Conversations With A Commie

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)


As always... trying to reason with the unreasonable.
Trying to find coherence in the incoherent.
Trying to logic with the illogical.
Trying to be rational with the irrational.

And as always... failed to find even these most basic values, the simple skills, every communist is lacking.

You can check one of the latest posts I wrote about this disease here:

Make sure you check out the vid of Sargon of Akkad, by the end of this post.

So after huge presentation of my arguments against communism, I was only given "bieliebers gonna belieb".
Never even checked any of the evidence. Never checked anything at all. Just some spoiled brat's "lols and beliebers".

Just another delusional, arrogant, ignorant, resentful, entitled useless person who wants to take over the projects they are unable to create themselves.

I will give you just the ending. hope you will enjoy this one. Here we go.

Lol, this is why i gave up on this conversation.
Too many facts getting made up on the fly.

And still can't point even one out of all these facts? Why do you choose to believe in the lies you are telling yourself? it is OK. I am wrong sometimes too. I know you invested a lot of belief and time in this attractive idea... if only it wasn't against humanity... as proven every single time. why do you ignore all human knowledge? when you state these things and show nothing to support it only proves you choose to be willfully ignorant and stubborn. I have everything to support my claims. you have literally nothing... as you keep proving. I'm still waiting for this first rational and coherent argument... after all this time you cannot present anything at all and still ride this high horse? how old are you? it does not help to convince anyone. convince me. I like to learn when I'm wrong. this is how I learned that communism is the most evil idea designed by ancient cult... I did go through this stage. I started learning about spirituality and I understood we are all one... but it can be easily misunderstood who is "we". I was doing the same... I was upset no one understood... but it was me. you need to respect each path. but since you did not grow up to a discussion and keep stating some delusions you are hallucinating... how can anyone reason with you? you state your feelz like they were facts for everyone... each experience is unique. nobody sees the world as you do. I don't think you are a sociopath? you failed to answer one question out of many... you fail to present anything at all to support your claim... I mean... why not be an adult? why do you hate people for having more skills and being successful and valued more? why do you want to decide for others what they should value and live their lives like you tell them? it seems quite sociopathic but I think you are just confused. you want to be Stalin? the floor is yours. what did I make up? :) all the others who destroy your argument with logic also make up... logic? you can't reply to any of us? why? I don't need facts. I can just use simple questions to make you unable to answer without self contradicting. cognitive dissonance belongs in the previous stage of human evolution. continue waking up. it does not end. you just keep learning ;)
I know how you see communism. it is pretty and attractive. but you assume that this is the purpose of humanity to evolve equally in our needs. we will always be different no matter how evolved.
this is the point where I think you are getting confused. human experience will not be human if we all be wanting the same experience. there is a reason why everything has a different experience from fly, through a dog, retard to a genius. this is the beauty of it. do not assume everyone should be on the same path as yours. we would not be needed anymore. I mean consciousness we are as one experiences subjectively the reality through infinity of ways. if you try to be against this nature... it ends in tragedy... as all actions against nature, which we are a part of... are you catching my drift here? heaven for you could be hell for someone else. you do not get to decide. neither you nor any collective. it is about individual experience. only respecting each path which is as valid as yours. you can only defend yourself from anything that aggresses against your path. like I am doing now ;)

Ok, i may have confused what you have said with another conversation i was having.

It appears i am committed to this one now.
Lets find out where we are.

I will start.
First rule by force comes off the table.
Second, the workers keep working, but stop paying.
Third, life goes on.

If you would care to provide what you disagree with, please try to keep it short, when my answers start having too many convoluted quotes, i tend to check out.

So, if you like, why should the workers continue to play the slave role in wage slavery when they can simply refuse to play along in the bankster dystopia while continuing too do the work necessary to have consumer goods, for free?

Yea... you seem to be really confused about everything.
What is the definition of a bigot?
Isn't it a person who categorizes others by what they assume is wrong with them, without any evidence? Not even looking into claims other people may have, but straight away considering them inferior to you?

You are ill.

But it is exciting you gave me the honor or few sentences your highness!

First rule by force comes off the table.
Second, the workers keep working, but stop paying.
Third, life goes on.

I agree that not forcing any individual to anything and letting them be the only decision-maker about their lives is the only civilized way of peaceful, civilized coexistence. But you are self-contradicting already, because you want others to decide about my life. I believe no one can stop me from doing what I want, as long as I do not stop anyone and no one is being coerced, harmed etc. NAP. Golden Rule. You do not even want to allow me to own and trade what I create.

