Arrogant, Ignorant, Useless, Resentful, Entitled Bigots - AnCom Delusions Continue

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)

These conversations keep getting more and more trivial, exposing all that is wrong with the illness of delusional pseudo-anarchists.


Wait till you see how I mopped the floor with a proud sociopath, unable to recognize he was crushed painfully every time he tried his pseudo-intellectual vomit on me .
My next post will be all about exposing @funbobby51, who is far from being fun, and openly admits he wants to murder, rape, take slaves and abuse the humanity, but only threats of his political masters stop him!
He is openly admitting it and seems to be surprised I do not respect his values and treat him as a nasty cancer he is.

This one is not for the fainthearted. A lot of "fucks and retards". But, really, even though it may look like I am mad, I find his grotesque self-contradictions to be hilarious. If you like a tragicomedy, make sure you check out my next post in about 24 hours from posting this.

Evil Spongebob is the most precious emotional retard I have ever talked to.

YOU CANNOT MISS THAT! 100% pure statist and pure evil murderer-wanna-be.

He is just to easy to bash intellectually... and claims he is a philosopher, approved by the state's indoctrination camp's piece of paper.
And of course there is no surprise that an idiot is unable to see he is an idiot... otherwise he would not be an idiot.


Here is continuation of my conversation with @freebornangel, the incapable of logic, proud communist.

Check it out.

This is why my instinct was to check out of this conversation.
You arent ready for the level of discernment needed, you are too convinced of your own infallibility.

So, again, the workers could simply keep doing the work while not buying that work back through wage slavery/profits, yes?

It is not your instinct. It is your ego reacting to cognitive dissonance.
You feel instinctively that something is wrong, but you choose to stay in your comfort zone of thinking you are a deep thinker and you just do not want to be incorrect.
On your subconscious level you already know you are wrong and your instinct is telling you that, because you can see you are unable to answer and your ego is trying to defend itself.

This is what a cult is all about. It can be the cult of yourself.

"When the police enter a house in which there are thieves, the thieves go up from the ground floor to the first floor. When the police arrive on the first floor, the thieves have gone up to the second, and so to the third and finally out to the roof. And so, when the ego is about to be unmasked, it immediately identifies with a higher self. It goes up a level. Because the religious game is simply a refined and highbrow version of the ordinary game: 'How can I outwit me?... How can I one-up me?'" - Alan Watts

You choose to keep pretending your ego is a higher self. Just as you believe the opposite of truth is the reality, you apply this also to your instinct. You just need to find an excuse to blame someone for your limitations, because you refuse to face them. You want to be special. If people cannot see it, you are trying to find fault in them. Whatever it takes to not look within, because you are scared of what you may find. You know it on a deeper level. Stop hiding from yourself.

alan watts brain.jpg

What you are saying now is that I am inferior to you, as inferior as anyone who proves your ideas are so dumb they cannot withstand a simple scrutiny, which you keep having no rebuttal to.

You can either keep proving how much of an arrogant, ignorant bigot you are... or stop for a second and listen to your instinct, that is showing you that the discomfort you feel, is what you need to work on.

If you feel like you need to run and hide, it is what YOU have to work on. Not me.
You choose how you react to things. If things choose for you how you react to them you are on the wrong path... still valid... all in its time... and I am fine with you digging your own hole ever so deeper, but I would prefer to help you wake up and help me change the world, instead of spinning in ego-loops that cause incredible suffering.

Suffering isn't bad neither... but I think humanity suffered enough, so why go back to the ideas that were proven horribly wrong?

You only proved what I wrote before, that you are intolerant of diversity of though and assume you are correct, while you could not seem any dumber to everyone outside of your head... unless they are as confused as you are... it is sad and pathetic on your part. Do you know how to learn? This is your chance. I hope you will not waste it yet again.

So who else is categorized by you as inferior to you and unable to get you, when you talk nonsense and cannot prove your point with anything?

Do you know the definition of bigotry?

You cannot generalize about a group of people based on something you think of them.
Saying bosses are evil lords of means of production, is the same as saying "Muslims want to enslave you, or blacks are lazy... or whatever. You probably think some nonsense about "white privilege" too, which makes you a racist.
What about "Asian privilege"?

Would you make a negative generalization about any other group?

How about "all low-skill workers are entitled, useless, resentful bigots?". But not all of them are. Some are perfectly happy where they are and grateful for the opportunity they did not have before, when they were starving, for example. Only the spoiled brats and idiots are.

Why not use your logic towards other groups?

Here is an important lesson for you:
Collective guilt of a group of people, who happen to create what you have not is wrong. It is wrong to attack people for things they did not do, only based on your assumption they are using someone, while it is them who risk the most, that their enterprise will be abused by resentful idiots.

You are the opposite of what you think you are.


So let me address your question again:
"The workers could simply keep doing the work while not buying that work back through wage slavery/profits, yes?"

You have an answer in your question, that is incorrect. It is your subjective, incorrect opinion that workers are "buying work back through wage slavery".
There is no such thing as wage slavery in a free society and I explained to you why.
The only wage slavery is imposed by the state. It is called the minimum wage, which you want for everyone to be the "maximum minimum wage".
You want to take the freedom of negotiating how much your skills are worth, because if political masters (you want to be) say businesses can pay the minimum by law, guess what will happen? If you want to be the state that dictates the maximum wage should be paid, freedom is also over. If someone did not work for 10 years, they are behind, they will never get hired, unless they say "hey, I know I suck, but I will catch up, give me a chance for less than you pay professionals and I will prove myself in 3 months and you will pay me X amount, OK?".

Again! You can just not go to work or you can negotiate your wages the more skills you learned useful for the project. You can masturbate instead of going to work, which is the opposite of slavery, which you cannot understand... and it is very simple.

