"Ascended Masters" - New Cage Communists

in #anarchy6 years ago


I love when people start with: you are projecting, you are ignorant, you don't know, you are a bigot...
It makes it so much easier when they introduce themselves.

As a Voluntaryist I love humanity and care about freedom for each individual. It is my moral duty to stop violent or confused people from spreading the most murderous, crazy idea, that mass-slaughter people every single time it is tried.

I remember what collectivism done to my country. I know the collectivism=state=socialism and communism will always be one execution from their silly utopia and it can never happen. It is a self-contradictory, superdumb idea that comes from good place of compassion and this is why dummies fall for it.

It is attractive when you don't know much about anything.


I will do my best to stop delusional people, who dare to think "if I was Stalin, Mao or Hitler, I would know how to fix everyone so they know how to live their lives", from spreading this cancer YET AGAIN, after 300 000 000 dead bodies.

People knew the ideology before. Still all went to shit every single time. If you really read something about Austrian Economics and you disagree, you cannot read with understanding.

I think until you will watch your closest family starving, raped and torn to pieces in front of you, you will not get your head out of your ass... You are arrogant enough to think you can teach... while your moral compass sucks as much as it can. You are a lost soul; emotionally underdeveloped human, on previous stage of evolution, who is due for extinction, that blames the world for not being able to catch up. You also may be a child... physically or emotionally.

If you are above 30 and you still did not develop enough to grow out of the stage of communism, most people go through, you are a weak gene that makes space for something improved. A new human. You will not pull the humanity down with you.

AnCom (2).jpg

The reason you cannot survive without theft is clear indication that you should not.
Evolution doesn't care about your entitlement and resentment feelz.

"If at age 20 you are not a Communist then you have no heart. If at age 30 you are not a Capitalist then you have no brains."

George Bernard Shaw

"Crapitalism", which is capitalism oppressed by socialism, between 2004-2012 reduced world's poverty in half. Collectivism slaughtered 300 000 000 people in last 100 years alone.

Debate over.

If your cognitive dissonance does not let you acknowledge reality, you are a zombie and a waste of
electricity. I really do not respect an intellectual zombie, arrogant enough to pretend an enlightened "ascended master", shaming peaceful people who just want you to be the only controller of your own life

Just ask for help and I will help. Try to force me with violence and I will hang you myself ;)


How can you not realize, that "the workers" include the people who risked often their entire life? The whole time their families and them used on being useful to others, so people voted with their time to make them wealthy, based on how useful they are?

Starting something that did not exist before, risking bankruptcy and taking responsibility for all the people who help in their project... Worker risking his own work, is not the same as the project owner risking often entire life's wealth and employment of others...

I think they should also be rewarded, even more so, as voted with money by people who prefer the service or product offered, rather than the money they could keep.
I think creativeness and risk-taking is necessary to push humanity forward. Less creative people are needed to manage the projects. It is a win-win. People who cannot create things need people who can. People who are creative but may be a little allover the place, need people who are "grounded".


I still cannot figure out how a commune could ever exchange their produce with other Voluntaryists outside of the AnCom without money? Cow ears for PC coolers? As you have mentioned, it would have to be a very basic, tribal farming community. Barter also implies that some things are valued more than others. Who gets to decide how much it is worth for each individual. Group identity can never work until you get down to 7,5billion individual governments.
Tribal communes are about surviving not thriving.
It would be like Amish. Still fine if it is voluntary, but why go back in development? It is trying to stop the evolutionary impulse.


As soon as you need something from other communities, you are a capitalist to everyone outside.
Dividing human beings by their group identity has to end in a disaster. It is a logical certainty. The reasons or who does it is irrelevant.

Build a house. I will not. As soon as you will I move out and make a toilet in the living room. It is as mine as yours right?
1 tree, 2 people. Who will decide which one will be dominated?
I make bows and save people from starvation if they give me a percentage of their catch so I do not starve and continue improving lives. Am I already an evil lord of means of production? Or am I saving lives with voluntary agreements?

should the mutual aid be voluntary or imposed? should people have the freedom to compete who can offer the best solutions? I want to be able to choose and support the service providers I value the most, as they meet my needs better than anyone else... why should I not have this freedom?

I am not buying your snake oil.

So you want to do all the thinking for all of these people who are inferior to you Joseph?
They just can't ever be as smart as you, so you will fix them? :D

Tell me at what point you get confused:
I am doing something. Then I have an option to keep doing it or choose something I'd rather do. I have a clear agreement that as 2+2=4 has to be beneficial for both parties. Otherwise I am a total retard to choose something that is worse. I take it that you would?


