Tearing Down Statues: How Everything Could and Is Going Wrong in the US Empire... And How To Fix It

in #anarchy7 years ago

A nexus of social narratives are all colliding in the US right now… And the result is bizarre to watch.

Even the maker of the movie, Idiocracy, commented on how his movie seems to have become our current reality rather than a schlock fiction movie.

In real life we now have black people who were never slaves fighting white people who were never Nazis over a confederate statue erected by democrats and blaming it all on Trump.

Where to begin?

It doesn’t hurt to start with government “education” which is now graduating people as adults who can barely read. Those adults then can’t get a job because government regulations have destroyed most of the economy and the communist style central planning agency, the Federal Reserve, has destroyed the remainder.

So, they now go into hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt to get a worthless piece of paper and waste 4 to 8 years of their lives to learn nothing.

Well, I shouldn’t say “nothing”. They get mostly indoctrinated into socialist/communist, anti-capitalist beliefs and a twisted view of “equality.”

Being dumbed down from fluoride in the water and an onslaught of propaganda on television programming they then lash out at the current system which they think is capitalist… But is almost completely communist now, for the ills of society.

And, not being too bright, they think that tearing down a few statues should fix things!

Yes, burning books, tearing down statues and fighting against free speech… That always has good results.

They’d know where this all heads if they had any understanding of history. But, after 12 years of government indoctrination camps and 4-8 more years of socialist training they can barely write their name much less understand what is currently going on.

The great majority of them don’t even realize that the civil war had absolutely nothing to do with slavery.

It had everything to do with fascism… And the mostly socialist/communist students now cheer for the leader of the fascists… Abraham Lincoln.

If you doubt what Lincoln was all about you just have to look at what his two hands are placed on at the Lincoln Memorial.

Those are fasces. And the civil war was all about keeping the southern states from escaping from the fascist federal government… and killing hundreds of thousands of people in the process.

Those same fasces are also in Congress. But no one seems to notice, nobody seems to care.

True “anti-fascists” should be tearing down the Lincoln Memorial and Congress… but they have been so hopelessly brainwashed and misinformed that they have no clue that the real enemy is in Washington, District of Criminals.

Instead, Americans fight amongst themselves. The left versus the right. Black versus white.

Neither of them realizes there is only one true enemy: the US federal government.

That’s why many of these protests and riots are surreptitiously funded by the government using agent provocateurs to try to keep the people fighting each other and not fighting the entity that actually has every person in America enslaved today.

Slavery in the 1800s was for a small amount of people. But, after Lincoln’s fascist takeover every single person has been enslaved. Yet, they think they are free.

It’s the book 1984 mixed with Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. A dumbed down, drugged up, brainwashed population marching the US towards complete tyranny.

That’s why they roll out George Bush, to make people beg for Barack Obama. Then they roll out Donald Trump when people beg for someone to stop Obama.

Yet, nothing changes, at all.

The wars continue, the IRS keeps fleecing the tax slaves, the Federal Reserve keeps impoverishing the population and the government continues to reduce freedoms with phonebook sized legislation passed nearly daily.

In response, the confused, propagandized, government educated people tear down some statues about a “war” they were lied to about and pepper spray each other… when they should be tearing down the codes and STATUTES that the government keeps passing that will soon have the boot stamping down on their face, forever.

There is a better way. A much, much better way.

But it will take the people finally waking up to the fact that they have been deceived. There is no left versus right problem. There is no race problem… we are all of one race, the human race.

The real problem lies in Washington, DC, and it doesn’t matter which puppet stands in front of the two fasces in Congress (the opposite of Progress) and reads from the teleprompter.

To understand more what the problem is and what the solution is, watch this excellent speech from Larken Rose recorded at Anarchapulco 2017.

The answer is simple. Even Jesus has been trying to tell people it for thousands of years… Yet, your average Christian, who believes in government as their God, breaks the Golden Rule, everyday.

Do unto others as you want them to do unto you. If you support government, you support oppressing your fellow man. And therefore, under the Golden Rule, you too will be oppressed.

And belief in government and authority leads us to bizarre times like where the US is today.

If it all looks crazy, confused and chaotic, that’s because it is.

And the answer to it all is so simple. Voluntaryism… An understanding that all actions between humans should be voluntary and all actions that are forced or coerced should be shunned.

There’s another word for it. Anarchy. And there is a reason you have been programmed to think it is a scary word.

But it is the answer. To find out more and to hear from and meet the people who have come here to save you and the world, come to Anarchapulco this February in Acapulco, Mexico.

