Announcing the National Voter Unregistration Drive 2016!

in #anarchy8 years ago

“There are many paths to freedom (true) and each individual should choose the one he or she thought most workable…[t]he libertarian analysis superbly explained the political history of the world and –  combined with free-market economics – analyzed depressions, modern warfare, and revolutions, describing their causes and predicting the futility of political solutions…[u]sing political means to achieve free-market ends is self-destructive and self-defeating.” 

Samuel Konkin

Welcome, all brand new subscribers! As many of you are aware of, I’ve recently written primers on Ron Paul for Donald Trump supporters, Gary Johnson acolytes, and former Bernie Sanders believers. I did so because I felt that these irrational voters ought to be warned about their naïve political crusading, yet I couldn’t shake the feeling of the enthusiastic authoritarianism that I’ve witnessed from voters every election cycle without fail. 

Inspired by the 2016 Illinois Unregistration Drive as well as the 2016 Texas Unregistration Drive, both of which are conducted in solidarity with Vacate the Vote as part of the larger strategic withdrawal effort known as Vacate the State, I’m proud to announce, under the guise of absolutely no “authority” whatsoever, that the National Voter Unregistration Drive 2016 is “officially” underway! 

Opposing the National Voter Registration Day on September 27th of 2016 is the goal of NVUD 2016, by “motivating” and “empowering” registered voters to cancel their voter registration as quickly as possible. As a freedom holiday, NVUD 2016 wants you to quit being a registered voter on or before September 27th.  What better way to revoke your individual consent to be governed (to  the extent that the government will legally allow you to do so) than by cancelling your voter registration? 

For those of you who may feel befuddled as to why any American would seriously want to get behind and support NVUD 2016, I would encourage  you to first go on a circuit of political fieldtrips and experience local  government upfront and in person. Once you’ve decided that political parties and government elections aren’t for you, feel free to peruse the legal basis behind voter cancellation, as well as podcast versions (“spoken discourses”) of my anti-voting trilogy. 

Please keep in mind that NVUD 2016 is a leaderless resistance effort, and as such, there is no “headquarters” to contact or an  organization that is capable of receiving donations. NVUD 2016 is intended to promote direct action, so as a freedom holiday, it is also supportive of Direct Action Day this November 8th of 2016. So, instead of chicken scratching in a booth or pushing a button on a Diebold machine, why not peruse The Freedom Umbrella of Direct Action in order to discover the 100+ ways to exercise your freedom without asking permission? 

Mark your calendars this September 27th for the National Voter Unregistration Drive 2016, and together,  let’s make NVUD 2016 a freedom holiday that directly undermines the anti-republican “Republican” Party, the anti-democratic “Democratic”  Party, and the anti-libertarian “Libertarian” Party!

Join the R-love-ution today!

Kyle Rearden is a blogger, podcaster, and videographer who started The Last Bastille Blog in 2011 since he thought the blogosphere would be more conducive to his study of a wide variety of subjects within the alternative media. From  2009 – 2012, his former YouTube channel amassed over 127,000 total upload views with 150+ videos; and between 20122014, his blog has received approximately 81,000 total views. Currently, he is the creative consultant for Liberty Under Attack Radio, a co-host of Behind Enemy Lines, and records the Liberty Intelligence Files alongside Alex Ansary.

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