You would be unfair on not delivering what you promised in the written agreement, but I guess this is the risk a project owner has to take, because no one is protecting him from sabotaging assholes.


Ask a normal question. Childish questions like this one are not on any debatable level.

Why do you even ask, if you impose the answer you want to hear on me?

What is next? "So why do you think capitalism slaughtered 200 000 000 people in last 100 years?"

I don't. I know historical facts and it was the worst kind of statism, the total control of the state, that was supposed to lead to communism, which will always be one execution from happening.

My answer to your question is:


So if you will be ready and try to grow up to a discussion level, let me know.

First of all you are a bigot and I cannot have a respectful conversation with a dummy that insults people from the beginning. This is not how adults do it. So if you cannot even behave like an adult, no wonder you think you can fix others... because you are incapable of even noticing how much there is to fix about yourself. I know it is scary to become self-aware when there are so many limitations, but you will never raise above them and die stupid.


So, let me translate your question to adult language now so it can be addressed at all:

Can the workers keep doing their work?

It depends what the project leader needs for the project to be successful, because if people who have no idea about bigger picture start sabotaging it, it will fail, not just for the entitled, resentful idiots, but all the other hard-working people, including the project owner. If they are doing their job as they confirmed in written contract they would, I do not see any reason why should anyone break the agreement, that was signed because it was beneficial for both parties.

BUT it would be a tragedy if a waitress started dictating to the chef and the manager how to run a restaurant, when she cannot cut an onion. You get it now? I cannot write more simply.

If you still do not get it... you are beyond hope.

Second part of... a question?
"while not buying that work back through wage slavery/profits"

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This is your delusion that has nothing to do with how free market or reality works.
The moment you think you are some "slave" walk out and stop being a slave.

Create your own project and ask people for help, offering them some reward based on their skills necessary for your project... unless you think you should pay equal amount to a toilet cleaner, as the project manager who has to think for 1000 people and make sure they don't fuck up... try and learn this painful lesson of failing miserably and end up being depressed and confused to the rest of your life. You are free to choose suffering if you want to ignore reality.

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Is everything you know the other way around? You were indoctrinated with the opposite of reality as a joke?
I think you should seek compensation from your parents, teachers and whoever infected you with this cancer of victim-hood culture. You are categorizing people by their groups! How is this any different from Hitler?

This is insane!

How would even one boss be the same as another? How would one worker or any other individual be the same as the other?


It is like you know nothing about the world... and you want to teach? Well that figures... classic!

I have explained things to you in a very simple language. If you cannot understand, how can I have a discussion with you?

It is like I keep telling you candy is bad for you and you keep screaming "I waaaant caaandy!"

"I waaaant caaandy!" is the opposite of an argument. You do not know how to talk with people? Not even this basic skill?


Learn to not ask loaded-suggestive questions first. Questions like "why is chocolate ice-cream the best?" are on the level of a 12YO. It is your subjective opinion, which is always debatable. I like vanilla or pistachio and my friend thinks mango is the best in the world. You cannot tell us what we should like, because you like it.

This is what Stalin wanted.

If you cannot discuss things but give answers in questions... you are no one to debate with and this is why you project it on others.

Straight from the horse's mouth:
horses mouth.jpg

I believe that every interaction between humans should be voluntary. I want for each individual to be the only controller of their lives and their property.
I am an individual. I want to create stuff for myself and others. I want to be rewarded according to how my time is useful to others. My life is mine. I own myself. What I create is extension of me. My time is my currency. I can exchange it or keep it. It is my capital. I do not believe in imposed authority.
Labels that fit to my individual choices make me an anarchist, a capitalist, a voluntaryist, but most of all, I AM AN INDIVIDUAL, who does not judge your value by the status you achieved in an imposed, imaginary collective. No matter who you are; if you respect others, respect me, I will always respect you.

I know I am the only owner of my life, my time, my capital.
This is what I want. It is the best for me. I don't care what the collective wants me to do. I choose to interact if I wish. I am the owner of me.
I do not want to harm others in ANY way.
Please do not impose your rule on me.
Tread on me or others and I will feel morally obligated to stop you.

If you are interested in off-grid living, homesteading, medicinal plants and alternative lifestyle, check out my other blogs @lostambores and @smokeymcpot





I know it is scary to become self-aware when there is so many limitations, vbut you will never raise above them and die stupid.

What's so scary about becoming self-aware? I'd be more scared about dying stupid & having to return to life on earth again, as an idiot having to repeat it all.

I look forward to reading your post in regards to @funbobby51. He always stuck a nerve with me.

That is the thing. Not becoming self-aware is a waste of this ride :)

No wonder... sociopaths are a very annoying minority. You cannot hope to reason with an emotional retard. They will bring it to their level and think they win... but no matter how experienced idiot you are, the objective reality is his mirror... and the reflexion is just a piece of shit :D

I was interested before.... Now you have my attention. Damn. I mean... Damn

my pleasure. updated quite a bit :)

I went through and read a bit of funbobbys posts.... Are you sure he isn't writing satire? At some points I was Uber pissed and other times I thought there is no way this guy is serious right now. I'm really not sure.

if someone cannot be serious in serious debate and plays some weird games... it is nothing I would respect anyway. Check our "debate". There is no doubt he is THAT dumb

Gotcha. Maybe it's satire, maybe not. It's a dangerous line to walk and one in which it is easy to hide conflicting ideals and morality.

I asked him first if this was sarcasm that he wants to rape, murder and abuse... he said "no, why wouldn't you?"
I do not care what he has to say after this. Only thing he deserves is bashing him intellectually and if he would act on his aspirations, he should be stopped physically. Action-reaction

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