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RE: Take this quick quiz to discover you're actually an anarchist.

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)

If there were a button you could push to permanently end my relationship with the state; and I asked you to push it, would you?

Where have I heard that before ?

I think you know my honest answer is yes* but with conditions applied...

You as an individual may have a net positive or net negative contribution to the society ( collective pool) , people smarter than myself should be able to quantify that and once that is settled you should be able to live on an island by yourself with no interference.

No, that does not make me an anarchist , it just means I honor a person's agency for making their own life decisions.

(although I can cross them)

This means?


I can't use roads as a service, but they can't act as a prison.
If I can't cross roads, then I can't travel far.

makes sense...

you should be able to live on an island by yourself with no interference.

that's so considerate of you.

can he live on an island-- or maybe even not an island-- with some of his friends who aren't like you and won't be trying to bother and take from him? or he has to be all alone?

if he lives happily with other people, you're saying you'll ask the state to not allow that?

No, that does not make me an anarchist , it just means I honor a person's agency for making their own life decisions.

If you DID honor a person's agency for making their own decisions, then you'd be an anarchist.

But you're right, you're not one. Because you don't. Your answer to his question apparently has to do with "conditions applied" and whether smart people could quantify his contribution to the collective pool, or some sort of nonsensical string of words.

There is no collective. Society is merely shorthand for the interactions of individuals. If individuals are not interacting through consent, what is the justification for coercion?

I can't think of many issues where 100% of folks would interact through voluntary consent ..what do you suggest we should do in that case? not make any collective decision ?

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”

― Someone important in history

What situations require 100% consent from everyone in society once you strip away the zero-sum game of politics? Every interaction and exchange is a person-to-person event. Where in your individual life is mutual voluntary consent optional?

Sorry , I have no idea what you are talking about.

You said, "I can't think of many issues where 100% of folks would interact through voluntary consent."

I asked, "What situations require 100% consent from everyone in society?"

Politics turns every question into a zero-sum game. For someone to win, someone else must lose. Of course there can be no 100% consent or universal satisfaction under such a system, but it is an artificial constraint.

In reality, every interaction and exchange is a person-to-person event. So where in your individual life is mutual voluntary consent optional, and coercion acceptable? Outside the artificial confines of politics, how is consent an impractical standard?

In democracy we vote to provide consent , no law is passed with 100% approval.So the practical consideration is that since 100% consent from demographic is never achieved , inevitably some party is going to feel "coerced" into conforming to a norm/law.

And that is why democracy is a fraud. I cannot consent to something on your behalf, and vice versa. There isn't even an agent/principal relationship between politicians and those who voted for them, much less those who voted against them, could not vote, or chose not to vote. Ther is no virtue in the system.

What is a law? It is the opinion of politicians who represent no one but themselves, imposed by coercion. Where such laws coincide with reason and morality, they are redundant. Where such laws trespass against natural rights and fly in the face of reason and morality, they are an abomination.

Slavery was "legal." Jim Crow was "legal." Alcohol prohibition was "legal." Eminent domain, conscription, concentration internment camps, drug prohibition, and innumerable other violations of the natural rights of individuals have been imposed under color of law as though they had moral and rational authority. This is utterly and completely absurd when examined rationally.

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”

― Someone important in history

See I already included the fact Democracy is flawed in many ways in my previous response.

I would much rather fix this system than throw it out of the window in hope of an Utopian system.

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