
It was approximately Sept of 2017 that I came across Adam on twitter. Until then I thought the right course was to somehow get the government to obey the Constitution. That alone would end the FED and Ron Paul was telling truth like I'd never heard from a politician.

What about no government? That's it! No one has authority over me if I truly have EQUAL rights. And there's not one thing the government does that is not detrimental to the people and their freedom. Government lies, cheats, steals, and murders innocent people at home and abroad.

Who exactly does that behavior represent? Not me or anyone I've ever personally known in every neighborhood I've ever lived. As Adam says, we are too good for this government. And it's not just the US govt, it's all governments. When it comes to our rightful liberty, government of any kind is inimical to that liberty. And isn't Adam planning on spreading his message in Europe too? Everyone who loves liberty should support that.

We are in a war for control of our minds. Many are losing this war to the men behind the curtain. It's a complete inversion of the truth being repeated to the people 24/7. Everything is upside down, the patriots are the terrorists and the terrorists are the patriots.

Truth without compromise is the antidote to our mental illness imho. But the people are never going to get the truth from the MSM, nor from government, 50 million classified documents later.

At the very least, Adam's campaign will damage the state's narrative and help many people to question the wisdom of having a government at all. His goal is totally righteous and if it's breaking some principle to use the same club to beat the state with that they've been beating us with for a 100 years, I'd be hard pressed to find an objection. Screw the state, it's poetic justice if you ask me.

When it comes to principle without compromise, Larken Rose @larkenrose and Graham Smith @kafkanarchy84 have it down better than I ever could.

However, I can not see the logic in them taking an adversarial approach to spreading the message of freedom and really espousing the same principles that they do. Adversarial may not be the right word but it can't be said that they're supporting Adam's message either.

a couple of sayings come to mind:
throwing the baby out with the bath water
straining out the gnat and gulping down the camel

Everybody grab the rope and pull towards freedom please.

His goal is totally righteous and if it's breaking some principle to use the same club to beat the state with that they've been beating us with for a 100 years, I'd be hard pressed to find an objection.

That’s because you don’t understand principle. Once the foundations are gone, heartache comes next. With no principle, there is no freedom. This is the true “throwing out of the baby with the bath water.”

What principle, kaf? The compromise of using government against itself? ... or something else. What foundations are you referring to that are currently in place that could disappear?

Solidarity against evil, total understanding of mankind are things I strive for. There's common ground here somewhere, send out the scouts, my friend.

The principle of self-ownership. Violence begets violence, and evil nation states don’t end themselves by voting themselves out of power. I really feel this should almost go without saying by now.

Nothing complicated there, I agree completely. "Power concedes nothing without a demand" How does that fit into the conversation? It is a true statement imho.

If I could just add that I believe I do understand principle. I believe the reason for the mess the world is in right now is because of compromising principles that deep down inside us we all know to be true.

Believe me, I'm not one for compromising truth/principle. For me, there will be little satisfaction that I stood firm on principle if it means standing in the way of a solution or of even spreading the idea.

The principle is the solution. If the solution throws out principle, it is not, was not, and never can be a true solution. Logic is the guide here. Logos. Reality. The truth. Individual self-ownership is an immutable reality.

The message of freedom is not spread by compromising on freedom.

The solution does not throw out the principle, it is the principle. The campaign... yep, that's a compromise. Adam admitted that but using a system against itself when the sole intent is to destroy should not give anyone the idea that the system is legitimate. How would that be logical?

The message of freedom is spread by telling the truth, freedom is already compromised.

Adam admitted that but using a system against itself when the sole intent is to destroy should not give anyone the idea that the system is legitimate.

Evil systems don't vote themselves out of power. And yes, Adam's plan compromises the central foundation of Voluntaryism, namely, ISO.

The message of freedom is spread by telling the truth...

Exactly, and Kokesh is not doing so.

Now we're getting somewhere...

What lie has Kokesh told?

Reall Its a great Interview with Adam Kokesh sir.

Sir talks about some great point on us.

Thanks for your time sir.

Really i liked your all words.

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