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RE: Polite Pirates

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

Contrary to popular opinion you can't have unbridled freedom no one can. The human psyche can not handle it. Law provides order and in order for there to be order there must be enforcement. Most laws I will agree is stupid and shouldn't be on the books but that is not the cop's fault that bullshit is on the political class. Do you have any idea what kind of person you have to be in order to be willing to get into a gunfight with someone to protect people you dont even know? You can't have your everyday average pussy doing that job not in America he'd get shot his first day in a city like Chicago. Dumb shit like minor speeding tickets, jay walking, being too damn loud, getting arrested for drug use, getting into a non physical argument, not being able to pay fines, soliciting, you know dumb shit laws like parking violations. Those need to be stricken off the books. But who are you going to call if I spray your house with an UZI or AR-15 just because I can? It'd be a cop so they serve a purpose.


NO, because for NO reason you wouldn't be bullet spraying someones house. People just don't do those things without any reason. with the exception of children old enought to know better but are to agressively angry at the system, thou ANYTHING a child does IS the responsibility of the parent.

Before we had ultra-realistic video games- like miami vice city or something, which lets you slap prostitutes and murder innocent peolple for extra points in the game- We didnt have those issues. The Video game industry has desensitized the younger generation, and they immerse themselves in this alternate reality- then wonder why they cant find jobs- with hate filled hearts and no respect for anyone, including themseleves. I remember pac-man, space invaders, pong, atari- got to play those for about 30 minutes, then I had to weed the garden, take out the trash, wash the cars, wash the dogs, mow the yard, etc. Idle time is the devils workshop, basically.

There is always a reason you are right my bad.....Let's say I was selling drugs and I thought your house was the house some dipshit that owes me money lives in. Does that sound more realistic to you? Someone tried killing my cousin for a $800 tab you still dont think police are needed at all? What they need is their job redefined.

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