Concerning the Santa Fe shooting

in #anarchy6 years ago


Albert Einstein once said: The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing while expecting a different result.

Most of us know that the shooter was a 17 year old that killed 10 people. I'd like to point out a few other things and then ask a question that I sincerely want to be answered... though seemingly very few are asking it.


  1. The school was trained in shooter drills

  2. The school had two armed and trained police patrolling on the campus at the time of the shooting.

  3. The school was a gun free zone.

  4. The shooter having those weapons on him was against the law as he was not registered.

  5. The shooter killed/injured other people even though it was against the law.

  6. The school hadn't adopted the program of arming their teachers

  7. The shooter had no prior incidents to indicate he may be a shooter.

  8. The shooter also used bombs (and installed them) which cannot be regulated. IE, gun laws have nothing to do with planting bombs, making bombs, preventing the purchase of homemade bomb materials, etc.

With this knowledge, it has become readily apparent that gun laws and restrictions absolutely do not work. If an under aged kid can get two guns onto a gun free zone being patrolled by multiple armed agents and kill 10 people that were trained and given an award for being able to respond quickly and safely to that exact situation... then it doesn't work.

Yet, for some reason, people just want to increase more of what doesn't work. This is the definition of insanity. More government and restriction will somehow work? Did outlawing drugs shut down the drug trade?


So here is my big question.

Why all the school shootings lately? School shootings used to be virtually unheard of. Now they seem quite common. What happened?! The laws certainly didn't get more relaxed. So what changed?!



Schools used to be a place of learning.
(not really, but 1000% better than today)

Today, we train for the tests. We do not teach.
Boys are told that they are bad (because they were born boys)
Boys are told they are rapists in the making.
Boys are told they are inferior to women.

Tests are designed to pander to women.

Boys are put on Ritalin because ... the TEACHER IS BORING.

No one listens to boys.
Being a boy and expressing your emotions will, most often, get you in trouble.

On top of this, school no longer teaches.
And everyone smart enough knows this.
Govern-cement schools are a brainwashing center.

A little propaganda works. So, crank it up, and it works a little more.
Crank it up, and for a portion, it has the opposite effect.

Then, when you come off your DEPRESSANTS, and move out of apathy (the lowest level of emotions), the next stage up is anger and revenge.

And, there you go.

...and this is why our family will be homeschool only. It will suck to homeschool. All the blame will be on us as parents. We get no real breaks. We have to work extra hard to socialize our child. All worth it.

Great question! I don't have children of my own, but after the tide pod eating, and inhaling of condoms, it seems kids aren't feeling enough personal connection, and lash out in a way to be noticed.

yes, there is a psychological reason and it's a social one. I cautiously agree with you and want to invest more time in investigating your exact reason... but firing from the hip... I can see how a child not getting a personal connection to enough people could be a causation. Thanks!

Yeah, I've not fully analyzed that take, but wanted to add my two cents worth on a causation link.

Id like to know what kind of meds this kid was taking. That always seems to be the common factor. And its also what has changed as these shool shootings become more common. The side effects of many of these medicines all too often include "suicidal thoughts or actions". Perhaps the over-drugging of children should be more seriously looked into.

this is also a fantastic thought. the simplest solution is usually the correct one. the simplest connection between all mass shooters is, arguably, mental health issues. so is medication causation or correlation? That would be a great test to figure this out. un/fortunately hipaa will prevent this from easily being determined.

Seems like just about every other week I see a new commercial about a class action lawsuit involving some drug that the FDA aprroved as safe. Many of the newer ones, noone really knows what kind of effects on the mind they have, long term. The public are the canaries in the poverbial coal mine.

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