If you register before September 1st, you get a discount on registration. And take note that The Dollar Vigilante Internationalization & Investment Summit is held the day after Anarchapulco.

You can register now at anarchapulco.com.


But, after Lincoln’s fascist takeover every single person has been enslaved. Yet, they think they are free.

What kind of stupid shit is this? People chose to live in the States much like you chose to live in countries other than the States because you have benefits in your investments.


In every single country you move to, you are still a slave since you have to oblige with their rules.

People like you make anarchists looks like idiots.

My interpretation was he meant that the civil war was not about slavery, but that Lincoln's desire was to preserve the union. This is a common interpretation by military historians that may or may not be conveniently left out of most text books or overlooked. The result of which created the 14th amendment which can be considered a type of "enslavement" to all who abide by citizenship. Citizenship being a system of ownership by the state.
I didn't interpret he assumes he is any freer then anyone else in that sense.
Where he lives is irrelevant. If a man/woman chooses to follow the rules is on them, Whether to their benefit or detriment. This topic would clearly be subjective. A man is free in his heart alone and will not find freedom anywhere else in the world or be given it by any other man.

Feed the government!
Or was I looking for a different f word?

It's stupid because @dollarvigilante is unable to know what is true or false.

Nor can anyone. There are too many lies and too much propaganda. You can't accept anything as perfectly true, because there are so many people trying to manipulate things. Maybe DV is the manipulator, maybe he's the one being manipulated, or maybe he's outside that circle, but still helpless and fallible, unable to see how things really are.

This is not his fault. How can anyone truly see how things are when reality is so incredibly hazy, misinformation and propaganda is everywhere, and facts themselves are written in a biased form?

I don't blame him or you for sometimes being wrong, biased, or incorrect about things.

There are people who deliberately lie, and cast different groups of people as enemies to each other using those lies, or other propaganda, and create an environment where truth cannot rise above the festering lies and bias.

Just relax a bit, and think things through for yourself. No one is such an authority that you must actually believe every word they speak. Just judge for yourself what is true and false, because no one else chooses what you believe except you.

I don't blame you for sometimes being wrong, biased, or incorrect about things either.

Actually, I am a kitten, and thus, I am never wrong about anything ever.

Never ever. =p

Is that true?

Only true if you believe it.

Ok..I see.....well I don't believe you.

In your first reply you say DV (but you could fill in any name) can't know what is true or false because nobody can. And later you make an exemption for yourself as if your above all people and you know what right or wrong, biased or unbiased, correct or incorrect, and you say; People who deliberately lie........ As if it's possible to say someone is lying when your not even able to distinguish true from false

If nobody can distinguish true from false. (as you say)
then nobody can distinguish right from wrong biased from unbiased, correct from incorrect, and you could not tell if someone is lying, So saying someone is lying, makes you a liar according to you own rules or lack thereof. You could not know it.

I like to have you opinion on these issues.

If I said that; Mafia is bad because they oppress people, use violence to extort their victims, harm and kill people. And that it's a bad thing for those people do that.

Would you say I'm stupid because I can not know if it's true or false that those mafioso who do those things are bad?
Would you call me liar, that is using propaganda trying to put groups against each other?

Mafia is good at being mafia because they oppress people, use violence, etc etc.

I'm not an exemption, but DV is a wealthy, popular public figure, so I think it's like insulting any popular celebrity.

But don't go insulting me. I'm just a small fry kitten who doesn't like to speak truth.

I prefer to identify lies instead.

Their rules? Who's rules? From the rulers?

Why would I have to oblige by the rules, of the rulers of any slave plantation?
What do you think you are to decide this. A ruler?

FYI I'm not a slave I'm an anarchist I have no rulers.

You can not tell me what rules I have to oblige with, or that I am a slave and therefor have to oblige by rules of someone else, you are not my ruler.

Edit; I'm not a follower of DV or defending him, I just had to point out how your argument makes no sense at all if you are an anarchist.

The great majority of them don’t even realize that the civil war had absolutely nothing to do with slavery.

I swear - if you wouldn't write stupid things like that, you'd likely get more support for anarchism.

What historical record are you basing that statement on? Please tell me you didn't simply pick this up from that charlatan, Di Lorenzo.

the emancipation proclamation? - not even issued till AFTER the war have been raging for 6 months?

Lincoln stating if the union could come together without the freeing of any slaves whatsoever, he would do it?
.....Just sayin'

The timing of the Emancipation Proclamation is irrelevant. It had no impact on the causes of war, because - as you stated - it was issued well after secession and well after the war began.

