Dammit, I’ve Been Deceived By Propaganda Again

in #anarchy5 years ago (edited)

When the scales fell from my eyes in regards to the lies that the government through its main stream media mouthpiece has been feeding me all my life and I realized that an anarchist wasn’t some radical tossing a Molotov cocktail. But rather a peaceful person who didn’t want to be ruled by or robbed by others who believed they had an imaginary right to do so. I figured I wouldn’t be so easily manipulated again.

I thought that I had become immune to propaganda, half truths and lies from people who have slippery definitions of words and terms.
Well, not so much I guess.

I joined Gab some months ago in reaction to what I perceived as a trend towards censorship on so many platforms such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Though I had never joined the latter two.

I feel strongly that free speech is a fundamental right and a cornerstone of Liberty. Even speech that I might find offensive.

I can’t say that I was shocked at the amount of what I perceived as hateful, bigoted, racist and downright disgusting posts (mostly memes) that I continually encountered there. Memes that promote and celebrate the murder of ethnic groups. Memes that denigrate and generalized and which seemed to have nothing to do with libertarianism or anarchy.
Especially, as I suppose one would expect, in the Free Speech Group.

I came to believe, mostly because I was told by some of the posters of that filth, that they were members of what was referred to as the Alt Right.
I was convinced by them that the Alt Right consisted of little more than white people who hate anyone or any group of people who aren’t white for that very reason alone.

I routinely blocked these people immediately upon encountering their mindless garbage and will continue to do so.

But the problem is that I believed them when they said that they represented the Alt Right. THEY AREN’T!
They are lying, hateful, small minded bigots. They have taken the term Alternative Right and perverted its meaning. Just the same way so many words and terms are corrupted by people who have an agenda of division.

So yesterday, Thanks to the help of a patient Gab member “user 0701”, I discovered that some people who I have a lot of respect for. Such as Hans-Herman Hoppe, Murray Rothbard, Lew Rockwell and even Dr. Ron Paul just to name a few are considered Alt Right.
They aren’t haters and neither am I. But as it turns out, I am Alt Right.
I guess deep down I have been all along. Just as I have always been an anarchist. I just didn’t know it.

Now my job is to make sure that I do my best to share the true meaning of that term with everyone I can.

I am an Alt Right Anarchist. Who knew?

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