The workers or just humans can do whatever they like. A person who works 80h per week, creating projects that give options to people who do not create them is a very hard worker, with advantage of creativity, intellect, skills, focus you want to punish them for... and yes... capital, that as long as it came from voluntary interactions, beneficial for everyone, bravo! What an amazing, useful person that creates for everyone... without this person creating something that did not exist, it would not exist for other workers... so "workers" would not have work, if it was not for the best, hardest, most skillful worker in a project. If this person was not the best worker, others would be this person. But they are not. They are free to be Zuckerfuck, Gates, Jobs and millions of entrepreneurs, but they are not. I don't think anyone should have some special rights of having stuff given to them, if they decide to be lazy, useless or abusive. If they are unlucky and useless by nature, they can ask for help. I would help them. But not if they threaten my life if I don't. This is aggression and it should be stopped, no matter how dumb the aggressor is. I don't understand what you mean by "they stop paying". The only definition of paying I know is "exchanging your time for things you want"; skills, things you value etc. They should stop exchanging their time and be rewarded for it? How would this be fair to people who sacrifice their entire lives to serve others? How would this motivate people? How would this not motivate to abusing the hard workers by cunts? Please clarify what you mean by that.

I have no idea of the point you are making. Life goes on? Wind blows... sky is blue... time passes... we are humans... dogs are dogs... I really cannot catch this third point you are making... please clarify and try to use honest and clear language. Try to refrain from euphemisms etc.

Why should workers/humans do anything they do not want to do at all? It is your subjective opinion they play some slave work. Slavery is illegal in western world. Are you looking for slave-master when you are trying to find work? Than just stop and don't do it. Instead of getting up in the morning, hit your alarm clock and don't go to work. Start a podcast, post on steemit, go fishing, grow food, join other people who don't like their job, share your skills, build/create something and do whatever you like. If you do not need the work, you call slavery, then you do not need it. How can you need something and not need it at the same time? Why do you think when people were doing something and then they change their mind and decide to do something else, because obviously they prefer it, the conditions are clear in writing, they can negotiate and if they do not like it, they can go back to doing what they were doing, or do something else... do you know the definition of slavery? Because this seems like the opposite of the English language and I;m not a native speaker, so... clarify? This seems like extra options they did not have before someone created them and offered them to people. I think having more options than before is a good thing? They are free to choose something else. They can go back to fishing or whatever...

It shows how resentful, ignorant and arrogant you are, because you never read any of my arguments, but decided you were right anyway and continued your insults... it kind of makes me not want to respect you enough to continue, but let's try. Maybe there is hope for you, but I start doubting it. You may be just a very delusional person... I should use "dumb" but I do not want to be rude... but this would be the most honest language.

Workers can refuse anything they like. If it will be refusing what they promised to deliver IN WRITTEN CONTRACT, then as consequence they will not be trustworthy, coherent, useful and they should not be rewarded for such behavior, because this would make the whole project go sideways and people who are hard workers, are trustworthy, together with the project leader who invested whole life, entire wealth would be fucked. Especially the "evil lord of means of production". Helpers/workers/voluntary participants in his project, can just find some other projects to join. He/she would probably be destroyed, by some sabotaging useless, entitled idiot.

Banksters are bad. We agree. The only way they can control anything is through governments protecting their monopoly on money supply. This is the only reason why you cannot print your own money and use it with people who agree on the value of the papers you print... or gold... or whatever. Without govs, you can use eggs in exchange for your labor or buying things, if you like. Blockchain, created by free market/AnCaps/Voluntaryists, resolves the monopoly on money issue.
As always the need of people is met by people who strive to meet this need. Demand/supply. This is how humanity achieved all we have.

What solution do you propose to replace the necessity for some symbol of exchange of goods? How would we vote on what we value and what we want?

Explain the process of something being "free". Where should it come from?

It is really very hard to keep it short if all you know is the opposite of reality.

If your attention span does not allow a discussion... I think you should recognize that this may be one of the reasons why you are not appreciated by people, which makes you resentful... It is not the others... it is all you.

I wonder... can you do anything at all? What skills do you have? Hobbies? Anything at all you are good at? Passions? You speak some foreign language? Know some software? Know how to build, cook, grow, farm, tell jokes? Anything? Because this is what I always find with communists... that they did not invest their time in themselves, always were miserable, lazy, confused, never made any sacrifices to learn things... never knew what they wanted, therefore they cannot do anything at all, have to be dependent on leaching on others... and they hate the people who give them some purpose, because they are unable to find it themselves... and think they are so smart... so why should they work for someone who created their work? Why don't you create work for yourself? not to mention creating work for others... like the people you hate?

