If facts are bigotry and logic is white privilege, it is your path to extinction

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)

A few years ago I thought this would be an open mic stand up comedy material on how people can become the caricatures of themselves. I never suspected society could get so dumbed down, that morons would actually be treated seriously.

Orwell becomes a visionary in front of my eyes.

Isn't it clear that if you have these thoughts in your head that you need to make people equal, it is you who thinks they are not. You must be a bigot, to call everyone a bigot.

If you don't know the difference between treating humans equally, but force them to be against humanity and be equal instead, it is you who suffers from all kinds of delusions.

I guess today, only transgender people are always right. Like Nazi? Like Stalin? Transgender social warriors are nothing but full-on communists, trained in their indoctrination camps, they call schools.
When anyone in the world says what they think they are, but they are not according to the world, they suffer from a delusion. When I say I am a woman I suffer from a delusion. Until I say it is my gender. I can say any word because there is no limit to genders, say I am that, and it would be a delusion, if I did not say that it is my gender. How can anyone say that they feel like not what they are but something else and be always correct, because of this little magic word they use right after expressing a delusion? If no one can know your subjective experience, how can you know you even feel like a woman when you are a man etc.? How would you know? And which one of unique experiences of all the humans that happen to be a woman? Another woman maybe doesn't feel like a woman, as much or as little as you may think? Your subjective experience is what makes you, so gender is obsolete. It only works if you want to be an oppressed victim, blaming everything for hating yourself... a communist? So why not just be happy with the experience of you. You do not know anything else, but the experience of you.

Be you and let others be.

Do not impose your subjective experience on others. Listening to words is a part of your subjective experience. If it bothers you how others express their subjective realities, stop listening. Yours is not more important than others.

Why would you care what others think of you? Why do you make a pronoun so important? Gender=you. You want special right for your group, because you are special? We have words for this. Subjective experience. Mine, as valid as yours.

I am very open for a debate. I do not want to upset you. I just think there is a better way of being civil than name calling. If you are interested let me know. If you cannot have a discussion, you are the problem.

I didn't really do all the things you think I did by simply trying to discuss your taboos.

I just call a delusion a delusion. I did not call minorities "untermench" no matter how much you imagine this to be true. You could be delusional about it, while trying to pump up your victim status... If you will put words in my mouth, all you really want is hearing your own voice, so I will politely let you have conversations with yourself... until you want to use violence against me.

I guess, for the SJW, it is the competition of who is more "tolerant" now... I think bestiality should be next on agenda of "social justice warriors" indoctrination camp's, they call school.

If you are an SJW, you are an oxyMoron. To you facts are bigotry, logic is white privilege, because it is oppressing dumb people... in their delusion? Is this why you cannot prove one thing I am wrong about? Prove just one... not all of the imaginary things, according to you I am incorrect about, which are the actual facts, you trained yourself to misunderstand in a tragicomic, awkward upside-down manner.

Just one to shut me up, so I don't scare you with logic anymore and you prove you are not an insane person?


I like it when someone comes to you and screams "bigot!". It makes it so much easier when you introduce yourself straight away. Name would be fine. Your gender, I could not care less about... BUT! You do not get to teach morals when you really suck at it and attack people. Either link in one of your " infinity" of sources or stop making up stuff like a baby, you are. The reason why I am "scaring" you, is because I already proved you wrong with one sentence and now you play your victim card. This is all you ever do. This is all you ever have in your argument. It is very scary that a discussion scares you. Facts and science scare you and you need to make up a make-belief delusions in your head to make your insanity work. You calling it " science" does not make it science.

People asking you to be civil scare you? They need to be stopped with violence, right? Anyone who has a different worldview scares you? Anyone who is asking you to please not to impose compelled speech on 99,95%? I scare you because I want the freedom of speech, thought and expression for everyone, just like you do for yourself and 0,05%? You categorize people as "my angry mob of entitled brats, that know nothing about nothing, have no skills and think everything should be given to them", and "everyone who has an opinion is a bigot", which dear silly person, makes you the definition of a bigot. You like getting attention, while hiding behind the most murderous ideology ever invented by a human? If you like identity politics you are nowhere near being even civilized.

It is an incredible irony being schooled by someone who represents the level of knowledge I was at when I was 16. Then I learned for 20 years, for many hours per day. I know it comes from compassion, but you are taking it to a very dangerous extreme, making you someone you cannot even reason with.
I don't care for any of the rabid ape left or right circus, but with the right, you can at least have a conversation.
It is impossible to have any discussion with your crazy sect of collectivist left extremist justice warriors.

