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RE: I am an Anarchist.
Good example. Another thing is the world is basically anarchic. If you're coming form outer space you see a planet with land forms and oceans, as you get closer, you see the billions of people and their creations, none which you can tell much about and even the controllers(the State, elites, etc) operate under anarchy between one another as you say.
Personally I am really fascinated of the concept of self-organization. One unsolved problem is that the evolving organizational structures are becoming institutions over time, loosing their purely functional role- Over time their primary role will become self-preservation, destroying the people's ability to self-organize in an other way.
Law of diminishing returns applied to social organization?
I see the similarities, but assume they are only sketchy. It is maybe more like a contract with a large telecommunications provider with cancellation period going to infinity or terms for dismissal artificially covert.
to want humans to be able to travel to other planets and inhabit them, you have to believe that humans aren't a disease. that we aren't going to destroy those planets like we are destroying this one. as such i personally and relatively indifferent about space mining and sending humans to mars. at this stage the vast majority of humans on earth are people who eat and contribute very little. the majority of children born are born so their parents can pat themselves on the back and be boss over babies and little kids to accrue status, not because they actually think life on earth is good or that the world needs more people because have done the math about consumption vs the capacity of the land base.
as such, our politics and societies are garage. 99% of what is broadcast in mass media is garbage, the entertainment is garbage and the credibility of the news is garbage, the output of society is mostly garbage.
we are, however, tied to the mast of the ship. we are like the old celtic wooden statues they would put criminals in and then light on fire. if what passes for civilization collapses, we all go with it. and the morality of the people is such that as soon as the shelves at 711 are empty, it's going to be cannabilism within a few days and anyone capable of self sufficiency that isn't 500 feet underground will be the first to go.
As such, it behooves us to at least maintain what passes as civlization because we are under threat of death to endanger it. the institutions, ie banks, know this and are holding it over our heads. underneath all the flags and national anthems, this is the hard reasoning.
i also personally believe that we are past the tipping point of climate change, and that nuclear weapons are going to be used because the people and ideas don't exist at the high levels of society which could alter the values away from suicidal decisions.
we are ruled, as derrick jensen and many others write about, by a death cult. human civilization in 2018 is not about life, it is about racing to a faster death. poisonous food, poisonous drugs, expensive medical care, vampiric prey upon the youth, ruled by debt and fear, etc.
idk the human mind can be self organizing, magnetic balls can be self organizing, but everything else takes effort or overcoming some serious improbability to organize. the cell seems to self-organize, planets rotating a sun seem to self organize, although at various stages of their development are total chaos.
humans are tasked with saying something intelligent about the problem, our advantage is our brain and if we don't use it to actually be smart, then we will be no more successful at evolution than jellyfish and cockroaches. actually the jellyfish and cockroaches will win.
You are right on so many levels. Maybe in this case 'colonization' of other planets should not be viewed as exporting of a inferior product called (western-)civilization but as a escape to unoccupied spaces.
The masses of people should think about their 'leaders' by thinking in a way like "Someone feeding me with trash and garbage, isn't he only able to do this if in his eyes I am trash and garbage ?"