3 Means To Rule Them All

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

I won't deny institutionalized racism but there is more to this than that. In fact, institutionalized racism is intended, just not for the simple reasons we like to think.

In order to keep a population under control, you want 3 things:

  1. Distractions: 'crises,' scandals, sports, entertainment 'news,' et cetera(this is why so many sports and entertainment projects are often heavily subsidized, they are the opiate of the masses)

  2. Division Within: religious(Jews, Muslims, Christians), race, politics and even, again, sports and entertainment can and are used to accomplish this(this helps ensure any dissent is small and feeble and weakened by infighting)

  3. Enemy Without: 'Terrorism,' Russia, N. Korea, Mexico, China, Iran, et cetera(this ensures that people rally behind the military and their campaigns, creating an inherent support for government even when they are dissatisfied with it in general)

Insititutionalized racism is meant to perpetuate the racial divide. It's meant to make it appear as if 'the man'(conceived as white men) is still trying to dominate other races. Other examples of this are Affirmative Action(which lends to the perception that the government caters to minorities) and ethnic surveys(which help to keep the division fresh in our minds without it being openly pointed out).

Furthermore, putting aside any claims that that mass shooting may have been a black flag op, it helps to make it seem as if the state is involved in protecting us by parading him around. It also serves to further deepen the racial divide so important to the state's domination over all of us.

It's not black vs. white, it's blue vs. you.



i was thinking the same thing yesterday. >< how can black be shot dead by police for putting their hands up while a guy with machine guns in the process of killing dozen be taken a live? How? Not to mention 10 police officers shooting 190 bullets at a single human and only hitting him 5 times.

Very glad I don't live in America.

It honestly can be nerve-wracking to live here when you realize how easy it is to give the #BlueMafia 'cause' to fill you full of holes. We wouldn't have this issue if the Baby Boomers hadn't let the state grow to the disgusting proportions it has and refused to give up their right and responsibiilty to protect themselves and to defend their rights in exchange for complacent comfort.
I"m a white male but even I bristle and feel panic rise when I see one of these thugs behind me or sitting at an intersection. They need nearly no reason to initiate a stop and it is so easy for that to get out of control.
I do feel fortunate to live where I do, in Missouri. While we may have gotten attention for Ferguson and the metro areas may have some ugly incidents here and there(vastly less than more popular cities, mind you), the state is mostly rural and, as such, is one of the most 'free' states. It's so sparsely populated(without being barren of life) that it is less than a half an hour outside our biggest city before you feel like you're on the frontier.

All that said, aside from the government, particularly D.C. and the municipalities, the biggest problem we have are the 'legal' thugs that roam our streets in search of unarmed victims to extort or abuse to make them feel better for being useless pieces of shit and to try to establish some reason for their existence. I don't even give it a decade before the police here are so infused with apathetic, sociopathic retards that are convinced of their righteousness that we don't see outright rebellion. None of this dumbass BLM shit where people harass other people and do nothing to really press the real villains(the police and the state in general) but a rebellion the likes of which you expect to hear about in Eastern Europe and the third world.

I love the middle of no where.

Could you write a post your thoughts on civil forfeiture. That's like the worst thing ever most of the time.

I'm Canadian but I live in China. When I tell people here "in parts of America people can't collect rain water they could go to jail or pay a fine". They don't believe something like that is possible.

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