in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)

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Hey, guys, in the interest of branding, clarity, and a bit of a more focused approach to things, I've created a separate Steem account for "official" Voluntary Japan!

@voluntaryjapan is the account name. And here is what VJ! is all about:

My main account here (@kafkanarchy84) is great, and I love posting about anything and everything all the time, because to me it's all interconnected. It will remain my main, personal account. That said, I felt there was a need to create a "professional" account as well, as some of my content here on this blog, @kafkanarchy84, may seem to only be loosely related to voluntaryism, anarchism, etc.

This blog will remain my personal blog, with thoughts, rants, photography, music, videos, reviews, anarchist "purist" philosophizing and whatever else. The NEW VJ ACCOUNT is more VJ group-oriented, voluntaryist content-focused, and...well...official!

If you like my content as Voluntary Japan, and have enjoyed my YouTube channel over the past two years, please follow the new Voluntary Japan account here on Steemit to stay up to date on what is going on in VJ world! Also, please look for Voluntary Japan on DLive, as I'm in the process of migrating over there from YouTube!

Anyway, I guess that's about it. I hope you'll check out the new, official VJ account!





Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


How wonderful, that the volunteer management is growing so much that you should have a separate account for this. Congratulations!

Excellent friend, it is a good opportunity for the voluntary community of Japan.

interesting and unique posts

I know this will be awesome.

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