Fluoride is Poison and Can Make You Sick [Natural Alternatives to Fluoride]

in #anarchy8 years ago

Fluoride is a known endocrine disruptor. An endocrine disruptor is defined as a chemical that can cause cancer and birth defects. History shows us that fluoride was used in Nazi Germany to keep the people docile. Fluoride is not only added to toothpaste but can also be found in tap water, bottled water, and food. Always be mindful of ingredients you are putting into your body. This means when you shower, cook, wash dishes, drink water, and brush your teeth you may be getting a big dose of fluoride. For water, I purchase Core, which states on the bottle "No Fluoride". Unfortunately, it's still used in dental products to this day and the health risks are undeniable. With regards to dental health, there are various fluoride free alternatives. The mainstream will say that fluoride is necessary, but the truth is natural alternatives are healthier and more effective.

Fluoride is poison


Fluoride free products

Here are a few nutritional supplements to consider adding to your dental health regimen. One study indicates neem mouthwash could outperform conventional dental products with regards to reducing plaque. Additional studies show it's miraculous properties that are able to cure gingivitis. If you want to try it, one simple method is to look for fluoride free toothpaste with neem leaf extract. Coconut oil already has antibacterial qualities and is considerably safer than many fluoridated toothpaste. You may even use coconut oil as a toothpaste if you like. Research indicates it can, in fact, slow the growth of bacteria which may lead to tooth decay.

Coconut oil kills bacteria


Oil pulling

Oil pulling or oil swishing with coconut oil may also lead to an important decrease in overall plaque. Olive oil has been hailed for its moisturizing benefits, with a process called ozone injection we can create ozonated olive oil. Ozonated olive oil is one way we may use dental ozone therapy. One study suggests this treatment is more efficient than typical dental methods. Pair ozonated olive oil with a fluoride free toothpaste and get amazing results.

Swish Swish


Pain GO Away!

Oregano oil is one of those items with one million purposes, and dental health is one of them. Oregano oil can be extremely beneficial for dental problems and may be utilized to soothe toothaches, abscesses, and mouth sores. Due to the potency always be sure that you dilute it with something similar to olive oil, if you don't, you could end up burning yourself pretty badly. Used to combat bad breath, myrrh is available in some fluoride free toothpaste. The compounds in myrrh are toxic to all the things which may cause bad breath. There are dental products that not only contains myrrh but additional ingredients to support a healthy mouth. Minimizing fluoride intake is easier with all of the alternatives available today.


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What are you going to do when the Authority put them in your water?

It's already in the water... I try to drink water without fluoride, but that doesn't do anything for the water I wash my dishes with or shower in. You can get filters installed to remove most of the fluoride, but it costs $$$$.

Even the water you buy in the bottle, claiming from spring water still contain them.
??? WTF

I get spring water... Most bottled water is filtered tap water which odds are contain fluoride. It takes expensive filters to get it out it is so small.

Can you trust water stored in plastic jugs labeled "spring water" that may or may not have been sitting in storage which then gets transported sometimes thousands of miles to store shelf for an indeterminate amount of time all the while the plastic container is leaching dangerous chemicals know to have ill effects on the human endocrine system ? Although it might be more time consuming and take extra effort it seems best to actually find and collect water from a non contaminated natural spring and store it in non reactive containers such as glass bottles in a cool dark location out of direct sunlight.

There are also issues with the plastic leeching PCB's or whatever into the water, especially if it has been sitting in the sun.

Yeah, bottled water is a joke. I only store it for emergencies. Otherwise your best bet is to use a real filtration system, not the joke Brita crap.

Check out https://www.berkeywater.com/


Core bottled water doesn't have fluoride. But, not sure if it is available where you are.

Always looking for new poisons...

We have ordered a Berkey filter with special fluoride filters, should be a solution for drinking and cooking. It's pricey though

@yan-kovalenko read this.

We've been using a Berkey for several years now and I'm certain I'm not as crazy as I'd otherwise be ...

We have been fighting against fluoride in our Wellington water for years. Many times I've presented to the City Council and the Regional Council against it, but its like talking to a brick wall. We collect our drinking water from an aquifer half an hours drive away, and filter our house water (and yes, it cost $$$$)

At this point, with all the resistance to serving actual citizens, for decades now - I'm pretty sure that we are under attack. Whether by aliens, greedy humans, Nazi's from the South Pole, IDK, but there is no other way to explain our steady march into collapse.

I've also read some great stuff about making or installing your own cistern

calcium binds with fluoride. calcium citrate can be made from egg shells and lemon juice, or calcium acetate can be made from egg shells and vinegar, or just powder the egg shells in a coffee grinder and mix it with the water and hope for the best. i drink distilled water with a pinch of sea salt, not enough to taste.

very interesting

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