Perpetual Violence Is Expensive

in #anarchy7 years ago

A Steemit article by Jeff Berwick (@jeffberwick) about his recent visit to Somalia (because, for some reason, that’s where anarchists are supposed to go if they don’t like authoritarian domination) brought to mind something that doesn’t seem to occur to most people, when they make their predictions about statelessness leading to war-lords, perpetual violence, and a never-ending Mad Max scenario.

To jump to the punchline, perpetual violence is expensive.

If you take a large poor area, which has no established controlling authoritarian presence, and put a huge wall around it, letting nothing in or out, you may very well get violence here and there, theft, skirmishes, and so on. What you will absolutely not get (and what we see now in Somalia) is prolonged, organized military-style conflict. (Sorry, Hollywood.)

The reason is simple: guns, bombs and bullets cost money, and if you can’t afford food, you can’t afford weapons. (Anyone who has gone target-shooting for a couple hours with anything other than a .22 knows how much bullets alone cost.) In situations where there is long-term, organized military-style violence, it is always because something unnatural is feeding the conflict. In many inner cities in the U.S., perpetual gang warfare exists entirely because of the “black market” created by the bogus “war on drugs.” When “government” creates a huge profit incentive by manufacturing vice “crimes” (related to drugs, guns, prostitution, gambling, etc.), then even in very poor areas, it becomes very worth it to become a drug dealer—and not worth it to try to be much of anything else.

Or, in the case of Somalia, where there are outside forces—mostly governmental forces like the U.S., the U.N., etc.—feeding money and weapons to both sides, that is when you see ongoing military-style conflict. So to blame “anarchy”—an absence of authoritarian power—for the violence happening in Somalia, is just profoundly stupid. “Civil wars” are about two or more factions trying to become the new ruling class. That is not what any voluntaryist or anarchist advocates. (Duh.)

It would literally be like having some rich sadistic bastard finding two homeless guys, giving them each a thousand dollars to fight each other, handing them both Marine daggers, and then saying, “See what homelessness causes?” And yet, no doubt, plenty of state-worshipers will continue to point to domestic gang violence, or “organized crime,” or international war, or “civil war” type fighting in places like Somalia, as evidence that we neeeeeeeed “government.” Because they understand nothing about economics or human behavior.


lockheed and other company will be mad at you :)

Money talks, 20 trillion + debt later. The banksters let the government borrow all the money they want for war and the politicians never argue over funding the MIC (Military Industrial Complex).


Money Trumps Peace

I prefer the opposite strategy. When they tell me to move to Somalia, I tell them to move to North Korea. Want full government control? Sure, go I'll be your huckleberry.

Not only are munitions expensive,
anger is not an emotion you an hold for long.

Even in prisons, most of the time its peaceful and business as usual.

So true. The local conflicts that turn into wars are created because outside forces are fanning the flames of the anger.

Excellent observations, well said.

But that's the rub with a region absent it's own commanding military force: someone else's military commands it.

Anarchy is only possible given secure individuals. This is where 3D printing our own weaponized drones comes in...

The whole "power vacuum" notion only applies when people believe that having a ruling class ("government") is legitimate and necessary.

I thought it came at the point of many guns? An unarmed populace is a manifest of slaves to an armed force.

All wars are banker's wars, as the saying goes. Governments are the scourge of the earth.

This hits the nail on the head. Stop interfering in other peoples' business, at home and abroad. It is the 'profit incentive' that is creating a war where there was just a localized skirmish.

As long as money is in use - in ANY form, from trade and barter on up to electronic bits - accounting for Human energy added into the system, We will see wars and other unEthical things. Money promotes psychopaths to power, They being the Ones who will do literally ANYTHING to get and keep that power over Others. We now, for the first time in history have the technologies needed to eliminate that accounting (money), remove top-down controlmind, and govern through efforts to solve problems Ethically, rather than leave it up to psychopaths.

Check out My YouTube playlist for how.

Blaming oppression on the mere CONCEPT of a convenient medium of exchange is ridiculous. And since almost every group will find a way to trade more efficiently, good luck trying to stamp it out.

We do not need to exchange at all, with the tech We have now, some of which is hidden avidly as the psychopaths in control know full well the VERY intimate relationship between money and energy. Money is Their ONLY tool to widespread power over Others, and free energy makes that tool pointless and powerless. So it is NOT "the mere CONCEPT of a convenient medium of exchange," but the implementation itself that creates the power-grabs that benefit psychopaths and not Humanity.

Well presented. Unfortunately, as we know, someone profits from it.

Indeed, the very few societies in the past (overrun now by "civilization") that have had abundance, that did not want for food, clothing, shelter, have all been peaceful, loving, creative, and motivated to solve problems. Money creates artificial scarcity, as well as motive to plan obsolescence for profit (leading to the vast bulk of waste on Our planet), empowers Some over Others (promoting psychopaths, who will do ANYTHING to get and keep that power), allows for paying toadies (strong arms and armies) to bribe, set up blackmail scenarios, threaten, ruin, and kill to Their (the psychopaths') agendas.

Money is a VERY dangerous and antiquated tool.

We do have technology now that We never had before that would eliminate the need to account for Human energy added (and We clearly see We have excess Human energy in the unemployment that abounds). 80-90% of "jobs" out there now have nothing to do with creating better here, but to do with moving the bulk of OUR planet's wealth to VERY Few (psychopaths). From cashiers, sales, accounting, collections, advertising, marketing, and Wall Street to banking itself, none of these jobs add value to Human society.

Maybe We would best work on eliminating money on OUR planet (stolen from Us by the psychopaths in control through "trusts" — Unum Sanctum and the Cestui Que Vie "trusts" — and deceit).

Please see My playlist on YouTube for how:

As I said above, blaming oppression on the mere CONCEPT of a convenient medium of exchange is ridiculous. And since almost every group will find a way to trade more efficiently, good luck trying to stamp it out.

But Larkin, money gives Some power over Others. And We CAN eliminate the need for it on Our planet. Sure, People might trade in circumstances, but with free energy (making accounting for Ours pointless, like accounting for grains of sand), robots (to do necessary work no One WANTS to do), and the web to communicate problems on and work towards Ethical solutions, We can remove the hindrance of money between the vast abundance of Our planet and Us, allowing ALL to live as richly as Each might CHOOSE.

Now THAT's freedom!

When do I get the free energy machine delivered for free?


That will depend on when People do what They can to bring FE out from secrecy... I know it is hidden and has been since at least the 1950's.

Human life is not expensive at all to the people in charge, and they are selling those weapons for a profit. No, they are not cheap, but they are the ones profiting from the sale of them. War is actually very profitable. If it wasn't, there wouldn't be any, right? Where does everyone think the trillions of dollars went? A lot of it went into defense contractor company owner's pockets.

I mostly agree, but they aren't getting rich selling weapons to impoverished Somalis. They are funding and arming the war, as a means to seize control of resources, directly or by way of a new ruling class.

Agreed. The real profit is in the economic resources the conflicts secure. Heck, a lot of the more recent wars have literally been physical gold heists.

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