"It's the Jeeewwws!!!"

in #anarchy7 years ago

A video about Jews, anti-Semitism, pack-mentality, muddled thinking, and the annoying "chosen people" mindset that has plagued all sort of races, religions, cultures and nations--White, Black, Jew, Christian, Muslim, American, German, Russian, etc.--and with a twist at the end about the hypocrisy of "white nationalists."

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Thanks Larken for another clear and eel thought out argument. I continue to learn from you. I wanted to add that whilst there are a disproportionate number of Jews in banking and government, there are also a disproportion number of Jews who are novel prize winners, Doctors, psychologists and lots of other fields. As someone brought up in a strictly orthodox jewish Home, I have some insider knowledge and experience. I think that part of the culture is emphasis on education (which involves a lot of indoctrination) and a strong family thing which encourages success in any field and is helped by a strong and large network of people in many disciplines. For example, I have access to some of the top people in their fields just by going to synagogues they might attend. So I think it’s also important to balance the fact that there are a disproportionate number of Jews in finance with the disproportionate number of Jews in lots of other fields. Angood example of this is that israel has the highest proportion of vegans in the world. And to the hater with the Talmud quotes I say this. I studied Talmud for 10 years including three years intensely. It is a huge work of tens of thousands of pages of all sorts of stuff. Some of it is obnoxious and idiotic and some is profound and deep. So to take out the lines in there that are obnoxious is misleading. And that’s not to say that there isn’t a problem of supremacy in the jewish culture but as you say, the problem of supremacy is present in most of not all groups.

Well said. Just the cultural emphasis on literacy, education, thinking, hard work, etc., is going to result in Jews being successful in lots of areas, which includes the "area" of being evil control freak bastards. But blaming Judaism for that is like saying that some culture is evil for emphasizing the importance of physical health and strength, because NASTY people in that group can use their strength to hurt people.

I agree. Jews represent the highest IQ of all people, but the thing is, it is not about hating Judaism or Jews, but Zionism, which is a violation of NAP, therefore against my values. There is a big distinction between Jews and Zionists. You do not have to be a Jew to be a Zionist. Invading someone's land, the betrayal of their own people... Zionists who started Bolshevik revolution and conspired with Hitler to populate the "promised land". We both know that the history we were taught in indoctrination camps is not real. There is a huge amount of evidence. Just the fact that first Soviet Union government was 90% Zionist Jews is interesting. Jews are 0,25% of population. I don't know what percentage are the Zionists. Talmud says we were all created to serve them. The Jews who took this seriously are controlling money supply, media etc. Zionists sponsored the Bolsheviks, communism and Hitler. Some joined Hitler, some were trained by Mussolini. Isn't this interesting? The conspiracy goes waaay deeper than just prejudice for Jews.


Good point. I know people from many cultures, and I observed the same thing - that in some cultures, amongst which is the Jewish, education is prioritized highly. As for the people I know from Iran, whom are all doctors, lawyers, engineers and economists. That is the reason that you see a - as you state it - disproportionate number of Jews in government and finance ... and science and a whole lot of other professions. I do however think this disproportion is not the case for every financial and governmental institution in the world, although it might (or might not?) be so in the US of A. The funny thing about these people with pack mentality is the ability to ignore that most people in these institution, by numbers, are white Christians. As in "look at that evil people in that government, they are mostly Christians! - they must all be evil". But your idea about mirroring - I think that is a good point. One which is very often the case in a lot of situations where you confront someone with negative thing on their mind. Psychologically it often makes sense understand that the trait they have problems with stems from themselves. On another note - this is just a point for discussion I guess - I hear this notion of paper money, or FIAT, being backed by nothing, and in the next breath people will then claim that cryptographic 'money' is the solution to that - when in fact 'crypto' is backed by the same nothingness - or in other words, both only have value because there is trust that it represents a valid tender. I think the development is fascinating, although I think that a lot of people have this black/white world view that somehow one is bad and the other one isn't. Anyway - I'll throw an up-vote your way for the excellent and very true point that blaming a whole group of people for something that an individual is doing, is wrong and dangerous.

