Working on the ol' campaign in Texas!

in #anarchy6 years ago

A great week of shaking hands, perfect weather, and meeting great folks! I'm just not used to seeing so many libertarians in one building. In a world of statists it was good to meet others that valued their and others freedom.

Behind me is the not-so-secret-at-all mobile headquarters that drew random people up to talk to us. Freakin' good times!


To all you great folks I met, I'll see you at NOLA!


Hope the 9-year-old crowd wasn’t too tough out there. Did Mr. Kokesh have to apply more political pressure and veiled threats to kids, or did everything work out okay?



Wondering why more folks aren’t having that moment right about now...

How do I know where you guys are going to be?

The photos are so amazing I just saw a picture like this that very good thanks have shared

Hey... How about some 5-8 min. vids showing Adam shaking hands, meeting and greeting... and most important, soliciting reactions to "Split 50!" and going back to the Articles of Confederation for a do-over.

I would also like to hear their position as if theirs was the tie-breaking vote in a 3 way race, to determine where the electoral college votes from said state would head to. Take away the "he can't win / wasted vote factor" out of the equation.

I like your idea. In reality I think Patriots like you and Kokesh should run for office in the 2 party system or 1 party system in most places.
I did upvote one of your other comments. My vote is too weak for you to get paid of my regular comment upvote.

Regardless of the strength of your vote, the sentiment is what counts and I do appreciate it. I have heard that resteeming carries a lot of weight.

As for running for office? Not interested WHATSOEVER in being a bitch to a jackAss or elephant. NEVER, again. Besides, my Calling is in managing campaigns and organizations from the kitchen and boiler room.

All posts less then 2 cents = zero after seven days thanks to the earnings threshold. My vote is less than 2 cents so I would waste my vote power for nothing if I upvote solo. I have already unknowingly wasted my voting power probably at least a 1000 times so I do not want to do that anymore.

I am actually running for office. We have a two party system in the USA and a one party system in most local partisan races.

Well, wear knee pads and don't swallow too much of what they shoot down your throat. Leave your conscience at the door. But in the meanwhile, I'd love you to read Adam's "Freedom!" book.

I'm not corrupt so I'll probably lose my electiion.
I'll add it to my list I guess although I'm a little worried about him helping the Democrats. :(

when the democrats are elected in majority, the patriots fire up. When the GOPrs are elected in majority, the patriots sleep.

which is better? Both ignore the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and the constraints built into the Constitution(s) I hope you do lose your election. If you get enough lumps on your solid rock head, perhaps you will see the light of day and not perpetuate evil socialism/fascism and false hope

I'm not thrilled about the Obamacare disaster. I think we are better off with Trump and the Republicans than Obama and the Dems.
I hope I win so I can save lives. I do intend to give real hope. Hope that when people call 911 the police will actually show up and hopefully I can help get some murderers and thugs off the streets. I think people like me Ron Paul, Thomas Masse and Justin Amash could make a difference but it's unfortunate people like you are busy helping to elect people like Bernie Sanders.

I went to your website. No links to "travel"? Email me: I have an idea regarding the building of Agora3s all over America, which will require someone with wisdom in the travel biz. [email protected]

I just emailed you. My travel section was in the shopping section but I have to redo it. My site needs a lot of work. I am now mainly focused on steemit.

Saw the bus on Ella and a few friends spoke to me about it. Glad you are continuing the good work.

Seeing all that plastered to the side of an RV just made the whole campaign seem even more ludicrous to me.

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