Project Vishnu and Adam Kokesh

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)


I'm not voting for Adam Kokesh, I'm voting for the idea that he is carrying to the White House. Don't get me wrong, Adam Kokesh is an intelligent, thoughtful, and caring guy... but I don't want another person as president. I want someone to get rid of the presidency. Once and for all.

That's what Adam Kokesh is doing. You can check out a more detailed rundown on the campaign's platform here. While I recommend you check it out if you haven't yet, the summation of his goal is this: The peaceful, responsible, take down of the federal government in an orderly manner. Yep, the federal government is going down.


If you are currently getting benefits from the government, don't freak out here. He's also running on the "everyone gets what they want" strategy. Oh yeah. You see, once we aren't giving the federal government all our money to waste on the military industrial complex, the corporate bailouts, the billions that the pentagon loses from time to time, etc... and that money will now be available to support your local communities. Mind blowing, yeah? Nah. It's the way it's supposed to be.

The cool part about "everyone gets what they want" is that if you don't like how your newly funded government decides to fix things, you can just move to a community that does it the way you believe in. Oh, I know it isn't easy to move, but once the economy suddenly booms like never before because we aren't feeding the federal government, this will change. So if you like socialism, go live in a socialist community. If you like capitalism, go live in a capitalist society. If you like something in between, go there.

Now that all of these communities exist, they won't have a federal government to tell them what to do (police killing people over marijuana for instance). So how will these new ideas spread? What will the government become? Enter Project Vishnu.


With Project Vishnu we will be able to use the internet to start crowdsourcing ideas. Many different "trees" of ideas will grow as different like minded people begin planning their ultimate government (or lack thereof).

The ultimate dream of Project Vishnu is that individuals can have the power. Every single person is their own self elected politician. And Adam Kokesh is carrying the plan that will make the world fertile for Project Vishnu to take root.

Ladies and Gentlemen. We are about to evolve humanity.



I'm not voting for Adam Kokesh, I'm voting for the idea that he is carrying to the White House. Don't get me wrong, Adam Kokesh is an intelligent, thoughtful, and caring guy... but I don't want another person as president. I want someone to get rid of the presidency. Once and for all.

Exactly! The only solution is to eliminate the state if we are ever to get back our freedom.


Intelligent, caring, and thoughtful guys don’t threaten women and children, and don’t call on Voluntaryists to “drop the ideology.” They don’t upvote comments calling for hits to be placed on non-violent individuals. They don’t shit on fellow activists like Larken Rose by calling them cowards. They don’t have emotional tantrums when questioned about their ideas, and make everything personal. They don’t call anyone who disagrees with them “mentally disturbed.” Continue blissfully ignoring these things, though, by all means. Who cares, right? It’s for the “greater good,” which is, as you say, more important than individual self-ownership, @truthabides.

hey, kafka... what do you think of project vishnu?

Hey man. I’m not sure what I think of it. To be honest, from these past two posts I am not even sure what it is or seeks to be.

I read your initial post, but it seemed a little vague to me. Is this like a collective, blockchain-based database designed to keep everything fair?

I think the free market will be providing many ideas and solutions like this in the coming years. I think this is a great thing.

Personally, I probably won’t be submitting biometric info to any sort of project like this, but again, maybe I am missing something about your idea.

yeah, the biometric thing gives a lot of libertarians/anarchists a knee-jerk reaction, but the thing is, your legal name doesn't have to be attached. the idea is to make a system where anyone can register, but only once. do you have any ideas on this?

It’s not a knee jerk reaction, I don’t think. I’m just not clear on the purpose. What would individuals be registering for, specifically?

the idea is that anyone can register, but only once. the only way i can think to do that is with biometrics. i'm open to new ideas.
project vishnu allows for multiple people (everyone potentially) to build "trees" kind of like github. it allows them to work out their own versions of utopia. you'd probably not want to work on the socialist tree that's being discussed, but would maybe enjoy working on the anarchist tree.
what would justice look like on your tree? bartering? land property for future generations? all of this would be discussed with the rest of the people on your tree. if you absolutely disagree with that tree, you can spin off and continue your own.
eventually, the crowd sourcing will evolve different thought exercises to test your theories and your tree.
society can then use these new models and create their own communities and see if they work in real life.
there is no more reason to argue that socialism or capitalism is good or bad. you can just let them play out and adjust from there.

The idea is very cool. Like all others, though, it’s selling the concept to the programmed that is the real problem to be overcome, in my view. Once the philosophical foundation is in place, I can see projects such as this being huge. Sadly a lot of folks still think violence is the way to get plans accomplished. I hope your project changes some minds man, and wish you the best. If I can think of any ways to alter or enhance the concept I will definitely let you know. Good luck!

oh, and the reason for the registering is so that individuals can't dominate the space. one person can't create 2k sockpuppets and artificially influence the tree

Intelligent, caring, and thoughtful guys don’t threaten women and children

easy now.. or we'll end up agreeing on something

and don’t call on Voluntaryists to “drop the ideology.”

Ok, what video is that from because I already know that you're intentionally misleading what he said. That's without even seeing it. But if you wish to tell me which video, I'll prove it to you. Test me. :)

They don’t upvote comments calling for hits to be placed on non-violent individuals.

I never took any of that seriously. It was just a reaction.. like saying, yeah, you're an ____ for stealing the money. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. It was completely tongue in cheek stuff. But that doesn't fit what you want to believe.