I love the message and the gunshots in the background. Good points about empathy and the mirror image Neo-nazis. Maybe we don't need to paint or create a group of people that is the problem. The problem is the system that we have. Transparency in government would show the corruption of world. It is starting to happen. Anarchy can be the answer. I would bet Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, the prophets from any religion would be anarchists. Or they would say that is step below being in oneness. Peace and prosperity will exist under Anarchy. Every person has the right to be here. Nobody has the right to dominate or oppress another. Just because you see differences in people and things doesn't mean anything. Don't allow yourself to become lost. Show compassion, respect, appreciation, and joy. Fight against oppression anywhere you can for whoever you can because it matters and, All is one.

End the zionist occupation of the USA!!

Its the Rothschild's and the Queen that are running your country, United States Is a Corporation.

I do not see how anyone can look at the united states and not reach the conclusion that its biggest problem is that its media and congress and banks are run by people whose primary priority is a country on the other side of the world who is utterly racist, and who do not care about any ethnic group other than themselves.


I agree but lets call these Talmudic Saturn Cult demons out, The Rothschild's, The Royals, The Jesuit's and all the traitors that support them.

the jesuits and royals hardly make my radar, the council on foreign relations however, yes, they are obviously a major center of their wheel of bullshit.

The Rothschilds, Royals and Jesuits own and control US,UK, Isra-el, Nato, NASA, UN, IMF, CFR, Bilderberg all these organizations and corporations are owned by these El-ites who worship EL, Saturn.

Okay. But are you blaming the INDIVIDUALS--however few or many there are--who are actually using that violence, or are you blaming a general category they belong to? (By the way, what you just described, while accurate, also applies quite well to the U.S. military.)


yes, i support efforts to boycott america just as much as i do israel.

and someone had to have deactivated air defenses on 9/11, and only the us military could do that.

there is enough blame to go around, but if you wanted to get a hold of the military so that the american people had more say in whatever they were doing than nuts in jerusalem, then you'd have to go through aipac.

you can't run a country where one other country is allowed unlimited dual national infiltration of institutions and unlimited foreign bribery, and therefore you are seeing the united state fall way behind in its information offense/defense capabilities and the news media has lost its goddamn mind, anyone who strikes at the root of this issue like i am runs into big problemss trying to feed themselves.

Actually, the biggest problem in the United States is Child Pedophilia/Human Trafficking/Adrenochrome Harvesting/Blood Harvest for the purposes of Satanic Rituals.
M.S.M./ Congress/Senators/Traitor 44/Hollywood Directors-Producers-Executives in all Countries on all levels all Over the World.

Fooled by Racism as an actual issue?

Meanwhile these people you speak of are passing laws to take away your rights. Impede on your privacy wether financial, social, sexual practice and beliefs. Attempting to mould our children's minds to play video games , indulge in AI, and wave Rainbow flags.

lol you took the words right out of my mouth here. I have to deal with this all day every single day. Not even Jewish but apparently I look Jewish so I get the butt end of this collectivist laziness on a regular basis.

You are paid by jews, satanist.

The internet is not a eccochamper...

you are a good boy, but why the hell do you interview Robert Kiyosaki and call yourself an anarchist.. that is the most crazy thing I ever saw you do!!

Maybe that is why people put you in the "jew"box.. it is also called a paid shill...

by the way you can restore your reputation (partly) by upvoting the song I wrote, and posted today, that also goes for the rest of the jeffberwick / anarchapulco clan... or atleast some or them... now it is time for lunch.

How dare you LOOK kind of like someone who might belong to a general category of millions of people, a small subset of whom are doing evil crap!? (Never mind that that also describes every white person in the world. And pretty much everyone else, too.)

As a German I can just agree what you said about "The Jews" because Nazi Germany was a group too.
Yes. Germany has a got bad reputation in the past and will probably forever be associated with it, but as you said, you can't blame a group because not everyone in the group agrees with the statements of everyone else in the group. I think videos like this shouldn't just exist about "The Jews" but about stereotypical groups in general.
You made it a great start but I think that there should be more videos like this.