So I catch fish. Some dude invested all his life's wealth to create something that was not, that gave me a second option. I did not create it. Someone else did. They need help. Offer me something. I decide if it is more beneficial for me than what I did before. I can try to negotiate based on how useful I am to the guy. He cannot go above some level, because the whole project and many people would suffer.

At what point did I loose you now? 2+2?

the idea that I am not in control of what I create is not something to be ready for. I can choose to share, but forcing me to share is immoral. It is an extortion. Being ready to be an ant?

Jabotinsky was one of the Zionists who was sponsored by Rothschild. They cooperated and sponsored Hitler to move Jews to a desert... also bought by R. Hitler's materials built it. Jews did not want to go, so Zionists paid Hitler to force them or kill them. This is where the trains were going from concentration camps... that had theaters, swimming pools, operas, football teams...

Communism was created by Zionists who started the Bolshevik revolution. First USSR government was 99% Jewish.
Zionists created KGB. Created Hitler. Slaughtered 100 million people (100 million also in China), now they are doing the same to Palestine... Israel is a socialist country... with some free trade... but why notice the reality... instead call people ignorant :D because that make you awesome :D this person is trolling my Voluntaryism posts... really hard to reason with insanity

the delusional collectivists wanting to kill everyone who has more than them


if you do not need capitalism creating all the things, why don't communists take their stuff and go share it equally? Why this has never happened and first they need to steal what they did not create from the people they do not need?

You cannot share the same preferences if you value things you need. If you value things you need, you value the people who have better skills than you to make them.


You support them more than people who have skills useless to you. you vote with a piece of your time/life/wealth/capital. If you are free to value things, you value people differently. You still treat people equally, but not as if people were equal. The differences make us beautiful. This is what humanity is about; the subjective experience of reality. There is not 2 identical experiences. Forcing it on people is against all human knowledge.


So... I choose the voluntary hierarchy, because I recognize some people are better at some things than I am. You must be an arrogant, ignorant, useless, entitled, spoiled "victim" to even think communism is moral. Then if you want to live in a communist commune, do it! Take your comrades, take your wealth and share it equally... until you will need money to trade your produce with other communities, based on voluntary association... you will become a capitalist.


Or just be tribal, grow potatoes... so no one ever has to be exposed to genocidal ideology again... and extinct in your community... while slaughtering each other, as the nature shows... evolutionary impulse pushes our awareness to new discoveries. If you are stuck on theft as being moral... you will extinct to make room for civilization. Rabid ape circus is obsolete.

Do you really want to forbid people the freedom to create, use their skills to be useful to others and exchanging it freely with people who you do not want to be free to vote with their wealth/time/capital how much they value their skills. You want to take all these freedoms away from people... to make them more free? While you are exchanging your skills and people reward you right here, right now? Start your paradigm shift with boycotting steemit and stop posting you evil capitalist! :D If you do not need capitalists, why don't you take your comrades, go in the forest, share all you have equally and let peaceful people free to exchange their skills? Can you get more hypocritical, delusional, ignorant and arrogant? How lost exactly are you?
I could read what many morons have to say, but I need 5 lives to do all I want, to create all the things I want for myself and others... you can waste your time on idiotic ideas that are self-contradictory... I prefer to talk to my horse than read useless idiots, who were too dumb to manage their wealth and blamed everyone.


Straight from the horse's mouth:
horses mouth.jpg

I believe that every interaction between humans should be voluntary. I want for each individual to be the only controller of their lives and their property.
I am an individual. I want to create stuff for myself and others. I want to be rewarded according to how my time is useful to others. My life is mine. I own myself. What I create is extension of me. My time is my currency. I can exchange it or keep it. It is my capital. I do not believe in imposed authority.
Labels that fit to my individual choices make me an anarchist, a capitalist, a voluntaryist, but most of all, I AM AN INDIVIDUAL, who does not judge your value by the status you achieved in an imposed, imaginary collective. No matter who you are; if you respect others, respect me, I will always respect you.

I know I am the only owner of my life, my time, my capital.
This is what I want. It is the best for me. I don't care what the collective wants me to do. I choose to interact if I wish. I am the owner of me.
I do not want to harm others in ANY way.
Please do not impose your rule on me.
Tread on me or others and I will will feel morally obligated to stop you.

If you are interested in off-grid living, homesteading, medicinal plants and alternative lifestyle, check out my other blogs @lostambores and @smokeymcpot




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