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RE: Marxism, Capitalism and the State

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

I only see 1 form of Capitalism, it's only Capitalism if everyon can participate in it.

As soon as you have some concentration of violence, like a State or a Mafia, that already excludes people.

And I beg to disagree, I think the problem starts with the question of protection. If you study how a Mafia is formed, you realize that they are all protection rackets.

They just want to offer a basic service, protection, which is legitimate, but then they built their crime syndicate on this. The State does this too.

So the root of the problem is the lack of protection. Even a tribe... why does a Tribe exist? Well of course to protect it's members from other tribes. If you have just 1 guy with his family, if he is alone and attacked by 5 guys, he can hardly do anything to defend himself, but if he is in a tribe then the tribe will protect him.

So it all boils down to a protection racket. Solve that problem, and the State goes away.

I think there are solutions to provide voluntary defense services, that don't resemble the mafia.

For example cryptography alone can already eliminate a lot of violence that would normally occur in protecting private property. Just have your assets online. While the physical property, well there is solution for that too.

I think this issue can be solved.

And you definitely need to learn more about pre-history. The paleolithic social model 30000 years ago was the horde, which was basically an extended family. The superordinated unit was the tribe. It still exists today in some remote places like Amazon and Borneo. You don't want to tell us that they live less free than under Hitler and their women are being always gang-raped, c'mon.

Well in pre-historic times the family was basically the tribe, or an extended family. You could easily imagine a family with 20-30 kids, since the mortality rate was very high. You see this in many undeveloped areas as well.

If the conditions are harsh, people make many kids. In 2-3 generations you have 100-200 people, but it's all 1 family basically. The great-grandfather is the chieftain and his offspring are the tribe members.

Of course later new families join and the tribe gets bigger, but yes that is where it comes from.

And I said many times that the family itself can be tyrannical as well. Just take a look at the domestic violence cases. The State is in people's minds, it's the violence that is how it manifests itself.

You don't want to tell us that they live less free than under Hitler and their women are being always gang-raped, c'mon.

Obviously what Hitler did was atrocious and inhumane. But even there in remote villages in Germany you didn't had much Nazi activity. It was mostly centered in big cities, thos are the power concentrations of the State.

So even a totalitarian state, regardless of how big it is, it can't cover entirely a huge geographical area, it is mostly present where many people are present.

In a prehistoric tribe you had the State next door. You lived in a small camp with 100-200 people, and the chieftain lived like 10 meters away from you.

How is that not more totalitarian? The violence was there, since you can only control a tight community with extreme threats and brutality. Because if only 1 person dissents, others might follow, and a chieftain that rules over 100 people can't let that happen. So you would have been watched all day, every day, for the slightest hint of disloyalty. Plus you had to deal with your fellow tribesman who were constantly plotting and scheming things against you.

It is a vicious political game, and the closer the State is, the more brutal it becomes. The brutality back then was just as unimaginable as with the Nazis.

In fact the Nazis tried to revive the old brutality of the germanic tribes (around Roman era). The Nazis had a barbarian fetish, and used the old barbarism in the germanic tribes as a source of inspiration for their atrocities.

They even converted back to paganism, Hitler was probably a pagan, having delusions about ancient germanic tribes.