So either link something in, or if you want to play childish games, I will link in encyclopedia of scientific research, psychiatry, sociology, history... you would need 10 years to go through it... and you will just look silly, because you cannot even link one. If you cannot defend your idea with nothing but lies and some spoiled brat's assumtions... your idea is not worth the electricity you used to vomit it allover me. You do not get to tell others what to think or say. There is a reality of wisdom you have yet to discover. Your subjective experience is not it. Sorry to burst your bubble. No amount of being entitled, spoiled, rude, uneducated brat will make you win any argument. Please stop trolling if you have nothing else to say, but "I am telling you I am right. Can't prove it, but you should find the way to prove I am right". I have not and this is why I ask you to point me in the right direction. Maybe I missed something? I am open to learn. I went through more scientific research in a week than you in your whole life. You are only proving to be delusional about many more things.

Here are just a tiny fraction of links to a few SCIENTISTS. Let me know if I can link in all the statistics, if you would like to learn something at any point in your life... but I know you don't... because you are special and everyone is dumb... and you will cry when you realize you are not as smart as you claimed to be. Just keep fixing everyone else... never look at yourself being the issue here. Victimize everyone. Divide people into tribes that are always right. No room for any discussion, critical thinking... only dictatorship of power-groups of emotionally retarded ignorant, arrogant, useless communists. Because your idea only slaughtered 300 million people in last 100 years, while individual freedoms eradicated poverty by half in 8 years... Keep separating humans, so they start slaughtering each other again. Keep pulling out your "science" out of your ass... I don't care. Nature must find a way to make idiots extinct, so I guess you need to find a way to slaughter each other... You are on the best, proven track. Well done genius! Or how about learn something? It is amazing how the less you know, the smarter you think you are.

If you have no idea what the terms even mean, go back to learning before you try to pretend you are so wise with being dumb?
If you are nowhere near a thinker, you are confused about yourself, maybe don't try to fix the world?

Change starts from within. Here is some actual science you can either learn from, or stay a "rather offended" vegetable. Let me know if you want a ton more ;)

Straight from the horse's mouth:
horses mouth.jpg

I believe that every interaction between humans should be voluntary. I want for each individual to be the only controller of their lives and their property. I am an anarchist, a capitalist, a voluntaryist, but most of all, I am an individual, who does not recognize your value by the status you achieved in an imposed, imaginary collective. No matter who you are; if you respect others, respect me, I will always respect you.


If you are interested in off-grid living, homesteading, medicinal plants and alternative lifestyle, check out my other blogs @lostambores and @smokeymcpot





I'm myself an Anarcho-capitalist, but I have one doubt:

What if at least one of private defence agencies (for example - agency A) - which are an essential element of the Anarcho-capitalist concept - after aquiring right amount customers - by strictly voluntary/free market actions (by serving better services for lower cost) - would:

  • order its customers to pay more - under serious phisical penalty;
  • forbid them to use the help of other agencies - under serious phisical penalty;

Those actions will probably result in:

  • the deterrence of other customers
  • resistance from (enslaved) already "owned" customers
  • hostility from other security agencies - which will not normally be able to compete for (enslaved) clients of the "A" agency.

But what if ... the "A" agency will be able to overcome all of the above obstacles?

You can only rule 7,5 billion people if they suffer from a Stockholm Syndrome. An agency that will be the richest, will be the one that offers the best service/product.

These 3 vids should help.

I recommend anything from Mises.org

I myself prefer the hypothetical risk that some bad people may try to control others, rather than building the society from this principle that you are a free range slave and you are not civilized nor worth even being heard, if you question if being a slave is good for the humanity... in freedom, bad people do not dissapear, but it is each individual taking the responsibility to vote on what is meeting their needs/serving them in the most beneficial way. You vote with your time/the tokens of exchange of your time/life - money.
A business or people in general who do not know how to be useful to humans, will need to ask for help. They will not have superpowerful armies to rule 7,5billion... with 1000 sociopaths? You poke them 7,5 billion times and they turn to jelly :D

"Existence exists — and the act of grasping that statement implies two corollary axioms: that something exists which one perceives and that one exists possessing consciousness, consciousness being the faculty of perceiving that which exists.

If nothing exists, there can be no consciousness: a consciousness with nothing to be conscious of is a contradiction in terms. A consciousness conscious of nothing but itself is a contradiction in terms: before it could identify itself as consciousness, it had to be conscious of something. If that which you claim to perceive does not exist, what you possess is not consciousness.

Whatever the degree of your knowledge, these two — existence and consciousness — are axioms you cannot escape, these two are the irreducible primaries implied in any action you undertake, in any part of your knowledge and in its sum, from the first ray of light you perceive at the start of your life to the widest erudition you might acquire at its end. Whether you know the shape of a pebble or the structure of a solar system, the axioms remain the same: that it exists and that you know it.

To exist is to be something, as distinguished from the nothing of nonexistence, it is to be an entity of a specific nature made of specific attributes. Centuries ago, the man who was — no matter what his errors — the greatest of your philosophers, has stated the formula defining the concept of existence and the rule of all knowledge: A is A. A thing is itself. You have never grasped the meaning of his statement. I am here to complete it: Existence is Identity, Consciousness is Identification."

Ayn Rand, For the New Intellectual, 124

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