Voting is NOT a RIGHT!!!

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)


Voting is NOT a RIGHT.

No one has the RIGHT to choose a master that everyone else then HAS to obey under threat of violence.

No one has the RIGHT to make other people the subjects/slaves of others by choosing a master for them.

Thats the ABSOLUTE TRUTH, you dont have the RIGHT to vote, I dont have the right to vote, NO ONE DOES! In fact when it comes to politics, government and authority, when it comes to choosing another person or group of people to be a master and rule over everyone else, no one has the right to do that, such a right does not even exist. In fact, its actually WRONG and IMMORAL to take part in the act of voting for another political master that others then MUST obey!

What RIGHT does ANYONE have to FORCE others into one regime or another, what RIGHT does anyone have to force people to obey one political master or another? None, imposing ones beliefs onto others is wrong. SPEAKING about ones beliefs and ideas is one thing, actually FORCING people into said ideas and beliefs is another thing entirely.

fuckedfuckef copy.jpg

Remember this, every time you go into that booth, you are commiting an immoral act of taking part in the proccess of CHOOSING a polical master to rule over everyone else instead of leaving them alone to be free. Being "provided for" "protected" or any other benifit given to you by said ruler is NO justification to force other people into submission to so called "authority".


I could offer some other ideas, but like most here have limited time. I do respect your right to have your opinions. Very much so, but don't think I will engage here with you unless you are interested in considering other view points. To be blunt and to save us both time: is your mind like a steel cage and nothing gets through the bars for consideration? If so, then I'll just move on. Blessings.

To play devils advocate for a minute:

Can people vote to be free?

(asking for a friend ;)

No. That we be redundant. People ARE free.

I agree. Mob rule is not my idea of freedom. Even here on steemit if you post what someone does not like no matter the truth you will see money drain fast so seemit is essentially mob rule and mob paid.

Yep, based on scarcity. A new form of capitalism. Crypto is just another scam, the cashless system these Rothchilds have wet dreams of. So take advantage now and go off grid before it is too late.

A MOTHER FUCKEN MEN!!! if you vote, YOU'RE the criminal! I said this to Adam Kokesh and he disagreed with me. I'm wanting to start a 4th of July protest. What do you think? too radical?

basically i dont know any current "western democracy" that is not a particracy, bipartisan five parties any number but i don't know of any where 'the people' are actually involved in decision (let alone law- making) so thats a definite scam there yea, unfortunately , normal humans (they say i cant say plebs anymore to refer to the non-patricians in one quick word because pc-principal is gonna get me if i do) dont really care and like to stick to formal pre-chewed regurgitated channels, but so do a lot of abnormal people once they found their niche or comfort zone ...
and there's like polls or referenda but (at least here) those arent legally binding, i can think of at least two times here when the gov't thought it a good idea to hold a referendum , then when it didnt suit the decision they already agreed upon before that they simply ignored it ... as with the european report on piracy which got published and buried before anyone read it. One mep (an actual representative mind you) had to use freedom of information to get it out, after which it got buried again since the numbers clearly didnt favour the witchhunt on downloadmom and the extraditions of uploadson to copyright guantanamo ...
i lost my right to vote here about 13 years ago, while i always went before that (you actually HAVE to here, if you dont you can get a fine but some people simply just dont go lol) afterwards i never asked it back, i wouldnt know who to vote for in this little dirthole, maybe on european scale but not here

so anyway :p

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