there needs to be some sort of "legal claim" as that other bodies of authority.....various forms of "gate keepers" can say "yes or no" to me moving around and participating - based on whether or not my "legal identity" is granted persmission from the gatekeeper identity requiring to validate/verify my identity.

  • Business thoughts - Ok - I'm going to turn everything i do into a seperate entity for profit. Only my strategy will be to not keep the profit in any one place....but to simply juggle the movements of everything i do so that there's no real accountability for my activity in terms of responsibility....where it's like no responsibility for anything because i am sheltered within the extensive nature of seperation within my coroporate structuring of seperate identities that all interoperate with one another. What a joke. The processes of "success" in taking "more"...knowing how to "manipulate" the "law and order" in favor of being a "superior" relative to the "inferior's"....not realizing the seperation of Self. It's like the nature of the "game" is to destroying the interconnectivity of ourselves together here as "One Life". (Sarcasm and hypothetical simulation is used in this paragraph - the layered coroporate structuring already exists as the chess game here...the zero sum mind mining body deception always policing control, manipulation and extortion.)

The abuse is automated and it is a process of stopping and changing the nature of our participation here.

The reality goes to the depth of our core - the points that are hardest to even admit to ourselves. We've become so conditioned to be decpetive mother fuckers.

  • The joke is ME. The joke is my Peers. The Joke is the scope of our ridiculous ways of organization and the baseline structure is in controlling accountability while at the same time encouraging the suppression of accountability. Responsibility is like this foreign thing of sorts...a foreign trust....not realizing "self-trust", "self-responsibility", and "self-honesty".

Today's writing is a bit of a freestyle play with exploring the depths of my own mind in reflection to the world I am a part of ....I dare to explore myself in writing as a way to create clarity...a first step in directing my reality as a responsible human.


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From Nigeria, Western part of Africa, I say a big THANK YOU @worldclassplayer! You're the real MVP!

Because I gets judged, stereotyped and designed by the fucking hypocrites based on my 'identity' every single minute.

I hope #Humanity is revived. Thank you.

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Great post.thanks for sharing @teukuyusril

a single identity in whole world how cool will be that no more documents no messs up systems

Connected but still not connected in this ever strange world of information

Great post sir.thanks a lot for sharing.

interesting thoughts on this bro you explained it really well

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