I was simply highlighting one piece of information relevant to your post, regarding the civil war and slavery being the issue, or not .
This being done retrospectively, after the war had begun, and Lincolns own words vis a vis that slavery wasn't the issue - but keeping the union together was - is (without going deeper), a fair indicator that shows the slavery issue was nothing more than political football.
And not the cause of the war. ( as dollar vigilante's expressed )
While the slaver issue may have contributed to the reason for some states to secede - the actual war was about the secession , not the causes of secession

Sure. The direct cause of warfare for the North/Federal government was the firing on Fort Sumter. But the general reason that brought both sides into inevitable conflict was absolutely and almost entirely the issue of slavery. To deny that is to admit absolute ignorance of historical facts dating from the creation of the United States to seceding states in 1861.

Now we can get into semantics about "causes" or what the war "was about," but I have no desire to do that. The Southern/Confederate states got their panties into a bunch because they thought they were about to lose their "right" to treat people with darker skin as property. That's the historical record and there is overwhelming evidence to corroborate it.

So, when TDV says:

The great majority of them don’t even realize that the civil war had absolutely nothing to do with slavery.

He's not only parroting the idiotic revisionism of charlatan "scholars," but he's demonstrating that he either 1) has no understanding of history himself or 2) has no problem with completely and intentionally misrepresenting it...lying in order to push his agenda.

My point is - you don't need to make a fool of yourself and disseminate factually incorrect information in order to condemn the coercive state and advance anarchist ideals. In fact, when you do that, you only serve to discredit yourself and your philosophy. And since I am an anarchist myself, what he and others say and do under the self-identity of "anarchists" casts a poor light on me and others like me who don't share their ignorant/incorrect views/understanding of historical facts/records.

A nice post, sir.

And yes , I agree with you (and historical fact) about the southern states stressing about their possible sudden reduction in very very cheap labor.

Saying 'it had absolutely nothing' may have been a little....absolute.

There is still value in the statement though - especially for people who know little except what the standard history(channel) says.

Portraying the war as a 'war about slavery' is incorrect, and portraying it as that - simplistically - is simply following the political narrative served up,
at the time.
(in my opinion)

Actually, I would say that is one of the less stupid things in his post. The north didn't give a shit about slavery...it was about money.

Well, I shouldn’t say “nothing”. They get mostly indoctrinated into socialist/communist, anti-capitalist beliefs and a twisted view of “equality.” Being dumbed down from fluoride in the water and an onslaught of propaganda on television programming they then lash out at the current system which they think is capitalist… But is almost completely communist now, for the ills of society.

That on the other hand, is some stupid shit. I dropped out of school because I refuse to go into debt, and I loved it. I studied anthropology and computer science. My 'anti-capitalist' beliefs came much later from traveling to places that have been socially and ecologically ripped apart by attempting to follow our weird industrial mythic religion of PROGRESS . The water is definitely weird...I drink mountain water, I can't stand city water. But schools making people communist?? please!!! That's a load of crap.

The teachers are teaching the gospel of government or else they would not have that job or not even get a job or license that they get from....the state. They only get their license if they teach what the state tells them to teach. That the state is great and the state is good and that without it, all would be chaos and hell.

State schools don't make people into independent, critical thinking human beings who don't need a state. Because it would then make itself obsolete.

Edit (English is not my native language. I don't know if obsolete is the correct word, or that superfluous or dispensable is better, But I guess you know what I mean.)

The key is to not take any of the posted statements literally.

I think the key is to not post wholly inaccurate and really stupid statements.

I suggest you study the issue from direct sources and you will discover dv is right.

I have done that. The historical record is pretty clear. The direct sources refute the claim that slavery was not the defining issue. It's revisionists like Di Lorenzo who try to claim otherwise by ignoring the wealth of evidence.

You're a smart man, Dan. I'm sure you know how to find things like the Annals of Congress and their committee records, secession documents from the states, and transcripts of speeches from the time. And understanding the major divisive issues since the days of the revolution paints a pretty clear picture as well. Slavery was the impetus for the divisions and eventual secession, which led to the war.

Acknowledging and understanding this stuff doesn't make you less libertarian or not anarchist. It just makes your comprehension of the historical record accurate. Yes, the federal government is coercive and immoral. No, the Confederate governments were not trying to protect freedoms/rights. You don't have to be revisionist in order to demonize one or the other. They both suck/sucked.

fluoride in the water is to prevent tooth decay. it doesn't make people dumb, they're just dumb to begin with.

Maybe you should question the source of your information

There is copious evidence that fluoridated water prevents tooth decay.

