Anarchapulco 2018 Review

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

Anarchapulco is the world's largest annual anarchist conference in beautiful, but dangerous Acapulco, Mexico. (Totally kidding on the dangerous part, btw.) I had plans to attend last year, but things didn't work out at the last minute so this was my first year to attend, but certainly not my last. I've been to several liberty-oriented/crypto conferences, but Anarchapulco takes the cake. Why, you ask? Allow me to explain.

First of all, it takes place in the 4th most dangerous city in the world (Acapulco, Mexico). There have been several U.S travel advisories urging citizens to steer clear of Acapulco due to the immense "violent crime and gang activity." Hmm..peculiar, you would think the U.S government were talking about themselves. I'll be honest, when I had plans to go to Anarchapulco last year, there was a bit of fear holding me back, but when I went this year I could not believe how absolutely ludicrous all the propaganda and smear campaigns are.

Super dangerous, amirite? IT IS PARADISE. IT IS BEAUTIFUL. IT IS EVERYTHING THE U.S SAYS IT'S NOT. Now i'm not dismissing the fact that there is violence in Mexico, I'm sure there are but from what I heard from locals it is typically between the drug cartels (which are a creation of the War on Drugs, but that's a post in and of itself). So if you have any reservations about travelling to Mexico thanks to U.S travel advisories. Take my advice: Ignore them, travel, and live free.

Moving on to the venue! Anarchapulco was housed at the picture-esque Princess Mundo Imperial resort. Now, I didn't stay here because all of the rooms were booked since the conference sold out. But if I had spent the week here, I don't think I could ever get bored. There are 4, maybe even 6? pools sprawled across the resort grounds. I think 6 restaurants to satisfy your culinary fervor, a gym, mariachi bands filling the resort with high-energy fun, shopping boutiques, a pretty sweet bar that attendees would congregate at until 3 a.m., a 5-minute walk to the beach, and a partridge in a pear tree. My favorite thing about the resort was the wildlife, though.

The Princess Mundo Imperial Resort is home to two pink flamingos, one black swan, and one white swan. I heard there were actually on the grounds, but I sadly did not find them. Every time I walked by these beauties, I would have to stop and admire them. Mainly pondering the evolutionary reasoning for pink flamingos and their build (which I did not find a concrete answer for), but I also looked at the black swan as a symbol for how rare anarchists are. Maybe this plays into Black Swan Theory a bit, but I don't think the organization crew could have imagined how quickly the conference would grow in just a year. I mean, it's obvious there are anarchists all over the world, but this many? One of the speakers actually asked the audience, "How many of you are freshly-minted anarchists?" and at least 60% of the room raised their hands. The conference sold out at I think 1400 tickets and they are aiming to sell 4000 tickets for next year's event. That is bound to be the largest black swan gathering on the planet! :)

Although I did not make it to the Health and Wellness part of the conference, I really appreciate that the organizers added it to this year's event. We're honestly so wrapped up in the hectic nature of our life, we forget to take care of ourselves. That is true for most people, anarchist or not. They had workshops that focused on conscious eating, therapeutic use of psychedelics, yoga, dance therapy, and so much more. I really hope I get to make it next year.

The talks are another incredible component of the conference. I really enjoy hearing from the most vocal activists in the space. There were all kinds of topics the anarchist heart and mind could ever desire. The evils of the federal reserve? Check. The importance of peaceful parenting and self-healing? You got it. The employment of media and propaganda to keep people subdued and innured? Uh huh, that too. The use of cryptocurrency to subvert the state and end central banking? YES! The talks and the passion that flows from the speakers are bound to give you the philosophical ammo needed to rebel and remove yourself from a fear-based reality and live as a free, sovereign human being. Not only are the talks awesome, but the live art performed while the speakers are on stage can lure you into a trance.

So while the speakers are on stage waxing poetic about a beautiful, free, decentralized future; you can see it being vividly illustrated in the peripheral.

Now onto my absolute favorite part! The people and connections you make at Anarchapulco will change your life in a fundamentally good way. The conference had about 1400-1500 people, which made it overwhelming at times, but when you have a chance to breakaway from the crowd with a small group of friends...that's where the magic happens imo. I had the privilege of connecting with a handful of people in a hotel room of the resort. There were spontaneous talks about childhood experiences, relationships, and philosophy.I got to bond with a friend while we walked along the beaches at night, sharing pieces of who we are and who we hope to become. It's in these conversations that I learn more about my friends and allies, and more about myself. You're surrounded by good people at Anarchapulco, people who understand the principles of freedom and self-ownership, and reject violence and coercion.

Here's a picture of the Acapulco sunset, just because. It's crappy phone quality, but still pretty.

That is why I think Anarchapulco is one of the best and most important freedom conferences. You may think there's no point in preaching to a huge crowd who already share the same values, principles, and ideas. It seems like a bit of a circle jerk, right? Wrong, amigo! It's so much more than that. Anarchapulco is important because it gives people who want to see a freer world the strength they need to continue the fight against the state. It reminds people why they refuse to live a life of quiet comfort, and why they are speaking out against the status quo. It instills a sense of hope that a world of peace, freedom, and beauty can exist. Anarchapulco is a microcosm of what a free society could look like, and it is a sensory experience that will never let you go.


thanks, good memory of this year edition :)

Thank you!

excellent your post..i will done upvote.. I always see your post and follow you dear. good job

A shame I wasn't there. Well, maybe next year. What about expenses that one needs to suffer to participate?

Thank you !

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