Change the KKK from the Inside! A Pragmatic Approach to Ending the Hate.

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

Voluntaryists in 2016:

I can’t believe how many self-labeled Voluntaryists are jumping on the “Trump Train”! They’re being duped! What a bunch of idiots!

Voluntaryists in 2020:


The KKK is not changed by joining it, and then “dissolving” it from top the down.

Why? Because it is an evil organization by very intrinsic design, created for the express purpose of keeping power in the hands of one class of individuals, and wresting power completely front the hands of another. Heck, you can’t even join a good organization and abolish it from the top down via its own processes and systems.

You could lie to join a group, saying you are something you are not, and then once inside, sabotage it. But getting rid of it through its own established processes? That’s silly.

(You could join your grandma’s bake sale group, say, and then vote to end the group at one of its meetings, but that doesn’t make much sense, and in the end will likely just make you look like a weirdo, getting you kicked out the front door of the Rotary hall, as all the grandmas gaze on in bewildered astonishment.)

The state—commonly known as “government”—is demonstrably identical to the KKK, or any other group, in that it exists in large part to make sure it continues to exist. The state and its multitudinal mechanisms of force have been set in place for the express purpose of keeping power in the “hands” of the state.

How is it then that someone could imagine they might enter the state, openly and explicitly declaring disdain for it and its illegitimacy—from the highest echelons of its power all the way down to its electoral process—and then presume to take a seat of high power by those very same processes they have just declared illegitimate (elections, acquisition of power via political mandate, etc) in order to dismantle the state from the “top down,” still believing said plan is practical, logical, legitimate, and/or non-contradictory in nature?

This person would have to be:

A. Dishonest

B. Deluded

C. In a state of ignorance / mistaken, illogical thinking.

D. All or any combination of the above.

Maybe this lady can change the Klan from the inside. image source.

Let me give one final illustration:

Take Joe. Joe is a black man from Mississippi. Joe hates the KKK because they suck. Joe gets a great idea. He will become Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan, and once he does, he will immediatley proclaim the KKK to be abolished. Brilliant!

But that’s not all. Joe is going to infiltrate the group loudly proclaiming their evils and preaching about the necessity of their destruction! He’s got a real chance at winning! Let’s give him all the support we’ve got!

Go, Joe!

See how silly that is?

Hell, even “Clayton Bigsby” (hilarious Dave Chapelle Show character) couldn’t have pulled this off. He only got in because he was a vocal proponent of the KKK!

In closing, the US federal government is a mega beast of massive, highly organized brutality, weaponry, and intelligence-gathering capabilities

in size and scope far beyond anything the Ku Klux Klan could ever hope to be. To imagine that one could shout it down as evil, openly and explicitly calling for it’s demise, whilst simultaneously ascending to one of its highest seats of power is contradictory, illogical, and delusional. A cursory look at even the weaker entrenched powers and their practices, such as the electoral college, should make this clear. Not to mention all the more gruesome, cruel, and brutal means by which power has been maintained over the years by the state.

Yes, as crazy as a black guy trying to change the KKK “from the inside,” or a vocal Buddhist monk becoming head pastor at Westboro Baptist Church, is a self-proclaimed “voluntaryist” who states that the electoral process is not legit, and that the government is evil and must be abolished, just as soon as he is legitimately elected by the evil processes to do so. It just ain’t gonna happen. And more importantly, it defies the law of non-contradiction.


Thanks for reading. Even if in some dream world, parallel universe out there Adam Kokesh does become president, his plan remains incompatible and ultimately irreconcilable with voluntaryist principle. For the detailed and cited/sourced breakdown of why this is, please see:

A voluntaryist perspective on the Kokesh plan:



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DTube and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)


A bit off topic........ but have you heard of Daryl Davis A black man that talks with KKK members.
He didn't join them to bring it down from the top though. ;)

......funny thing though is that there is also a video of him talking with to blm people, that goes not so good.

Yes! Dude is amazing. He’s gotten several to actually quit the Klan. Difference is, as I am sure you know, he never joined! ;)

Strange but not surprising I guess about BLM, they really are, in so many ways, just another supremacist hate group.

Excellent @kafkanarchy we will never win by playing their game .. how can you win a game where every choice and opposing idea is owned? Indeed what is democracy? is it a bastion of freedom or a tool of divsion? I know which side of the coin my perception falls!

The road to freedom and change comes from within and it comes from igniting the flame that smolders within us all. One day people will rediscover the inherant power we've been programmed to give away and only then will the world change .. I can dream can't I? :)

Aside from the fact that those in power wouldn't allow it to happen, isn't the idea of "voting Voluntaryist" kind of an oxymoron anyway?

Cut them some slack. With hard work they might actually succeed.

Then the the dissolved KKK would make something else

So it's just rinse and repeat.

I found you on a @onpolitics and came over. nice to meet you and follow :)

Cheers, @d-zero. Nice to meet you as well. Thanks for the comment.

Yeah nice...i agrew with u. Our society is diveded in classes where people irrespective of seeing the ability if others whether is person is right or wrong favoura him just beacuse that person is ur friend or collegue.

LOL I Was going to put up that picture of Chappelle!

How is it then that someone could imagine they might enter the state, openly and explicitly declaring disdain for it and its illegitimacy—from the highest echelons of its power all the way down to its electoral process—and then presume to take a seat of high power by those very same processes they have just declared illegitimate (elections, acquisition of power via political mandate, etc) in order to dismantle the state from the “top down,” still believing said plan is practical, logical, legitimate, and/or non-contradictory in nature?

Ask Donald Trump

LOL Drugs, you forgot drugs....
I did some wild trips in my youth but never went to that level of bat shyt delusional break from reality...

Lol. Good call. Should have included that.

It's really great! I love it, I never saw your blag before, but from now on I will
Followed :)

That was indeed a fascinating read. "it exists in large part to make sure it continues to exist" That's some creepy S***! It gives me the chills just thinking about it.

I had these thoughts myself, wasn't sure what his motives were. Could it be that he has adopted a "if ya can't beat'em, join'em" mindset??

I guess that's what passes for "pragmatism" these days. Joining the enemy (but just “temporarily!”)

The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend! Good read!
I left you an important message on by the way! :)

Very true. Right on, will hop over there now. Thanks!

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