I don't have patience for spoiled brats.


I really think that "debating" this person was a waste of little electricity I have from my solars, if it wasn't for exposing a violent idiot.

If anyone would like to comment on the atrocities, bigotry and all the disguising ideas this very disturbed person tries to advocate for, @freebornangel.

Not so free, not an angel. Only someone who wants to tell you how to live your life, while pretending the opposite.
Another delusional person, that is just a bigot that uses compassion and victim to disguise their mental issues.

More like Joseph Stalin or any other delusional dictator.

I think it is worth opposing tyranny of delusional people. We have ignored it before and it ended in hundreds of millions of deaths. Today we have professors at universities like this:

I think it is about time to smite them back to the cave they crawled out of.
Otherwise, this cancer of communism, may spread and kill a billion people this time.
It may as well be the cause of human extinction.

Straight from the horse's mouth:
horses mouth.jpg

I believe that every interaction between humans should be voluntary. I want for each individual to be the only controller of their lives and their property.
I am an individual. I want to create stuff for myself and others. I want to be rewarded according to how my time is useful to others. My life is mine. I own myself. What I create is extension of me. My time is my currency. I can exchange it or keep it. It is my capital. I do not believe in imposed authority.
Labels that fit to my individual choices make me an anarchist, a capitalist, a voluntaryist, but most of all, I AM AN INDIVIDUAL, who does not judge your value by the status you achieved in an imposed, imaginary collective. No matter who you are; if you respect others, respect me, I will always respect you.

I know I am the only owner of my life, my time, my capital.
This is what I want. It is the best for me. I don't care what the collective wants me to do. I choose to interact if I wish. I am the owner of me.
I do not want to harm others in ANY way.
Please do not impose your rule on me.
Tread on me or others and I will feel morally obligated to stop you.

If you are interested in off-grid living, homesteading, medicinal plants and alternative lifestyle, check out my other blogs @lostambores and @smokeymcpot





Very good. It's Like expariments on your blogg. And now i tell you that, you think very deep and clearly. It's good

I've had practically the same discussion with him one/one and a half year ago. About the same things. Only my tone was a bit different lol.

I'm not gonna say much, only that with the keep working stop paying he means, that everybody in the world should keep continue to work, with no pay
and go to the store to get what the want or need without paying.
Basically get money out of the world/equation

This is what I remember could be wrong though.


oh the conversation was much longer... but really one-sided as this superior being pretended I am not worthy, while just hiding in his comfort zone of pompous righteousness, because cognitive dissonance prevented him/her from recognizing he had no argument at all from the beginning... it is a sect... and, oh the irony! how he projects it on others! :D

I always start with nice tone, but when someone comes to your blog, leaves some idiotic comments praising the most murderous ideology in history of human kind, pretending and lying, projecting making up facts on me, while unable to point one of them, like they read it all, know it all... while they probably just read some quotes of a few people who could not be more wrong... and listened to some Marxist idiots like these professors from the vid... without anything to support it... literally 0 argument, but rides this high horse of superior morality... I believe people should be treated the way they they deserve to be treated.
If there is no feedback it is unfair to them, because they will never have a chance to change their opinions and learn.

Otherwise it only encourages them. I do not want delusional people to offend me and the only peaceful people out there, with 0 logic or anything at all to support their claims. Spoiled brats need to be disciplined a little so they do not grow up to be sociopaths.

If he? had anything at all to present, I would be respectful. I think I still was. Being honest does not mean disrespect. It is not my business if truth offends someone. I did not insult, call him a fuckhead... just said true...

It is really annoying when spoiled brats that know nothing about nothing criticize you with their hallucination and then treat you like as if it was you who doesn't know anything... while they present NADA!

I am still waiting... but I know it will never come, because there cannot be any logical argument from someone who advocates the most wrong ideology, that surprisingly, after all the hundreds of millions of deaths and unimaginable suffering, still attracts these dummies...

victim-hood culture, moral righteousness, being offended as a moral victory... no personal responsibility, intolerant of diversity of thought, humorless...useless to others, entitled... all of these values should be opposed and the society should let them know these are not the values that are cherished by sane humans. It is my moral duty to oppose the values I do not value.
Otherwise this cancer will spread yet again.

If you are nothing, don't demand something.
Ask politely and people will be happy to help.

I am shocked to see (66) next to that name.

@freebornangel, care to comment? Maybe now? Or we can agree you lost the "debate" before you started?

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