Voluntary Japan X Roger Ver: Bitcoin Cash, Voluntaryism, and the Future of Crypto (+ NICE EASTER EGG FOR QUICKEST $LEUTH!)

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)

"Governments move slowly, the market moves fast. So if we can move to have the entire market adopt this as money before the regulators even know what happened, that's it. We won."

~Roger Ver

Please enjoy my recent interview with Roger Ver (@rogerkver), a.k.a "Bitcoin Jesus," at the Bitcoin.com head office in Tokyo.

In this interview we discuss Bitcoin Cash, the opposition from many in the Bitcoin Core camp, the future of crypto and the markets in the face of heavy government regulation, and, most importantly, Voluntaryist philosophy.

There is also a nice little surprise in this video for one lucky individual who acts fast. Enjoy ;)



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


This is huge! Congratulations for having interviewed one of your "heroes" in the space, @rogerkver (Or if you're like me, which I think you said - as close to a hero as you can get) and props for not being afraid of the anti-BCH people. I'm not sure if I support or even like the BCH gang that much - but we need a discussion based on facts and not feelz. And to be honest I think Ver is providing a lot of facts and he wants to discuss and he wants to grow the space. What are the core team doing? Who are they? Where are they? I don't know. They are like this anonymous organization.

And it seems like you're doing a great job as an interviewer! Do you have a lot of past experience, or just a natural? I was not able to see the whole thing, but I will tonight. Looking forward to it! Full upvote and resteem though - because I know this will be good!

On the bottom of this page are the more than 360 best devs of the world known as Core:


Everyone can contribute or review code, it is a permission less group, everyone can go ahead and work on Bitcoin

What does this have to do with their comment you are replying to?

It is quite obviously an answer to this question right?:

What are the core team doing? Who are they? Where are they? I don't know. They are like this anonymous organization.

Thanks man. I really appreciate that. Yeah, the "discussion" so far from the core side has been comprised of a lot of vitriolic fluff. I have heard a couple people raise honest, level-headed questions, but for the most part it's a lot of stuff unrelated to BCH itself.

As for the interviewing, I've been doing it on and off as Voluntary Japan for awhile now, but am pretty used to being under pressure and on stage from teaching, playing in bands, and being in drama club for years :) I was fucking nervous as hell. But I kind of like that energy in a way.

It doesn't show that you were nervous :)

Great interview man!

Yoooooo :D

Check this out guys:


Can't believe no one scanned it!! 2am in the morning and it paid off lol
Instantly fell in love with the wallet too!

HahaH! I can’t believe nobody was willing to put in the “work” for that! You deserve it man, and glad to see an industrious dude like you get it!

@kafkanarchy84 Coolest easter egg ever! Thanks to you and @rogerkver 👍

wow you are so active! I remember you decided to do steemit full-time and you have been doing so much... it's like putting overtime work :P

Yeah! Now it's for my own survival! Haha.

Having a great time, though. This type of overtime is alright!

It seems like you really hustle, too. Your blogs are always really high quality. Hoping more and more people see them and support your work. You deserve it!

What a great interview Graham. "Roger is a seven letter word that begins with an A" hahaha. On a serious note, I don't see why we should have all this infighting and rivalry in the crypto space when we all want similar things. I believe that both BTC and BCH can co-exist and grow together- lets let the market forces decide which one will be adopted. Roger is smart and offers some good insights and I wish him lots of success :)

Thanks, bro.

I don’t see a reason for all the vitriol, either

Great interview! Having a lot of trouble getting that QR code to scan (either due to the resolution or that Roger was moving the paper around a little too much), but hopefully someone else has already claimed it!

Thanks, @alexander-rex. Have you tried using a QR code reader app, maybe? It read for me pretty quickly when I paused the video. I don't know if anyone's claimed it (I imagine they have), but it never hurts to check!

Yeah, I actually tried using a separate QR code reader (and the one built-in to the Bitcoin.com wallet).

Anyway, I'm fortunate to already have some BCH from the original fork, so I'll leave it to a newbie to grab, if they haven't already.

Awesome interview, man! I'm surprised you were able to snag Roger! He's a busy man.

Thanks man! Yeah, been working on it for awhile now. Was a real treat.

Highly rEsteemed!

I really like Bitcoin Cash actually, really glad I watched this, I'll keep a little more in my wallet now.

Crypto will definitely survive. No matter what. Even on a closed network, people will find a way to use it.

"Governments move slowly, the market moves fast. So if we can move to have the entire market adopt this as money before the regulators even know what happened, that's it. We won."

~Roger Ver

Governments move slowly is an overstatement. Government moves backwards. The government is censorship on every level. 500 million children barely scratches the surface. Blockchain-based social media will be responsible for more good things than any government ever has/will.

Undermining the government's ability to wage war is an amazing prospect and a revolutionary thought. Investing in crypto saves lives!

@rogerkver thank you so much, your giveaway was awesome, makes me wish I had the necessary wallet. Will definitely be following you.

Thanks for the informative video @kafkanarchy84, I learned a lot, will be reviewing a few times I'm sure.

Haha. Awesome. You got it, then? If you didn't get it please erase this pic so someone else can find it!

Also, sorry about that! I wasn't thinking about it in that way, I figured someone had already claimed it long before it even hit steemit since you posted it to youtube lol

I would have fixed it sooner but was watching that video in fullscreen and didn't see the notification.. :|

Nah, it is unlisted on YouTube. We wanted folks to have to see the video to get it. Hopefully no one swiped it just from the pic. Oh well.

Glad you liked the vid. I am also pretty pumped about BCH, and am super stoked that Ver really gets it, and is a principled Voluntaryist.

Hopefully if someone did swipe it, they at least watch the video and learn a thing or two.

Hearing him say that he has been a voluntaryist for 2 decades gave me a lot of hope and allows for me to have a little more faith in what he says (I'm not one to trust people's opinions)

Given that his reputation is under attack by so many people it leads me to want to assume that Roger himself is probably telling the truth, a majority of the time at least.

I wish I had been smart enough to invest in BTC the first time I ever heard it mentioned, but like he says in the video I was just watching on his page, BCH could be worth a whole lot more in the future with mass adoption. Especially when it comes to businesses using it. I believe now is the best time to get more crypto, regardless of your choice. The future for most of them is going to be better that that of FIAT for many reasons.

Don't ever keep all your eggs in the same basket, a phrase I myself use that I just heard repeated by Roger, is the best advice you can give a new investor. Whether it's a bunch of different currencies, land, cars, or whatever you want to invest in, just spread yourself out a little bit, that way when something fails you have a few back-up plans.

Yeah man. I try not to have "heroes" anymore really (it's dangerous!), but meeting Ver was a real encouragement. Have been inspired by him a lot over the years.

And yeah, he gets what it's all about: the individual.

I wish I had been smart enough to invest in BTC the first time I ever heard it mentioned, but like he says in the video I was just watching on his page, BCH could be worth a whole lot more in the future with mass adoption.

Haha. You and me both. But yeah. Future is wide open.

No lol, I haven't even downloaded the wallet yet but I am in the process of moving some of my crypto in to BCH instead. :) It's 5:06 in the morning and I'm still awake from yesterday because of all the motivation I've been getting from steemit and particularly the Whaleshares community.

Just finishing watching this video by Roger. I think that what he's doing is great and I love the fact the he's a voluntaryist.

I really appreciate that you use the #anarchy tag in your posts so much because this one and others like it have led me down some incredible roads. I am looking forward to discovering much more because of them.

Thanks again.

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