Is The Earth Flat or Round? It's Not As Easy of a Decision As It Sounds!

in #anarchy7 years ago

Jeff has been making noise about about a future trip to the North Pole, so needless to say, some of us have long suspected and have been awaiting this video :) Great job Jeff. :)

Video Credit Jeff Berwick


the earth is a freaking square.... is that a problem? everyone is still alive whether it is flat or round or even square......

I've heard it's triangular....I'm so frickin scared, I don't know what to do!

ha ha ha.... good one

Don't be scared :)

If the earth was curving at 8 inches per mile like we're told then certianly the average plane going at 500 miles per hour would have to nose down every few minutes because if not they would very quickly be thousands of feet higher than intended. No pilot ever will tell you they account for curvature while flying. Neither do snipers, bridges, railways, tunnels, etc.

If the earth isn't flat, then tell me where the curve is at?

Exactly thanks! I called pilots and they didnt drop their nose down to adjust for curvature. It does not exist! Planes fly level as the sea level below. Flat!

im pretty sure the flat earth stuff is a psy op , and a distraction from real issues , way to insult your listeners , one question is the moon flat as well

A psy op! It is the biggest lie told to mankind that the earth is round and that we are living on a spinning globe, yet it is the easiest to prove that we are not. All the other (real) issues are a distraction to prevent people knowing or thinking that the earth is in fact flat. So carry on paying NASA through taxation so NASA can continue lying to humanity with their CGI images and the like.
Is the moon flat as well? Maybe if NASA could go to the moon (like bitcoin will) then we will know that it is flat or round, and maybe NASA could supply a real photo for once of the view of the earth from the moon, but don't hold your breath!!

Moon is a square :)

so its square and flat , or is it hollow like an empty box that the flat pack came in to make the earth

@flatearth Does Jeff know your posting his videos?

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