How To Be A Communist?

in #anarchy6 years ago


How do you achieve communism?

By the totalitarian slavery, total rule of the state, which is socialism. Oh what a surprise the dictators did not give the power back to the idiots, who value others by the status angry gang-raping mob give them. Hey, how about we eat you first when 99% of people are hungry, and they will be, because communism is anti-economics. You cannot possibly count what people need. You cannot make people equal. There is a difference in treating people equally and enforce being equal with deadly force... threat of death. Every person with a tiny brain knows this. This is why socialists always mass slaughter the intelligent people first, so only dumb cowards are left, and it is easy to terrorize them into paradigm of an ant.


How arrogant and ignorant you have to be to skip the entire human knowledge and project your ignorance on others?

If you cannot survive without the theft of what you did not create, you do not deserve to survive... and the nature keeps telling you this, every single time this most horrible idea of humanity is tried. 300 million dead in last 100 years is not enough to convince you collectivism is bad? How many do you need? Billion? How about capitalism while oppressed by socialism, the state reduced worlds poverty 2004-2012? In 8 years, close to 4 billion people stopped suffering from lack of basics to survive. Let's compare it to 6 000 000 farmers and people depending on them, slaughtered and starved to death in Ukraine, because their crop was "everybody's", which means, the "managers" decided the monopoly evil corporation should give it to its mercenaries?


How about that... I will make a list of achievements of socialism/communism and you make the list for capitalism (this should keep you occupied till you extinct):

Socialism that its end goal is Communism, list of achievements:
death, suffering, destruction, starvation, the highest number of people slaughtered than any ideology. 20 times more victims than Hitler's.

I'm done with my list.

Start yours here:

the device I complain on about people who created it.
the internet that makes it possible
blockchain tech I am using
when you get through first million things, take a break... but please do not preach for slaughter of innocent people who just know how to be useful to others and just want to express themselves through creating things they consider extension of themselves, therefore they own them... AGAIN!

you cannot share the same preferences if you value things you need. If you value things you need, you value the people who have better skills than you to make them. You support them more than people who have skills useless to you. you vote with a piece of your time/life/wealth/capital. If you are free to value things, you value people differently. You still treat people equally, but not as if people were equal. The differences make us beautiful. This is what humanity is about; the subjective experience of reality. There is not 2 identical experiences. Forcing it on people is against all human knowledge.


So... I choose the voluntary hierarchy, because I recognize some people are better at some things than I am. You must be an arrogant, ignorant, useless, entitled, spoiled "victim" to even think communism is moral. Then if you want to live in a communist commune, do it! Take your comrades, take your wealth and share it equally... until you will need money to trade your produce with other communities, based on voluntary association... you will become a capitalist. Or just be tribal, grow potatoes... so no one ever has to be exposed to genocidal ideology again... and extinct in your community... while slaughtering each other, as the nature shows... evolutionary impulse pushes our awareness to new discoveries. If you are stuck on theft as being moral... you will extinct to make room for civilization.


Rabid ape circus is obsolete.
The idea that I am not in control of what I create is not something to be ready for. I can choose to share, but forcing me to share is immoral. It is an extortion. Being ready to be an ant is not an option for a human.

Straight from the horse's mouth:
horses mouth.jpg

I believe that every interaction between humans should be voluntary. I want for each individual to be the only controller of their lives and their property.
I am an individual. I want to create stuff for myself and others. I want to be rewarded according to how my time is useful to others. My life is mine. I own myself. What I create is extension of me. My time is my currency. I can exchange it or keep it. It is my capital. I do not believe in imposed authority.
Labels that fit to my individual choices make me an anarchist, a capitalist, a voluntaryist, but most of all, I AM AN INDIVIDUAL, who does not judge your value by the status you achieved in an imposed, imaginary collective. No matter who you are; if you respect others, respect me, I will always respect you.

I know I am the only owner of my life, my time, my capital.
This is what I want. It is the best for me. I don't care what the collective wants me to do. I choose to interact if I wish. I am the owner of me.
I do not want to harm others in ANY way.
Please do not impose your rule on me.
Tread on me or others and I will will feel morally obligated to stop you.

If you are interested in off-grid living, homesteading, medicinal plants and alternative lifestyle, check out my other blogs @lostambores and @smokeymcpot





Socialism in all of its forms and variants must be enforced through coercion. It's a hideous disease of the human mind.

It is a delusion of resentful people. They say that wanting to control your own life is evil, because they should control it for you. "It's a shame people did not grow up to communism". I was 17-20 when I was overwhelmed with Zeitgeist. I did not even know I was a communist. But as you learn and you realize you should only fix yourself, not others, and all the change starts from an individual... if you are not a resentful, entitled brat, you grow out of communism.
Socialism=100% state. To say you are an anarchist when you want to achieve communism, which is others deciding about your life, through totalitarian terror of rulers... and arrogant and ignorant enough to shame people who know at least basics of economics... well...

but that knew what you were doing

Socialism wants us to completely ignore the violent dragon in the living room threatening us, stealing from us, killing us and wants us instead to blame capitalism and ourselves.

The multi-decade campaign against capitalism has a very obvious goal: Taking private property from the people and giving it to the dragon, the state apparatus, in order to make it even more powerful.

And we know what happens when the dragon becomes drunk with absolute power:

It kills everyone who disagrees and likely
burns down thewhole freaking house.

Socialism is radical Statism.

The idea that we need communism because you cannot trust individuals being free, because if they are free to trade their time voluntarily with others, some may be more appreciated as per how useful they are to others, and this creates the hypothetical chance of bad people abusing others with the wealth they achieved by improving everybody's life, we need to give total control of others over our lives, in order to protect us from the chance some bad people might try to impose control... the very definition of insanity. Because it is better to give power over your life to people commies cannot trust, to make sure a tiny percentage of sociopaths will not trick someone into bad deal... WOW!


'Because violent people exist, we need a social structure based on the initiation of violence - to stop the violence.'

This non-sequitur has cost the lives of hundreds of millions of people.

And you have to be an ignorant, arrogant dummie to not only be unable to logic, have basics of culture, but to ignore all human knowledge... all the hundreds of millions of dead people suffering unimaginable pain... Maybe a billion would convince a Stalin-wannabe? What do you think? We need less freedom for freedom? More totalitarian control to control our lives? I cannot believe how emotionally retarded a communist has to be... It is a diagnozed justice/compassion imbalance. And they dare to project their total ignorance on peaceful voluntaryists! Oh the irony!

It is hard to understand unless we take two things into account:

  1. 'Government' 'education'
  2. The fact that so many people need the state apparatus to keep up their Livestyle and will vote for anyone promising to keep it going or even hand out more.

People want more government because they think the government is on their side. In reality the state is the weapon of big Corp, and without it they are nothing but a paper tiger.

But we have learned to blame capitalism. And we do what we are told.

In the empire of immorality, morality is an act of treason...

Yup. More less like: I am against evil corporations imposing their control, therefore I want a total monopoly on power for only one megacorp :D


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