Life!... Six Months After An Ayahuasca Ceremony In Acapulco At An Anarchist Conference

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Hey, love. Are you web-weary? Glazed eyes. Dull attention. Forage-clicking, with scroll-happy fingers. Scouting for a certain kind of cyber-fix? Fair enough. I got you! But we need to start with a nice system re-set.

Use the video below as a tool to momentarily wipe away troubles and trifles. Let the percussion serve as a machete to a mediocre mindset. I have yet to bring an impoverished thought, or petty idea to primal drumming, that did not get refined, and made considerably better. The beats beckon my best. They say:

Grow up! Show up! Stand tall. Give all.

It's like a sonic rite of passage into true adulthood. Or peaceful warriorship.

I'm embedding it here directly so you don't even have to fuss with a new tab, or be bounced to a new page. You can just press play on the video, and enjoy a 4.5 minute rhythmic reorganization of yourself. With eye candy. Get a fire lit, either IN you (for lovin' folks), or UNDER you (for doin' stuff). The music-flame is adaptogenic, and goes where it's most needed. Ready? Renewed? Vamos!

she be tree

The green path illumines your nature.

Then shows you it is THE SAME as nature.

A lot of responsibility -- and relief -- ensues.

What do politics, police, personal income tax, passion, permaculture, private property, porn, principles, philosophy, prayer, poetry, privacy, physics, pleasure, peaceful parenting, physiology, propaganda, perception, power and the paranormal ALL have in common (aside from obvious alliteration)?

All those seemingly unrelated topics, are cross-breeding with each other. Their mutant babies are landing in your portfolio. Affecting your persona. Influencing your preoccupations. It is all woven together.

Just because you can't see the threads, doesn't mean they aren't there.

web of life

I always felt the connection between things.

School tried to destroy my innate, perfectly developed sense of holism. Replaced it with fragments and fractures, and called it 'sophisticated thought.'

Yeah. Merci, Descartes... for doubting your senses and experiences so much, that you ended up trusting DEDUCTION and DUALITY to be your narrow guides. Thanks for reducing the universe, and the human body, to mechanistic machine parts.

When really, they are both complex ecosystems that are alive. Evolving and expanding.

That we regard both the planet and our bodies as machines, is sadly evident. Our materialistic bias has normalized HYPERCONSUMPTION + SPIRITUAL BANKRUPTCY. It is our standard way of life to shop, and to renounce mystery. What has that lovely combination gotten us?

Even with first-world comfort, we still wonder why we feel so empty inside.

go fuck yourself

I lived that zombie-life, for too many years.

First, trying to deny the hole.

Then trying to fill the hole with consumable crap.

Neither worked, of course.

So I stuffed and suppressed all the dissonance, until one day...

My house finally divided.

It took nearly nine years to build, and just a moment to slice...

...'cause ideological differences are no joke.

Lovely home. Good man inside.
Relational escrow is why I tried
to go along with things dead wrong;
like the fattening of our citizenry
with sugar, war and misery.

The deadening of our workers,
pimped by tax-stealing lurkers.

The terrorizing of civilians,
by uniformed reptilians.

The withholding of plant medicine
'cause pharma banks the swindlin
of made-up diagnoses.
This shit is just atrocious!

I got tired of bending over,
as if I had no power.

So I turned and walked away.
Chose a new day.
Made a new way.

I won't pay you with my time,
my presence or attention.
I deem you unworthy,
of so much as a mention.

Yes, leaving made some tension.

But tense is good, sometimes.
Helps you see dividing lines
you must draw around your mind.

Declare: "No violating!"
And mean it.

I didn't want to be a silent, cowering, unarmed, bullied, cannabinoid-deficient, over-taxed victim, unable to effect change in my own life, let alone the life of others.

But that's exactly who I was being.

I interrupted that pattern, and that life, by coming to Acapulco this past February, to attend a really special anarchist conference called Anarchapulco. When you register, you can TAKE 10% OFF your final ticket price by typing the coupon code "defiance" without quotes, at checkout.

I didn't know a soul when I came.

It's now six months later, I'm still here...

... and feeling very fortuned to live among a group of talented, informed, principled anarchists. I'm learning through new friendships, language and culture, expatriation, tequila, risk, living out my ideals. All-night philosophical debates, along with plenty of laughs and foolishness. Telling the truth. Hearing the truth. Growing, man. And having a great time while doing so.

I did not see that coming... living with so much agility, joy and deep connection. My previous environments were steeped in life's hardship, moreso than the accessibility of dreams. I now regularly let loose my vivid sense of possibility... and am actually encouraged, rather than called crazy. That's a very nice change! A resonant community can undo years of social harm and damage.

Psychedelic means 'to make visible, to reveal; mind manifesting.'

This is the opposite of the impaired, debilitated trip the uninitiated wrongly presume about psychedelics. Psychedelics SHOW, to help you KNOW. Just like 3D glasses shift your optic vision... psychedelics shift your inner vision.

green mind grokking

In my introductory post I explained that forests made themselves known to me at an early age. I instinctively understood the natural things going down in forests, and think it helped pre-acquaint me with Aya. I prepared myself for her, and her True Brew, my entire life.

Ayahuasca DOES ROOT WORK. She works with your roots. Your core. Your quintessential self. This is why, I believe, her medicine is often:

  • misunderstood
  • underestimated
  • perceived as scary or intimidating

Your roots, like plant roots, are not visible. They are submerged in dark depths, and their health or sickness, is reflected in the outward leaves of your life. Makes sense, right?

Ayahuasca does not coat green color over yellowed or diseased leaves. She is not a cosmetic, surface solution. She is a root-working soul solution.

