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RE: Why is there always enough money for War, but not enough to feed the hungry?

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

They are. Here's how it's done: Bob's Weapon Sales invents a new missile, the Hootenanator. Bob borrowed money from who? A Central Bank, to whom he owes money. Bob wants to pay that money back, and turn a profit, so he says "Hey, USA, buy lots of my missile, the Hootenanator. It'll kill your enemies real good!"

So, the USA wants to buy lots of Hootenanators. All US dollars are BORROWED from the Federal Reserve Bank (a completely privately owned bank, not a governmental agency), which has the exclusive right to print them, and lend them out.

This is how dollars are created.

So, the USA borrows a stack of freshly inked bills from the Federal Reserve Bank and buys a grip of Hootenanators. They are very happy with their purchase, and the American citizen is now in more debt. The Federal Reserve Bank is very happy, because now their biggest customer owes them more money, and they will collect, because their customer doesn't pay itself, it makes the citizens of the USA pay, and they don't have anything to say about it. All they can do is pay, or go to IRS court, and then have everything they own taken away while they go to Federal Buttrape Prison for life. So they will pay.

Bob pays off his loan to the Central Bank, and makes a profit. They're happy, and he's happy.. Oh, not quite, you see Bob wants more profit. What can Bob do to get more money?

Well, he can borrow more money from the Central Bank and make more missiles to sell, but only if the USA will buy them. But they have lots of missiles already. What to do?

Aha! Bob realizes that if he can get the USA to use those missiles up, then they will buy new ones. So, he goes to the USA and says "hey, here's a bribe. Go start a war and use those missiles up, so I can sell you new ones."

Every time the USA buys missiles from Bobs Weapon Sales, the banks make money. The USA doesn't make money. However, the government employees do, because they are the people that Bob bribed.

That's how bank make money off F-22 Raptor Bomber Jets, and Cruise Missiles.

Read "War is a Racket" by US General Smedley V. Butler. It's a short book, almost a pamphlet, but he names names and cites exact figures of war materiel purchased, and the markups over ordinary pricing countries pay during war.

War profiteering is why there is war. People can work things out, until paid agitators cause trouble. If you want to know how they make trouble, read "In Search of Enemies" by John Stockwell, former CIA Chief of Station, Angola.

Don't be naive. Be prepared.

Edit: This is why there is plenty of money for weapons and very little for starving children in Burundi. It's easy for Banksters to make money from Bob selling weapons. It's hard to make money from feeding starving babies. Usually those that make money off that are warlords in Burundi, and everyone that knows about it hates those warlords. The banksters don't want to be hated, so they don't steal from starving babies. It's pretty simple really. It's not a lack of food or money, it's too MUCH money.


very good account, you should make a post about this!

I'd rather see that the starving babies in Burundi, from where friends of mine have come (Jean and Letitia), are helped.

There are real reasons - not bizarre mysteries - that cause babies to starve while shiny jackboots stamp their parents faces into pavement.

If you want to help those babies, you need to deal with the reasons why they are starving.

How are you going to do that? I do very much want to know. The families of my friends have not all managed to leave Burundi.

I want their friends to be able to feed their children. You do too, you say.

This is why those kids are in trouble, dying, and we want to do something about it.

Do something, not post something. Others commenting on this thread have also said 'let's do something.'

You're in Africa. You know the people where you live, the corner stores where they shop, and the tv shows they watch. You can be very useful in an effort to feed Burundian babies, because I sure as Hell don't know those things.

What are some ways we can get food to them?