Why are referring to your ancestors as Nazis? This Is a Communist propaganda word created by the Rothschild's who are Ashke-nazi Jewish Communists, they are the real nazis. Your country Is a corporation completely controlled by the Rothschild's.
Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists fought and gave their life's for your country and for the great Norse peoples. You've been completely brainwashed all your life with lies just as I have. The holocaust Is a lie, holocaust Is a Jewish word and means a burnt sacrificial offering, these Talmudic Jews have been caught doing this many times In history. You need to realize that your whole education and media Is completely controlled by a freemasonic el-ite who worship Saturn/El/Remphan/Moloch.
You should look In to the case of Ernst Zundel, a German/Jew living In Canada, he was arrested for handing out leaflets denieing the holocaust. This case went to a retrial, Fred Leuchter the only gas chamber expert, In the US at the time, travelled to Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek where he documented the alleged gas chambers and took samples for detailed testing. He quickly realized, after Inspecting the alleged gas chambers, that they could never have been used for gas execution purposes, his samples were sent to an Independent laboratory who found zero evidence of cyanide gas.
Fred Leuchter's testimony, In the Canadian court, went on to the record and led to the acquittal of Ernst Zundel. Later Ernst Zundel was forcibly removed from his home and taken to Germany and put In prison. The Rothschild's control most of the worlds governments and corporations.

I agree... Why don't you make one ?

You're quite right, and unfortunately, just as almost everyone group has been glorified as "superior" by some of its members, a lot of groups have also been demonized, with the Germans being an obvious example. And yes, I've often corrected people who said that "the Germans" did this or that, or "the Japanese" did this, or "the Russians" did that. I know I don't want to be blamed for all the stupid and/or evil stuff that has been done by other Americans, particularly those who wield political "authority." I've also been happy to see a rather significant number of Germans getting on board the voluntaryism wagon.

It's easier to judge people by the color of their skin or nationality than it is to talk and get to know them. That's why it still exists and always will. Some people are too lazy and I'm really surprised we have lasted this long as a species.

The word hu-man comes from admiralty maritime when they would describe something that was like a man but not, a sea monster as a hu-man, a beast, this Is how the Talmudic Jews like the Rothschild's and the Queen of England see all non-jews.

Oh good, more bogus mythology used to justify pack-mentality.


You are an absolute shill, hu-man means monster or beast It's written In to American law. Human being. See monster, Ballentines Law Dictionary 1930.

I didn’t know that the queen of England was a Talmudic Jew!

The Royals are part of the Saturn Cult Cabal and are Talmud following Khazar Jews. The EL-ites worship EL, the star Saturn & the Black Cube. These people practice Black Magic.

The Saturn Cult who control much of the worlds corporations are a group of demonic ELites who worship EL, Saturn. Their beliefs originate In Sumeria, Egypt, Phoenicia Canaan through the Druids of Europe and the Ancient City of Rome, which was called the City of Saturn, their Cult very likely also goes back to Khazaria. The Corporate laws many of the worlds peoples are now controlled by originate In Phoenicia Canaan.

wow. you really have got it all sorted in your mind.

Demonizing an entire group is the wrong thing to do. In fact, judging and condemning anyone is the wrong thing to do. One always has the choice to do the right or the wrong thing, so it falls on the individual to be accountable and responsible for their own actions. We have all turned away from our Creator and have been misled into an artificial system where everything is man-made and conceived by man/men.
So it really doesn't matter what religion, country, bank, government, organization, or secret society we look at to point a finger in blame.
We all (myself included) have chosen man's law over the Natural Law. If it's not of nature, we have made it up
One must have a God and a higher system of law or be governed. The thing is, we have been conditioned and tricked away from the bible. The bible is what our system of law is based on. Every time you put your hand on it in a courtroom to "swear the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God," you have just cursed yourself and turned back to man's law. Every time we take an office or official position in the beast system, we swear an oath to defend a "nation" or a "government" or a debt contract called a con-stitution!
Ignorance of the law is no excuse!
We can't have it both ways, we either work together in mutual cross-support under the Natural Law out of selflessness, charity, and love, or...
we perish for lack of knowledge by playing make believe in a fictional matrix with all of our foolishness! The twin pillars of church and state tied together by the arch of banking will always control and spiral into corruption until the empire collapses.
There have always been a religion (priest class), government(the king, armies, military strength), and banking(aristocracy) to lord over the peasants (serfs,tenants,slaves, whatever)
This is the human farming system that keeps getting replayed over and over again throughout human history. Take out a deck of playing cards and tell me what you see: Hearts, Spades, Diamonds, & Clubs.
Can you guess what symbol represents what?

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