The chemical-compound-spirit-molecule that is Ayahuasca, will work with your roots. Clarify your understanding of Who You Are. She will help you include, and transcend, the arbitrary land you first breathed on, and the random womb you portaled in through. Your particular geographic and nucleic facts are interesting, to a degree. But the most important thing she makes clear is that YOU WERE MEANT FOR MORE. You were meant for more than struggle or alienation, friend.

Come to Anarchapulco.

Mingle with free, kind, smart, peaceful, self-possessed, liberated people, and see if it doesn't have a great effect on you. Anarchapulco is more than a conference. It is an INTEGRATIVE EXPERIENCE with just the right information, people and circumstances that could actually change your life. Or show you how to create a new one (bravery required, though).

I'm humbled and honored to be a NeverGetbusted facilitator assisting @barrycooper with the administration of the largest Ayahuasca ceremony in history! The mass growth of consciousness will be held March 1st through March 3rd, right after the Anarchapulco conference. The cost per participant is only $350USD. No one offers an Ayahuasca experience at such an affordable price. Barry is basically covering their cost. If you sense Aya's call to partake, I look forward to meeting you, and supporting your transformation.

** Register through me here + take 10% off! **


If you liked this, then please add me to your feed by following: @erikaharris. I had an agenda, but lost it on a strange walk home one day... after having a sunlit chocolate-milk-sacrament. I'm curious about using language as a catalytic + restorative liberation technology, and am experimenting with that here on Steemit. Happy to be here with ya :-)

To Our Free + Feral Selves!


Thanks @erikaharris! When can I purchase tickets to Anarchapulco with steem? :p.

Oooooh, GREAT question @edgeland! @dollarvigilante, any thoughts?

Jeff is considering accepting Steem, he mentions it in the upcoming Anarchast with Steem star HeidiTravels

Thanks for the awesome intel, @petegorman!

Cool, thanks!

I don't say this lightly:

There's a very distinct line for me between empty groups of words that sound pretty and poetic, and language that consistently conveys something of power and substance while also being woven and used to paint a vivid picture in the mind.

You actually seem to grasp the difference, and you're right where you belong, in the latter.

I was actually intrigued and pulled in the entire time, and I fully understood the experiences to which you were referring. Oddly enough, I have never had an Aya experience, nor a psychedelic one, but what I have learned is there are many ways to have the kinds of experiences those things can catalyze, and I have had them.

I think the experience of Aya would likely only grant me another level of information for my soul and mind to use to heal myself with, but I actually believe that much of that healing needed (if not all), can be achieved through other means as well. That's the beauty of universal truth-- it demands to be known, so if we simply open our seeker wide enough, we can find it.

Thank you, Erika.

What a thought-full comment, @dragonanarchist! I heartily thank you for it :-)

My feet are set on a PlantPath (psychonautic), and a WordWay (poetic), but I absolutely respect the diversity among lovers of freedom. Cheers for logic, science, reason and sobriety! Art, emotion and imagination are friendly tools that play well with others. Especially freedom-seeking others. So happy for your visit to my sandbox. <3

damn, you are good!

That means a lot coming from you, @emancipatedhuman! Deep bows of respect.

I’ve heard it said that ayahuasca is more appropriate for healing than spiritual growth. I’m intrigued to find out how much agreement there is with that opinion.

Interesting, @lensessions. I don't see healing and spiritual growth as exclusive tasks. I experience them as very tandem. :-) Am also curious to hear the thoughts of others. Thanks, as always, for sharing yours!

Wow. So beautifully written, Erika! I can relate to all of this!

Absolutely beautiful post @erikaharris. NeverGetBusted is honored to have you as one of our "shamans." You know it's hard for me to use that word because it entails religion but for the sake of your audience, I had to say it. You are a perfect match for administering ayahuasca. I just shared your post to Facebook with this message:
"This is an outstanding, informative and poetically beautiful post about Ayahuasca authored by Erika Harris. Erika will be a NeverGetbusted facilitator assisting me with the administration of the largest Ayahuasca ceremony in history. I will be holding the mass growth of consciousness March 1 through the 3 in Acapulco, Mexico after the famous Anarchapulco Conference. The cost per participant is only $350. No person offers an Ayahuasca experience at this price. I am basically covering our cost. Come an Trip To Wellness with NeverGetBusted."

@barrycooper I am beyond thrilled, and humbled, to be a part "of the largest Ayahuasca ceremony in history." What an incredible feat for human consciousness! Can't wait to serve alongside you and NGB. Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. Peace, Love + Weed <3

@cozmochemist, that is the most brilliant description of DMT i've seen yet! Thanks for sharing!! :-D

"Language as a catalytic + restorative liberation technology."

I think that's an excellent way to put what some are doing here.

I like your idea of a hidden web of roots at our base. It's not something I "see" on an everyday basis, but I believe having seen it and knowing it's there has an effect on my thinking and behavior.

This is one of the best posts I've seen yet on Steemit. Great work!

Thanks so much, @kendewitt! You sound, and feel, like a botanic brother ;-)

Yes, but it's been a while since I've hugged a tree. I need to get out and do that!

+1 Another great post M'Lady ! Grokking in fullness
Love !

Thanks for your kind support, @jtstreetman :-)

I felt the resonation of your catalytic + restorative liberation technology! I've always felt the vibration of words and loved it. It makes music in my mind. I never learned to play a traditional instrument (yet) maybe that's because my words were my instrument all along 💜🕉💜

@texkitten: meowwww..... purrrrrrrr.......
I'm excited to hear your musical words! <3

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