An Introduction to Anarchy - How to Consciously Evolve

in #anarchy8 years ago (edited)

Ask somebody what they think of when they hear the word ‘anarchy’ and a popular response is ‘chaos’. In fact, the opposite is true. Anarchy is peace, order and true freedom. The chaotic face of anarchy has been grafted on by a skilled and controlled media so I was looking with this blog to help remove that facade and let you see the true nature of anarchy.

Before we begin, I'd like to quickly define in etymological terms, what 'anarchy' means: it comes from the Greek prefix 'an-' meaning 'without' and 'anarkhos', meaning 'ruler'.

So anarchy literally means, without ruler.

So being an anarchist means you have no ruler. No human being is above you on the pecking order and nobody can force you, with legitimacy, to carry out tasks you do not wish to perform consensually. This includes any human-written laws and any ‘authoritative’ institutions such as government, religion, the Crown etc…

I can read the minds of my readers at this point. “Wait a minute…… it doesn’t matter what you think. The law is the law and the government will punish you if you disobey”.

I am not averse to following rules. I understand that certain types of rules need to be obeyed for the better good of the community. Common Law implemented by judges (rather than statute law written by government) is often based on the Laws of Nature. These cannot be written by humans. This is Natural Law. It is our moral compass and is read through our human emotion and intuition.

These Laws are intrinsic to the universe and cannot be changed by any living being in the cosmos. They apply to every self-aware, conscious being who has free will within the boundaries of the universal truths. As we are part of a fractal universe, these Laws are also intrinsic to (almost – psychopaths excluded – but that is a whole different blog) every human being on the planet.

Throughout history, these Laws were known to the ancients and kept alive within wisdom traditions and cultures such as the alchemists, hermetics, the Greek philosophers, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Sumerians, the Stoic’s, the Maya, the Aryans, eastern philosophers, the Romans, theosophists, the Freemasons, Rosicrucian and many, many more. The Rights are immutable. They cannot be amended. They cannot be taken away or added to. A constitution will not grant these as ‘rights’, it will only list them as preexisting and inalienable. Removing or introducing a constitution will not affect these principles. Simply put, they are:

  • The Non- Aggression Principle - The moral recognition that it is inherently wrong to initiate violence against another individual or their property. This is the moral distinction between the aggressive violence of initiation of force and the use of defensive force when aggressed upon.
  • The Golden Principle of Self Ownership - The moral recognition that each human owns their owns themselves and by extension, owns their own time/money/property.

This is not to say that these Natural Laws cannot be broken but there will be certain consequential, detrimental societal and personal ramifications if they are. As these are intrinsic, they are felt and understood by all humans from birth.

So what is government? Is it a building or a person? Is it a group of people and buildings? Is it documents and laws? If I point at an politician and ask, is he government? Is he acting on behalf of government? Is he a public servant or do the public serve him?

Government is an abstract creation of man represented by a group of humans who claim authority.

At this point I’d like to reduce the government to one person, for simplicity. I want you to ask yourself a question and answer honestly:

If a stranger approached you on a public street and told you that you needed to pay him £1000 to keep on walking, what would your response be?

Most people would tell this person to politely go away. He has no right over the money you earn and any attempt to take it from you would be illegitimate and if he threatens violence (putting you in a cage, for instance) then he is violating your natural human rights.

Now, I’m sure most readers will agree that all humans are born with equal rights. This is another immutable law, nothing can change it. So, bearing this in mind, what right does any human have over another human to tell them what to do? Does it matter whether or not this human is representing government or was born into a family that claims the divine right to rule? Does anyone have the right to delegate a right they don't hold themselves?

Human law, acts of parliament, legislation, statutes written, created and enforced by another human being have no legitimate jurisdiction over you. Ever. It really is that simple.

This doesn’t mean that institutions will not imprison you if you do not do what they say, but they do so unjustly. They violate your inalienable human rights and cause consequential results to occur.

So, what does this make you? What category of human gets punished if they do not follow the rules of the authority?

Children (or slaves).

Any person who believes in state (or any) authority is a victim of mind control. If you are a human adult then there is only one authority over you and that is you. A state of consciousness existing where humans expect that the state will provide for them when they are in need and punish them when they have done ‘wrong’ can be equated to the mind of a child. Children ask permission (apply for permits), children blindly do as they are told (follow human laws without question), children are punished if they misbehave (prison system/fines). When these children grow up and someone tells them they can’t have a cookie, the response is usually of ‘who are you to tell me I can’t have a cookie?’.

Human society acts as psychological children. We have not matured spiritually or mentally to fly the nest of government and monarchical rule. As human adults, we should be perfectly capable of governing our-selves. Being a master of oneself is the next stage of the evolution of our consciousness. Once we can achieve this as individuals then we are not going to be waiting for our saviour figures to swoop down and fix the rampant problems that plague humanity. We will take responsibility for our own actions.

Humans need to learn the state of being that allows an external anarchy combined with an internal monarchy.

This means that we can rule ourselves individually and not expect, want or accept rule from anybody but ourselves. Our own internal rules are set by re-tuning our moral compasses and acting on it. Until this happens, there will be no peace either with ourselves individually or as a group.

A ‘statist’ is a person who believes in government and authority. This comprises 99.9% of the population. When presented with the option of dissolving government they usually counter with questions such as: ‘who will build the roads?’, ‘who will empty the bins?’, ‘who will protect us?’ and endless more ‘who will…’ questions to highlight how important government are.

If we dismantle government and the roads don’t get paved then so be it. If we, as a community, can figure out how to upkeep the cities and the status-quo of current society then so be it. If not then society will have to change and adapt; so be it. There is no compromise when it comes to being enslaved as psychological children. I’ll travel down dilapidated roads and dispose of my own rubbish if needs be. I will organise my community and defend myself from violence. I will govern myself and be free.

This essay will probably aggravate some people. We don’t like to be told that we are psychological children and we don’t like to be told that we are slaves. However, as Aristotle said

“’It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it”.

So I would ask the reader to entertain the writing above and if any of it resonates with you, do your own research for there is a world of knowledge just waiting at your fingertips.

The Romans had a word for ‘freedom’Liber. This word also means ‘book’. It is the source of the English word ‘Library’ and ‘Liberty’. To achieve true freedom one must educate oneself.

This is the truth and, by definition, truth is objective whether you agree with it or not.

“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” – Thomas Jefferson

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