There is no evidence that fluoridated water alters brain function.


Muh pineal gland!

Muh third eye!

How much of it have you drunk?

Some of them are even dumb enough to believe that fluoride is in the water for tooth decay.

It isn't...


what hard evidence do you have?

I have lots of very easy evidence on the page I just linked to, but if you want hard, fluoride is not for you, it's about the easiest subject known to man - maybe you should stick to porn for hard...

Sorry, there was no evidence on the page you linked to.

Moms gonna fix it all soon. Moms coming round to put it back the way it ought to be. #learntoswim.

America is now like a combination of South Park and Idiocracy...

Truly one of the best articles I've read in a long time. Lies about slavery have destroyed our nation and the brainwashing has dumbed the average person down beyond belief. All you have to do is read historical documents to uncover the truth. The truth that the north wanted ultimate power and Robert E Lee was not a slave owner and actually believed slavery would destroy our nation. I was born southern. We are the most loving and hospitable people u will find. Remember katrina? We helped each other no matter race or ethnicity. Yet our own government couldnt even get us water and murdered so many innocent people.
Thanks for the great post

I'm from the South now in TX. The war was about the fact the South had their own currency, set up their own banking system backed by gold, and they were tired of paying huge taxes. They wanted to sucede from the USA gov. word got out what the South was up to and the gov. attacked the South. The devastation done to the people in the South was nearly genocide. Lincoln was hated for attacking his own people, so he used the story of we went to war to free the slaves which was a very small number.
Does anyone see a pattern here? Regime change. The set up for the Federal Reserve....

Good post.
Things are getting super crazy here. Both extremist groups are growing. Causing more and more violence and agitation.

The smart anarchist and libertarian are left in the middle.

Im not sure where it's going but it has the potential to explode.

Thanks Jeff - another thought provoking post. I have always prided myself on the fact that I always vote in elections as I was brought up that people died for this right. For the first time in my life I begin to see this in a new context as in voting I am legitimising democracy and reproclaiming my agreement that the powers that be can continue their sway over me. I have thought for a long time that taxes were state theft but recently I have had many more revelations about modern society. I had not heard of fasces until this post or heard of Larken Rose - so thank you for peeling back another veil of deception from my belief system.
I long for small or even no government but wonder if the void left behind would always be filled up again by some communal organisation signing collective authority away to others against an individual's wishes...

"we now have black people who were never slaves fighting white people who were never Nazis over a confederate statue erected by democrats and blaming it all on Trump."

Could there be a more succinct and accurate summary of the situation?

Me personally.. i think we have a good system.

Its a mix of capitalism and communism, and probably some anarchy thrown in.

We have free trade, yet someone who can't work is taken care off. (Here in Australia anyhow, i hear its not as good in the US)

In most western countries.. there is welfare.. counseling.. AA groups.. free clinics.. charities.. there is alot of help. Tax money is taken from the rich and given to the poor, albeit not very efficiently.

We have socialism.. to some degree.

I feel the true problem is simply corruption.. something that has been happening since the dawn of man.

Lobbyist influence politicians and get them to create laws which only benefit the company doing the lobbying. The politicians get paid bribes.. given cruisy do nothing jobs jobs or sit on boards and earn multi million dollar salaries for "advising"

I know of many, many examples where a law has been changed by a politician and there friends make money. Happens all the time.. why do you think we have so many stupid laws.. someone is always earning a buck.

Same deal as federal reserve.. what a nice little insider deal that was.

What if we had.. some sort of open public ledger which recorded transactions and new laws being made.. what if people could vote on this.

What if.. we actually had the will of the people making the new laws?

That's what we are told we have.. what if we actually had it?

I think that's all we need.. to stamp out corruption some how..

Yeah, I feel somewhat similar and agree corruption is one of the key issues. There is no question Statism has become toxic but I'm not necessarily convinced that States are doomed to be evil. It's The Archons who rule the States that are causing the problems and they are corrupt.

Yes , I agree with most of what you say, and in third world countries like mine, corruption, even though I don't know if it is worse, is certainly more visible.

But, why does corruption happen? Is it because people are bad and we need more transparency, or is it because most of our laws violate the natural order of things?

Is it more common for a homicide detective to take a bribe or for a narcotics agent? Ask yourself why!

A voluntary society can take care of the poor more efficiently, provide health care that is more affordable and it would not perpetuate so many institutional injustices.

We have a good system? Tell that to the millions imprisoned in the U.S. alone!

I think he was referring to his experience in Australia. Canada is also not as terrible​ as the U.S., but it is a corporate oligarchy.

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