Cops: Protectors or Predators?

in #anarchy6 years ago

If people believed what they see with their own eyes, instead of believing the ridiculous way in which the media and Hollywood depict "law enforcement," they would see cops for what they are: parasitic predators. Here is a video demonstrating the usual mentality of the bastards in blue.

▶️ DTube

I had a leech on my foot this week after hiking.
It was more pleasant than watching this cop. Leeches are more honest, too.

Here in the USA , and I can only speak of cops here, they are power hungry horrible individuals. I have had a few encounter s with them due to a crazy alcoholic ex wife. They assume guilt and treat you like garbage and once proven incorrect just move on to the next people/person they can intimidate and use force on. They are usually unsuccessful in other aspects of life and get to vent out frustrations in their jobs. Sad.

Here in the Philippines cops are predator and ruthless killers. They love planting evedence to there victims.

The only good cop is a DEAD cop! Eventually I'm going to make a bumper sticker that says that.

Not the best idea... hahaha. Don't martyr yourself - we need all the freedom-minded individuals we can get.

In addition (and I'm reluctant to admit this because immoral people piss me off to no end), we should remember that morality is merely a distillation and codification of the one universal law of interaction between living beings - LOVE. The best case scenario is that police (and all who act immorally) will be made to see the error of their ways, not that they'll be killed. Punishment is of no value, though defense is necessary. Regardless of what they may have done to this point, if they can be turned around, we are obliged by moral law to embrace that option. As annoying as that is, it's just the way of things.

It is self defense dude. It is our birthright to destroy these lawless violent inhumane criminal pieces of fucking shit! Which is why I blame society for not putting a stop to this sick shit. 80 million armed Americans in this country with NO BALLS!!! The reason we have an imperial standing army of lawless criminals is because we have 300 million shitizens who sit back and do nothing letting it happen. Our founding fathers are rolling in their graves. George Washington would slap us silly for being such sidewalk sissies allowing this crap!

Can’t argue with that. But the time for shooting was when this shit first started. Now it’s going to take education and reteaching morality to get this done.

Imagine locusts are infesting your house, and you have a can of bug spray. The time to spray is when you first start seeing them - by the time there are thousands covering every surface of the walls and floors, it’s too late to solve the problem with your little can of spray. Even if you had a bunch of people with a bunch of cans, you’d probably poison yourselves and faint before you ever got them all.

The problem is beyond shooting our way out. The culture has hypnotized the masses to not even view this as immorality; as worthy of defending against. A physical anarchist revolution - be it on a one-on-one, or nation-wide scale, is doomed to failure at this time. We need WAY more people understanding this stuff, and that takes education. The work of the anarchist right now is to speak - loud and often.

That's what I'm doing, speaking loud and often cussing out society like I do. I'm ruthless dude! My war is with society. FUCK SOCIETY!!! I detest cops, but I detest those who support cops even more so! This is why I call myself a refugee. My country has been taken over by a lawless defacto neo Nazi corporation posing as government in my free country.

Washington "believed that a military expedition would be needed to suppress further violence." (Statist double-speak) during the Whiskey Rebellion.. He didn't allow for any of it. Police/military are just symptoms of Statist (initiatory violence) ideology. If we don't understand that, how can we expect them to?

I think of cops like a bear in the woods (except less cuddly and interesting). They are something dangerous to be avoided. I steer clear of them at all costs. If I see them up ahead on the road, I take a detour. If I'm lost, I stay lost rather than ask them for directions. I want no interaction with them at all, if it can be helped (in a professional capacity, at least... if I had the opportunity to engage them in meaningful conversation off-duty, I would do so in an effort to contribute to their rehabilitation; though I don't generally get the sense they're up for deep conversations concerning moral imperatives and the like).

I pulled up around 11:30 one night in front of the library where I work to grab the wifi signal on my phone, and suddenly realized a few minutes later that someone had parked an SUF with the headlights aimed at the passenger side of my vehicle. Moments later, a cop with an absurdly bright light knocked on my passenger window to pry into my business.

Funny thing. He didn't accept MY badge without question.

There's way too much eulogizing of police/military and I generally support the reversal of that bias. But 'animals'? No. De-humanizing people has never been the way to go ...

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