Trump: Not the Real Problem

in #anarchy6 years ago

Let me be clear about something. As much as I bash the Orange Fuhrer, if Trump crashes and burns--is indicted, or impeached, or resigns, or whatever--as a result of paying women not to mention ... the unimaginable atrocity of boinking that creep ... I will not be having a huge party and celebrating. Yes, Trump is a psychotic authoritarian collectivist, and an enemy of truth, justice and freedom. But guess what. Whoever is the next President will also be a psychotic authoritarian collectivist, and an enemy of truth, justice and freedom. I guaran-damn-tee it.

This particular psychotic political parasite crashing and burning isn't going to be a victory for freedom or justice. Having the clown du jour fall off the throne fixes nothing. It will just be the next act in a pointless circus. Ultimately I don't care about defeating Trump; I care about defeating statism--which isn't a party or canditate or regime, it's a belief system.

To put it another way, I don't bash Trump because I think that he is the problem. I bash Trump because the people who believe that he is the solution--or believe that any political or legislative action is the solution--they are the problem. Or, more specifically, their belief in "authority" is the problem. That is what needs to crash and burn, in order to fix society.


Everything we choose to live by is a belief system. It only exists if we believe it exists and if enough people believe it exists it becomes closer to being actuality until a huge disaster brings things back to the basics of life.

Actions and their effects exist. These are based on ideas.

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But chimp could save America :)

I'm going to be writing a rant soon in the form of a lawsuit charging everyone in the US with Dereliction of Duty, and a list of other treasonous charges as a result of complying with the last 150 years of lawless tyranny like the statists they are.

And will you be filing that in a U.S. court? If so, do you not see the irony and futility of such an effort? :)

That's why I said it will be a rant LOL. It will be more of a judgement for what happens to them in the afterlife as a result of being lawless abiding shitizens.

I completely agree. He is just adding to their 'justification'.

If you reject the idea of a political solution (i.e. one that leads to a proper, rights respecting government) then you reject the idea of moral authority, which means that you hope to see might & whim rule over right & reason.

"a proper, rights respecting government" <-- That, all by itself, is an oxymoron. "Government" is inherently violent, immoral, and irrational. And to pretend that the belief in "authority" is about "right and reason," and NOT about "might and whim," is completely delusional.

Thinking that anarchy can lead to anything other than the imposition of might & whim IS delusional

What do you call politics, then? Might & lies make right?

Politicians who use the political process to impose their whims on others and infringe upon the rights of others abuse their power. That they do doesn’t negate the need for a moral authority. When an improper government can be reformed through the political process it should be. When it can’t (as in the case of Venezuela for instance) it must be violently overthrown. Either way, there can’t be a market for law and retaliation if rights are to be protected

The power claimed by politicians is illegitimate, and can only be abused. Their claims to authority are inherently immoral. There is no representation, and no delegation, only usurpation. Overthrowing a government only installs a new corrupt government. Instead, such a system must be undermined, and decentralized grassroots systems need to be built. We have historical and current examples of decentralized justice systems, security, dispute arbitration, recordkeeping, etc. already too.

Decentralization isn’t the same as anarchy. Rights can be protected in a decentralized system when there’s a moral authority. They can’t be protected in the absence of one because anyone can use force at any time for any reason he chooses. The only determinant in whether or not he’s able to do so without consequence is whether or not he has the might, when the determinant should be whether or not he is right

Anarchism doesn't mean an absence of rules or authority, it means recognizing the distinction between legitimate authority and illegitimate usurpation. Governments operate entirely by usurpation, and society only exists because of people recognizing legitimate authority.

You lost me where you say " rights respecting government"
First of all, if you don't get to opt out, then they are not respecting your rights.
And second, governments can only take away your rights. And therefore can only abstain from taking them away. What good is that?

...aaaaand here goes my unfollowing from you, farewell

Given that you just said nothing of substance, I'm guessing you're just trying to escape cognitive dissonance.

Oh, a believer in the ridiculous "Q" mythology and Savior Trump. Why were you following me to begin with?

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