
in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)

Bad Dream

One of those moments where your dream appears so real and when you wake up you realize it would make a great sci-fi, but may also be a possible future.

Looking at the world today, particularly with respect to the left's view of the world, their indoctrination policies in education, oppress/oppressor paradigms, consumerism and their love of communism, and endorsement of horror communist and socialist dictators of the past. Coupled with the open takeover of Hollywood and Universities by Chinese (ChiCom) - and the possibility of a war going on as we speak between the Western free market and the indoctrinated, globalist-communist.

What is ChiCom was implementing an "Art of War' style takeover of the West, where the war was won before the battle started. The takeover is by stealth, and no kinetic war ever happens. How would that look like?

One part was that the ChiCom would make a deal with the Marxist ideologies of the West. These Marxists generally are in-bedded today in public service and public education. These are the only industries that would employ such unproductive people. The ChiCom would finance these Marxists to run political campaigns which would eventually see these Marxists reach powerful political positions which would enable them to implement their destructive policies on the west.

Since the Marxist is generally opposed to the West. That they blame the west for the worlds problems. That they only see the tearing down of the Western values and society as the foundation to build the world in their vision. Having them in powerful positions would allow Marxist policies to be slowly implemented throughout western society - which in turn would create division amongst the people as some fall for the illusion of a Marxist utopia, and others feel their culture and capital which has taken generations to build.
This is step 1: ChiComs become relatively stronger through the internal chaos that the west undergoes.

Stage 2 was to use the Marxists. How? Through their oppressed vs oppressor paradigm, they infiltrate all facets of the public service to ensure the Marxist ideology is applied. Gender pay gaps, wealth inequality, open immigration, the demonization of Western history, white privilege, toxic masculinity, proud feminism, etc...
How is it applied? The creation of government agencies to enforce and monitor the above. The lobbying of higher taxation on the oppressors to "bridge the gap". The opening of borders to allow unrestricted immigration along with generous welfare to these new migrants. The replacement of education with indoctrination of Marxist ideologies and application.

In particular, ChiCom would finance schools and school programs on the promise that these schools are run using Marxist indoctrination principles. High marks would be given to students who repeated the slogans and mantras provided by the curriculum. This would be applied all the way through to University levels and only those who repeated them ad verbatim would be allowed through the system.

Step 3: Therefore, was to win the hearts and minds of the youth, and to grow cultural Marxism.

Step 4 was to takeover and finance the media and entertainment industry. The news would be interpreted through the Marxist lens (ie: oppressed vs oppressor). Crimes of terror would not be considered as Islamic terrorism (as that is considered racist). Women would be viewed as being under male oppression, and therefore in a struggle. Wealth is viewed not as the creation of someones contribution to society, but as their outright oppression and robbery of others. All values and events of western culture therefore to be reported as inherently bad (or not reported at all) and anything bad from an oppressed person to be reported as the fault of the western culture and values (the west made me do it).

ChiCom would also takeover finance and entertainment industries, and in turn allow the Marxist (now cultural Marxist) to run the programs. At great expense, movies were to be made to instill the values discussed in previous steps. The old movies and shows illustrating the achievements of Western civilization, the family unit with the strong male working in unison with his wife, or anything glorifying what the west achieved in general, is a thing of the past.

  • Strong or minority women running powerful organizations and making decisions to save the world against a generally evil and toxic alpha male- bent on destroying the world.
  • women able to fight and fend of dozens of apparently super strong men.
  • instead of history shows celebrating the expansion of the west, it is viewed with object horror as the western ,an conquers, colonizes, massacres and enslaves other cultures and races.
  • family units showing weak fathers, strong women, gay couples and transgender kids as norms. the traditional family unit become less and less.


The news and media industry, financed by the ChiCom's become a LARP for the indoctrinated, shaping their realities and enforcing the cultural Marxist ideology as the path to utopia by tearing down western culture, capital, and values.

Step 5 is to create a culture of rampant consumerism. Since the traditional western culture rewards the saver and creator of capital, consumerism is the antidote. The people are rewards by the instant gratification of trinkets, apps, technology, expensive home renovations and the like.
Companies which can provide and track everyones consumption (Apple, FB, google, Amazon) will make billions of dollars and be given generous tax incentives to have businesses in China - on condition their client data is accessible by ChiCom.
Western citizens will be adequately financed by the banks and government incentives to consume. Saving and wealth creation will be heavily disincentivized and also socially stigmatized through cultural Marxist lens.
Therefore, the general citizen will have little or no capital and no incentive to do so. They will be placated in the interim with all of the trinkets, holidays and services. This will be monitored through technology companies whom have been heavily incentivized through Chinese policies.

In the interim, ChiCom will work with big tech to large AI platforms which can be used to monitor and control their own population. For those citizens who do not follow the party line, their access to services (education, travel. money, etc...) will be turned off and those people will be socially stigmatized.

This technology will be improved over time and developed to be applied to the west in the eventual takeover attempt.

Step 6: The final step before the takeover can happen. Much of this needs huge government support. With the infiltration of government at all levels, the cultural marxist will promise and finance many programs that allow the implementation of their polices. In short, their are payouts of all sorts that compensate those who now are seen as oppressed. Society justifies all of these programs as the indoctrination is well under way. But nevertheless, these programs must be paid for and. while possible, governments will not hesitate to go into debt to do so.

Much of the government debt is brought by ChiCom and central banks (whom have also come under the guise of Cultural Marxism). This allows for the welfare and incentive programs to take hold in society and be accepted as a norm and even a right to those receiving them. Eventually, however, the debt binge cannot last forever, and governments will then need to turn to their other source of revenue - taxation.

Government then tries to increase taxes in areas that benefit cultural Marxism. Wealth tax, inequality tax, high income tax, inheritance tax. Since many are indoctrinated with this as being good, it may pass. If it doesn't, it further creates the division between the people, further weakening the west.

This leaves the West in precarious shape. Divided, in enormous debt, both personal and government. Indoctrinated, but not education to create and build wealth. Guild ridden with the oppression their forefathers have imposed on all but the white male. And completely addicted to the instant gratification rampant consumerism has done to them.

All of this carefully and callously monitored by the techos of the world - all off whom have become unimaginably wealthy with the deal they have made with ChiCom. A fact not lost, but ignored as they repeat the Marxist ideology their ChiCom owners have requested of them.

The takeover is easy. ChiCom and central banks no longer buy any more government debt. They may even sell it. This causes rates to rise, in turn leading to chaos in financial markets. The ensuing Chaos impoverishes and bankrupts many in the West. Misery is swiftly placed on the west. however the cultural Marxists are quick to blame the Wests greedy capitalist system as the culprit.

China, the largest creditor of the west at this stage, comes to the rescue. They wish to bring order and prosperity back to the west but are wondering how they can do this AND get paid back?

The answer is simple. Just like them, we nee communism. All assets will be seized by the state. A new tax regime will be imposed, using technology, AI, and a cashless system, the citizens of the west will be taxed in realtime. The accumulation of capital will be impossible as it must be used to fix the calamity the west and its free market capitalism created. Any dissenter will simple have their ability to work, travel, and buy things turned off.

Western cultural Marxists will endeavor to rout out disorders using their well developed indoctrination procedures throughout schools, universities and the workplace - which is all now in the hands of the state.

And so the dream was me, surrounded by the zombies (cultural Marxists) diligently working and paying for the mistakes of our past - cause by the greatest financial depression of western capitalism. They were searching for dissenters - I was not yet discovered.

That was my bad dream of how China came to takeover the west without and war.


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