The Truth Of Reality

in #anarchy9 years ago (edited)

Reality for most is mundane.

It's getting up at 7

Rushing out the house by 7:30 with half a piece of toast sticking out your mouth

Getting stuck in traffic

Getting yelled at by your boss (then silently wishing his death)

Working hard for little to no reward while your work friends seem to fanny about

Coming home to a person who you have nothing in common with and the only reason you married them was the fear of being alone

Going to bed by 10 and then doing all of this for the next 50 years until you grow old regret your life and die.

Doesn't have to be that way though and the reality is only thus because you allow it to be., human beings have this almost inherent need to be loved and a desperate obsession with security.

The government know this very fact and use it to squeeze every last penny from you, hell you can't even die without racking up a tally. In fact the most basic cremation in the UK will set you back nearly £4000 (or around $5150) even in death the government want that money flowing from you....flowing from your family for generations to come.

Lets get one thing absolutely clear before we continue, the government like money.

In fact they love it

In the UK MP's (members of parliament) get paid around £70.000 ($90.000) for attending a huge building and making occasional incoherent sounds akin to grunting or mumbling. Some of them don't even do that and prefer to simply sleep instead, not many jobs will earn you a cool 70 grand for sleeping.

This is a life they are used to a luxury lifestyle and don't think for one moment that they will let you take it all away. This is why (only around voting time) they are so desperate to gain your vote and will literally promise anything to achieve that goal.

Then reality kicks in and you realise that the person you voted for is really no different than the last. The actor is the same he's simply changed his role.

To them you are a piece of meat...and not even a prime cut you're more like a pork pie or a sardine. You have a number (NI number in the UK Social Security in the US) that is assigned to you again like a product on a production line. Labelled and shipped off to earn money for the government, money that they will spend on nuclear ICBM's with ten times the power of Hiroshima.

Yes there is homelessness and poverty but blowing up a small part of the Earth is clearly a better use of that money. Much better to live in a world where the majority of the population is gone and nuclear fallout has caused sickness and death...but the terrorists are dead right?

Now if you even think of disobeying them they have a cage that you'll be locked up in, regardless of what you disagreed with them on.

Want to stop paying your taxes because you don't agree with how they are spent? Well the government think they know better due to some mythical inherent right to rule passed down by their Anunnaki masters millions of years ago.

Thanks to a gentleman known as Philip of Macedonia (although the concert must go back much farther) they created what is known as "Divide and Rule/Conquer. The idea was to stop unification between the people by creating dissent between them. This could be anything from class and race to gender and education, when something particularly bad happened they could "blame it on the insert class race gender here"

With this concept in place and the people fully subdued and ignorant, the flow of money would continue and their lifestyles would see no bounds.

And so today you are taught getting a job and giving your money to the government to spend on death machines is your absolute right and that you must obey lest the country suffer.

And so you do.

You do exactly as you're told in school and do things the way they say never thinking for yourself of course

You get a "good" job make money and help your government kill millions of innocent people and create the terrorists of tomorrow.

Then by the time you realise you're just a pawn on the grandest chess game in history, it's too late you slump into your chair and moan about the good old days.

The truth of reality is a harsh one, but it's only made harsh by the decisions you make.

As a child you're a blank canvas and as you grow society will paint you will all manner of colours.

The trick is to wash away that paint and become the blank canvas again...but this time YOU will paint. YOU will decide what colours will be used. YOU will decide how and where those colours will go, and damn it YOU will decide your fate.

Wanted to write this for such a long time feels so good to finally get it out there, hope you've enjoyed reading


The growth stage that the human can then move into, once the blinders are off and the canvas is clean, is the stage I have been in for a few years now. And it is fucking amazing! I am happy, thriving, and free of fear and a desire to 'lay low' and focus on mundane bullshit. I am motivated and inspired, and mentally as well as emotional free.

I now use my motivation to inspire others and guide them out of defense and fear and into offense, strategy and a compelling life. I sort of mention it in the article I JUST posted, but related to another topic (technological control systems).

Thank you for the reply going to read that article now.

Took me many years and the passing of a good friend to finally "wake" me as it were, I've never felt so free and yet frustrated at the same time. Understanding and knowing is wonderful but trying to explain that to others who reply with a blank expression is deflating at times

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