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RE: The police state for us good folk

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

Agreed, there is no way the system will change by itself, not meaningfully anyway. Some small concessions will and are being made but they are meaningless, what they give with one hand they take with the other only to placate the masses. Lifting the burden slightly from those most likely to crack and pushing the thumb down hard on those who are most willing to take it, but essentially never changing anything and maintaining the status quo.

I believe the only thing that is going to take the system down is itself, unwillingly of course. It will collapse under its own weight, it is already way over stretched, in huge mountains of debt, fighting endless wars it can't win. The people have mostly had enough, but not to the point that they will actually do something about it, only a handful are trying. There isn't much that people can actually do against a huge super power state regardless. Even a much smaller state that has struggled economically and culturally for years like North Korean can't be brought down just by the people alone. Historically it is almost always the state that over stretches, gets too top heavy and topples itself under its own weight.
I believe right now that is what we are starting to see, it will take a long time, years, maybe decades and even then there is no guarantee that it will be toppled completely and instead cling to life in a much smaller form where it must withdraw from the world relinquish top spot to other powers but might still have absolute power on home soil for a long time.

Already we can see that nations like Russia and China are outmaneuvering and out-competing the US in terms of innovation, technology, trade, economy and as well as culturally. This is because of the United States complete inability to manage its own size and a refusal to look inwards rather than outwards as well as having a small ruling elite who care nothing of the people and just use the nation who used to be the most rich and powerful on earth for their own ambitions and gains.