They don’t shit on fellow activists like Larken Rose by calling them cowards.

I don't recall it but I'll take your word for it. I don't like that, it doesn't heal. Adam knows this better than I but nobody's perfect and this is much more than about 1 individual, it's about an idea that needs to be heard far and wide.
I love Larken but he's on the wrong side of this one as well. And that I find to be one of those crazy but true things. But my respect for the words he has spoken will never be broken.

I missed the incident if there was one involving the kid. I don't know what that's all about but I certainly wouldn't take your slanted view for gospel.

I'm not ignoring anything intentionally, not afraid of any truth. That would be universally stupid of me.

You’ve already decided that none of what I say is true. So be it.

I’ve posted about the messages to the 9-year-old several times now. And also about the threats to Tatiana Moroz.

If you want screenshots, I have them.

As for dropping the ideology:

Looking forward to seeing how you smooth all this over. Your acrobatics are impressive not for their finesse, but for their desperate flailing motions.

“Oh well, it’s fine to threaten people and sacrifice principle if it’s for the greater good!”

It’s really, really funny.

As for dropping the ideology.. just as I suspected, taken out of context to run off with a dishonest narrative.

Did he not say "in a sense"? Did he not say at the end that "respect for the ideas of voluntaryism is critical to the success of the entire human family?

You know you follow Adam closer than I've been able to. I support what he's doing and you're like stalking him.

The holocaust was a wonderful thing, in a sense.

See made it all better!

You are truly obtuse, “truth” abides.

Buzz off.

you're too kind

you’re too obtuse to understand kindness, in a sense.

I don’t have he right to compromise on the self-ownership of others. That’s the whole issue.

The voluntaryist “ideology” is pretty simple. I hope the idea of non-violence has me! This is pretty different from other idologies about blowing people up for virgins in heaven, nationalism, etc. Just a recognition of reality.

One of my favorite quotes which I am sure you’ll resonate with:

I never took any of that seriously. It was just a reaction.. like saying, yeah, you're an ____ for stealing the money. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. It was completely tongue in cheek stuff. But that doesn't fit what you want to believe.

I asked the commentor what he meant by “hit” and he clearly defined it and said he was serious multiple times. Your problem for not looking into it. Screen shots of those conversations as well documented on my blog.

If the person was serious, that's terrible in and of itself. How does that impune Adam? Don't see how that was his fault.

I notified him of all of this and he continued upvoting this user. Adam upvoted the comment calling the for a “hit” on the “stealing bitch” initially.

Why? Lots of possibilities but you opt always for the worst explanation because of your vendetta.
You can say you're not trolling but your actions say you are.

No, if you had been following the story it was well-established he knew about this. Your incessant, desperate nagging and impotent bellyaching is...not becoming of you.

I write this only in good will and peace. Why are you against that?

Blessings my sweet child.

They don’t call anyone who disagrees with them “mentally disturbed.”

that's very strange, because when I recently was critical of larken rose's post that's exactly the accusation I received from a voluntarist ideologue. Weird.
(And you resteemed the response, possibly)

They don’t have emotional tantrums when questioned about their ideas, and make everything personal.

Which is exactly the response I received from voluntarists. Strange, uh?

They don’t shit on fellow activists like Larken Rose

Critizice is 'shitting on?' - This is sounding fanatical, mate.

As a caring intelligent a thoughtful guy myself, I think 'drop the ideology' is very intelligent thoughtful response to_doing_ something.

Ideologies live in minds, not reality, as much as you hate that reality.
I would say it to all ideologues.
(Or 'grow up', depending if the ideologue was over 25 or not.)

Like I said, the patterns of expression I find from voluntarists ideologues is worryingly similar to communists I have spoken you see a problem here?

Show me where you were called a coward for disagreeing. Show me where Larken called for folks to “put down the ideology.” Show me where Larken threatened anyone. Until then it’s just more of the same silly inanity. Kokesh has yet to offer fair criticism. That’s why folks are getting wise to the BS now. People were making honest criticisms of his platform and he reacted like a child.


It is about time to reform the government system. The USA constitutional system has worked really well for 240 years. Now, we have technology that allows for more freedom and perhaps other and better ways of organizing ourselves than kowtowing to the Presidential bully pulpit, the Hollywood "stars", and the propaganda. We can watch what we want to watch and fund what we want to fund. We really don't need the centralization any more.

@iamthenerd way to maintain composure on your thread dude. Respect. @kafkanarchy84 @truthabides and @lucylin I have no idea what yall are debating right now as I just stumbled into this thread like a blind dog in a smokehouse. But I have to tell all three of you that I thoroughly enjoyed reading your debate just now. You all are very good with rhetoric and persuasive writing, as well as critical thought. I don't know if any of you felt like you won this debate or not, but I feel like a winner for having witnessed it. 😊

post a very useful, thanks for sharing, I have vote and resteem your post. I am very glad to know you, you exceptional @iamthenerd

Ooh shit girl, you exceptional. Dang

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This idea reminds me about the ultimate desire from the great founding fathers in every region. No matter the distance or the time gap, they shared one thing: they dreamed that one day people could lead themselves, to know what's good for them, and to be their own leaders.

vishnu the great god.super great post.

A good post matey.
Reality change, not ideological mantra.

....that pipe dream only last until the second largest military industrial complex comes and takes it away from one's defenseless self.

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